Eighth Crown

Chapter 978: Its name is [Grand Time Temple]!

Before the Great Holy Grail.

The two stood opposite each other, and the atmosphere in the air was unprecedentedly chilling.

Liu Xia stared coldly at the silver-haired youth on the opposite side. Although his face was not obvious, he remained vigilant in his heart.

The crowned heroic spirit, even if it does not appear in the world as the crowned spirit base, still enjoys the title of crowning.

Moreover, Solomon has the clairvoyance that can see through all the past and the future, and maybe he is already ready to face the trump card of this scene at this time.

Although Liu Xia is very confident in her own strength, she will never underestimate the opponent, and she even maintains the highest level of vigilance when facing an enemy of the level of Seshoin Kiara back then.

However, even so, he also has the ability to directly destroy the Great Holy Grail, so he is still very confident.


Solomon was silent for a while, and those golden eyes flickered for a while, as if seeing through Liu Xia's thoughts.

"Indeed, it is indeed a good card to directly destroy the Great Holy Grail. However, knowing your trump card, it is impossible for me not to take precautions."

Couldn't hide it from him.

Liu Xia secretly said in her heart.

However, what kind of defense is he talking about...?

"...mate...sorry, I was entangled here!"

The intermittent voice of the magic dragon burst into Liu Xia's mind very suddenly, and she said angrily: "There is a snake-like monster here, she is blocking me, not letting me out!"


Got entangled?

A monster like a snake... If you say that in this Holy Grail War, the only person who can be related to snakes is Gorgon, right?

"Mato Sakura is another little Holy Grail, so it has the power to collect the souls of followers, but even so, in this Holy Grail War, only the souls of two followers have been collected so far."

As if seeing through Liuxia's thoughts, Solomon took the initiative to explain, "I freed her function as the Little Holy Grail, and put the souls of Gorgon and Cursewrist Hassan into the Great Holy Grail, and then nothing will happen after that. Do you need me to explain too much?"

The interior of the Great Holy Grail is constructed with the third magic, and it is a special space where the soul can live like the body.

In that, whether it is a dragon or a Gorgon, it can act like a Servant.

The demon dragon that entered that became able to absorb the evil of this world that had polluted the Great Holy Grail.

And Gorgon, who was put there, naturally became able to stop the dragon.

Liu Xia didn't know who was stronger or weaker between the two at their peak, but at the moment they were only equal in strength. If Gorgon really entangled the magic dragon, it would be difficult for the magic dragon to carry out activities smoothly. .

As for the curse wrist Hassan, the gift, don't need to pay attention.

As expected of Solomon, no matter what preparations Liu Xia made, he could take precautions and be alert in advance.

"It just so happens that Gorgon is not a Servant summoned by Matou Sakura."

Solomon continued to explain, "If there is no accident, what Matou Sakura summoned should be Medusa, the third daughter of the invisible island before she became Gorgon."

"But because of your intervention, because you let the nameless Dragon Emperor enter the Great Holy Grail to absorb the evil of this world, the holder of the curse felt panic and anger about it, so he secretly manipulated the summoning process and let her summon the A very special Servant like Avenger."

Is that so?

The holder of this world's evil, I remember correctly, should be called Angola Manuel.

Because the dragon's behavior of absorbing the evil of this world made him feel fear and anger, so he interfered with Matou Sakura's summoning and let her summon Gorgon?

Liu Xia had wondered why Avenger would be summoned in this Holy Grail War, and he was still that demonic god, but now that he thought about it, the reason was actually his own.

If it was the Great Holy Grail, it might indeed have the ability to summon a demonic god.

Thinking about it carefully, Gorgon, who had just been summoned at that time, should have been dormant under the instructions of Angora Mainu, waiting for the opportunity, and then taking the opportunity to kill Liuxia, so as to expel the dragon.

But I didn't expect that Gorgon was too weak and was killed at the beginning. Instead, Caster, who was accidentally summoned, was always supporting the scene. I don't know how Angola Manuel felt.

"The inside of the Great Holy Grail is the world of Angola Manuel. In other words, it is the most suitable stage for Gorgon to play. It is impossible for your Dragon Emperor to get rid of Gorgon in a short time." Solomon said.


Even Liu Xia can only say that she is beautiful.

The means of flipping the table was temporarily guarded by Solomon.

As long as he wins and loses with Liu Xia during this period of time, everything will be a foregone conclusion, and it doesn't matter whether he can turn the table or not.

"In the final analysis, it still depends on the hard power of both sides."

As Liu Xia said this, she wielded a pair of knives in her hands. The blade was swung out, and the tip of the blade pointed directly at Solomon on the opposite side.

"Go ahead, let me see how strong the champion heroic spirit is."

This is the real final battle.

"I think so too."

Solomon stretched out his hands, arms outstretched like arms.

"Then, let me entertain you, go to the realm of unifying space and isolating time, which is the depths of the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, that is, where my temple is located."

"Appear, my second Noble Phantasm! The time has come to wear the crown, and enlighten all with this—! ArsPaulina—!"

At that moment.

Everything in front of him was distorted.

It was the advent of a real different world, as if from the depths of a world that did not exist, a comet-like tail of light came out from the end of time and space with jaw-dropping power.

That is the inherent enchantment.

The great magic that erodes the existing world with the scenery of the mind is an undoubted great forbidden spell even in the world of magicians. As the king of the magic world, Solomon naturally summoned his own inherent enchantment.

This inherent barrier emerged from the depths of the imaginary number, turned into a dazzling light, and absorbed the only two people left in the underground void.

Liu Xia only felt that the world was spinning for a while, as if the concept of space had disappeared from the side.

When he stepped on the ground again, the scenery in front of him had already undergone tremendous changes.

This is a veritable temple.

In front of him is a huge stone door, as if it were the entrance to the temple.

At the foot is a continuous suspended stone bridge, which is divided into two fork roads not far away, branching off to the left and right, like a ring, surrounding the jade seat in the center of the world.

Whether it is the sky or the earth, it is an endless dark night sky, and the entire temple is like a heavenly palace, floating high in the air.

Lucia stood at the entrance of the temple.

And Solomon sat on the jade seat surrounded by stars like the moon.

The two looked at each other from a distance.

"Welcome to my world, this is a different world located in the depths of the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, and even time and space are completely isolated. Its name is - [Grand Temple of Time]!"

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