Eighth Crown

Chapter 977: The King of Heroes wants to swear (four more!)

After the light disappeared, the world in front of him went from an underground void full of unknowns to a desert in the sky.

The place is full of sand and dust, a breeze blowing, the wind and sand blowing almost fascinates people's eyes, the surrounding is extremely empty, there is no cover, the whole is flat terrain.

"Inherent enchantment...? It's the same old thing again."

Gilgamesh looked around, only seeing the figures of II, Grey, and the King of Conquerors on the opposite side, as well as the Macedonian army in groups behind them.

I didn't see the figures of Liu Xia and Solomon. It was obvious that the King of Conqueror had left them outside, and the opposite side was obviously planning to deal with him by himself.

"Why, don't you know that this king has brought back the strongest Noble Phantasm?"

Gilgamesh raised his head proudly, and stretched out his hand with full leeway. With the gathering of golden particles, a sword that could hardly be called a sword was formed in the palm of his hand.

Its sword body is a pitch-black cylindrical shape, surrounded by scarlet lines, divided into three parts, upper, middle and lower, as if it symbolizes the three-layer world opened up by heaven and earth. Accompanied by dark blue paint.

It is a weapon that cannot be expressed in words.

If I have to say it, it should be the early days of the concept of weapons, symbolizing the existence of the concept of "sword".

In other words, it is the oldest "sword" of human beings and the first "sword" in the world!

"What has already happened once, and repeating it again is not a clever revenge... Forget it, let's get rid of you quickly, this king has to teach that sinner a lesson."

Gilgamesh accepts the King of Conqueror's revenge, but his arrogance apparently doesn't take his revenge seriously.

After all, this is exactly the same unfolding as last time, like history repeating itself.

But since it's a repeat, it can't change anyway, and the ending is already doomed.

"Come on, wake up! EA! Come face off against your old rivals from the past!"

The King of Heroes raised the sword in his hand high, and roared proudly from his mouth.

At the same time, the scarlet lines on the sword body suddenly flashed, and the three-section sword body gradually turned in the opposite direction, so that the wind pressure was gradually released from the sword body.


Just as he was about to release the Noble Phantasm's true name, Gilgamesh suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed.


An azure light burst out from the edge of the world, and the breath spanned a distance of thousands of meters, as if it was a natural disaster bred from an angry world, bombarding in the direction of Gilgamesh.

The ray of light was hidden in the wind and sand in the sky at first, making Gilgamesh unable to guard against it. When he arrogantly posed and raised his sword in a leisurely manner, the ray of light had already come to him.


The earth explodes!

Howling wind!

Under the collision of the light and the earth, the earth was torn into two halves, and the wind and sand also turned into tornadoes and swept up, flying all over the sky.


Before the azure light beam approached his body, Gilgamesh dodged to the side and avoided the blow in time. Just as he was about to scold, the wind filled his mouth with sand.

The King of Heroes, who was poured into a mouthful of sand, made it even more difficult to liberate the Noble Phantasm.

"The holy spear pulls its anchor—! Rhongo—myniad—!!"

Before he could squirt the sand out of his mouth, the girl's heart-pounding blow also came to him.

A huge spear of light fell from the sky and bombarded Gilgamesh straight!


No way, flash again.


Not far away, a Tyrannosaurus rex with a total length of more than 20 meters roared, lined up from the army, and spit out a huge fireball that bombarded him.

Nearer, a synthetic beast Chimera with a body length of more than five meters, and a three-headed devil dog with a height of more than three meters, all stared at him, each roaring and charging towards him.

This is the help from Liuxia's friendship.

There is no other meaning, it is to use more people to bully others, to interrupt him as much as possible, so that he has no chance to make more moves.

"Hahaha! Although it lacks the refreshing feeling of a head-on collision, it's not bad!"

Iskandar rode on a tall horse with dark and beautiful hair. Seeing this, he burst into laughter, and his words were full of joy.

Si Shi sat in front of him, his thin body could only be squeezed into the chest of the conqueror, and he was so excited when he saw it.

Although the means are not very bright, but revenge is not so important, it is enough to see that golden glittering embarrassed appearance!

"It's coming, my compatriots!"

Iskandar raised the dagger in his hand and roared at the army behind him.

"The enemy is the oldest king of heroes of mankind. No matter how funny he looks, he can't be underestimated! But don't be timid, I'm with you! Destroy him! Ah, lah, lah, lah-!!!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

"Come on—!!"


Behind him, tens of thousands of Macedonian soldiers and monsters borrowed from Liuxia, under his leadership, let out a roar that shook the world, and then turned into a torrent of soldiers, rushing towards the opposite side with blood boiling. past.



Among those soldiers, if you are sharp-eyed, you can find that the weapons each soldier is holding are not their own weapons, but pieces of treasures shining with golden light.

Impressively, each piece was a weapon taken from the king's treasure and distributed to the soldiers to fight.

It was not Liu Xia's friendly support, but the King of Conqueror, after seeing the innumerable Noble Phantasms in the King's Treasure, was really itching and asked him to come.

Anyway, it can be easily recovered afterwards, so Liu Xia agreed indifferently.

Gilgamesh struggled to dodge under the tide-like siege, while his face was blue as he watched the soldiers wield his weapons and use them to slash him!

Although under Solomon's intervention, his mental state was getting closer to old age, so he wisely chose to take back the Deviance Sword and the Heavenly Lock, which were more beneficial to the battle, and temporarily gave up the king's treasure, but he is still a young man in essence. ,so--

The King of Heroes wants to swear!

But it can't explode. Once it explodes, it will be filled with sand and sand, and it will be impossible to liberate the Noble Phantasm.

very angry.


outside world.

In the underground void.

After all the people around him disappeared.

Only Lucia and Solomon were left here, facing each other.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't really matter whether the battles in other places are won or lost, because the two people here, no matter which one has the level of combat effectiveness, the winning or losing between the two truly determines the direction of the battle.

And now, this decisive battle that truly decides the direction of the battle is about to break out!

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