Eighth Crown

Chapter 956: Dark King Arthur

Exactly how Gorgon got in is not known for the time being.

But now, the last Servant in the true sense of the Holy Grail War has appeared in front of them.

"Isn't the number of Command Spells wrong?"

Tohsaka Rin thought about it, "Even if the number of followers is wrong, the number of masters must be correct. There can only be seven masters, and there is no possibility of an eighth... Could it be that Sakura's Command Spell is quilted?"

Under normal circumstances, there can only be seven sets of Command Spells, so there can only be seven Masters, and this eighth Servant must have been summoned by using the remaining Command Spells from a certain set.

Although there were already seven Servants before, the seventh cavalry that should be there has not appeared, so even now, there is the possibility of summoning the last Servant.

But in this case, the person who kidnapped Sakura only summoned the real Assassin after he took away Sakura's Command Spell, and it should have happened within an hour.

"This place is very narrow. If he insists on blocking it, we cannot move forward."

The red Archer raised the black and white knives projected in his hand, staring at the figure in front of him coldly, "Knock him down first!"

God is pitiful, finally there is a Servant he can beat!

This year's Holy Grail War has already deteriorated to an unknown extent. The ghost knows how so many monsters appeared. Each of them is terrifyingly strong, and he basically can't beat one of them.

Finally, at the final stage of the Holy Grail War, a second-rate Servant who was not very strong in frontal combat appeared.

Although most of his memories are lost with the passage of time, when he sees things in the past, he can still recall things in the past in a stressful way.

That Servant's real name is Cursed Arm Hassan, and his assassination technique is very strong. If he is not careful, even he may be turned over by the wind.

But above this empty Cambridge, there is no room for assassination at all, and only head-on battles can be fought. The other party should also know this and show himself.

But in this way, his greatest advantage is gone.

For him who is good at frontal combat, he has the confidence to win when facing this Servant!


A loud bang suddenly came.

At the same time, the Bridge of Giant Swords under everyone's feet shook violently.

A large number of cracks spread from the direction of the castle and quickly extended to the feet of everyone, causing the four people here to change their expressions.

"Boom! Crack-!!!"

With the sound of steel being torn apart, the entire huge Cambridge Bridge broke off directly from the other end.

The Servant whose real name is Cursedwrist Hassan retreated and quickly returned to the city wall.

However, the four people here suddenly stepped on the air as if the ground had collapsed, and their bodies fell uncontrollably downward.

Below is a sea of ​​black mud, an endless curse.

Once you fall into it, it is by no means easy to break free.


At the critical moment, Lancer was in mid-air, and quickly summoned the steed Dong Stallion.

She turned over and sat on the horse, and the horse immediately stepped into the void and flew in the direction of Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou.

After coming to the two of them, Lancer stretched out his hands and pulled the two of them from left to right, preventing them from falling.


Tohsaka Rin came back to his senses and breathed a sigh of relief, then hurriedly looked in Archer's direction, looking nervous.

Time is limited, Lancer has no way to save everyone, Archer can only fall down alone.

The sea of ​​​​curses is a simple collection of curses for Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou. If they grit their teeth, they may survive. For Archer, it is a real danger. Once they fall into it, they will definitely be killed. Pollution devours!


But this sudden disaster did not stumped him. The Archer projected a broad sword in midair and threw it into the black mud with a bang, leaving only the hilt above the water.

Then he rolled over in the air, and stood on the hilt of the sword with a very handsome one foot, avoiding the ending of falling into the sea of ​​​​curse.

Seeing that everyone was safe, Tohsaka Rin breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked in the direction of the city wall.

There must have been someone doing something there just now and blew up the empty shell of the Shanshan Sword, otherwise they would not have fallen from the air——


Tohsaka Rin was completely stunned there.

Emiya Shirou on the other side also stared blankly at the direction of the city wall.

There, a figure appeared that made them both familiar and unfamiliar.

petite body.

Steel armor.

Holding a long sword in his hand.

The awe-inspiring figure is still full of courage.

It's just that the dark blue long skirt and silver armor that were originally all turned into a pitch-black color at this moment, and there are scarlet lines on the body.

The holy sword that was supposed to shine with divine light in his hand has now turned into a pitch-black magic sword, full of strong demonic aura.

The hair on his head was missing for some reason, and the position of his eyes was covered with a metal blindfold.

The whole body exudes an unimaginable sense of presence, as well as the extreme cold fighting spirit and extreme cold courage, so that no one can ignore it.

Although I couldn't see the exact appearance, the figure and posture were undoubtedly the previous Saber.

"...Is it contaminated?"

Tohsaka Rin bit his lip, his expression complicated and unspeakable.

After facing the imaginary black shadow several times, she has almost guessed its true body, and it was not until she saw Saber in the dark that she really realized how terrifying it was.


The pitch-black Saber had no intention of communicating with them, and raised the pitch-black magic sword in his hand, and the majestic magic power was suddenly released from the body, forming a pitch-black tens of meters long with a very challenging visual impact. Great sword.

Immediately swept out towards Lancer!

The vibration of the air made people almost unable to open their eyes.

Even the steed with the ability to fly was shaken by the hurricane.

Lancer grabbed the horse's belly without hesitation, and the steed was instantly lifted into the air, avoiding the incoming jet-black giant sword.

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou hung on both sides of her, and they experienced a wave of expensive extreme vertical movement in just a short moment.

"...to actually degenerate to this point?"

The eyes under Lancer's helmet stared directly at the dark other self, his eyes were cold, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, she rode the horse into the sky, and then suddenly fell from the sky.

Seeing this, Black Saber had no intention of holding back, and released seemingly endless magic power from his body, whistling towards her with a huge magic sword.

But Lancer quickly broke through the interference of the black Saber who couldn't fly with his A-rank riding skills, and put Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou on the other side of the city wall.

"Go save that girl Matou Sakura, leave it to me here!"

After putting the two of them down, she didn't say a single word, and rode the horse, charging towards the pitch-black Saber.

There was no hesitation or hesitation in the eyes under the helmet.

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