Eighth Crown

Chapter 955: Red A: I was not bad at all

in the forest.

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou are advancing steadily.

The barrier that was originally erected here, probably because no one was in charge, had disappeared at some point, and it didn't cause any trouble to them, so the two of them moved forward very quickly.

Heroes of the Imperial Palace and Lancer-class King Arthur, at this moment, chose to become a spiritual child and followed them.

The boys and girls each looked tense and walked towards the castle without saying a word.

Although there were various other situations, the worry about Sakura's situation at the moment overwhelmed the other emotions in the two of them, making their hearts heavy.

Rider only told them that they could go to Einzbern Castle to find Sakura in an hour, but didn't say what kind of enemies there would be.

But Tohsaka Rin is very smart.

From Liu Xia's choice to leave Lancer to help instead of letting the two of them go there by themselves, she deduced the fact that "Rider must know that if he wants to get Sakura back, he must fight a fierce battle".

Just when the two were worried, the tall castle in the distance was quickly imprinted into their sight.

They wanted to sneak in quietly from the back of the castle and rescue Sakura first, but the huge vision at the gate of the castle made them stop.

"……what is that?"

Tohsaka Rin only felt his voice tremble.

At the entrance of the castle, there is a sea of ​​curses filled with thick ominousness, like a dark ocean of muddy water covering the surrounding of the castle, making people prohibitive.

That is a genuine ocean, all composed of formed curses, that weight of curses, let alone ordinary people, even great magicians will be cursed and killed by it.

Considering that it was a curse that flowed from the inside of the Great Holy Grail, if a Servant touched a single point, they would be in danger of being polluted.

"In this case, there is no way to go inside the castle!"

Tohsaka Rin looked at the sea of ​​curses in front of him and gritted his teeth.

"Archer, Lancer! Is there anything you can do to get us into the castle?"

The dark sea of ​​curses surrounded the castle, leaving no gaps. Even the interior of the castle seemed to be soaked in black mud-like substances, and there was no place to stay.

"My East Stallion can fly into the sky and should be able to cross that black sea."

Lancer appeared beside the two of them, looked at the Black Sea in the distance, and pondered: "But I'm afraid it will take two round trips to send you all in."

If there are any enemies inside, it would be bad if the troops were divided into two groups.

"If that's the case, then let me come."

Archer also appeared on the side, looking at the wide sea of ​​black mud in the distance, and stepped forward.

Under the surprised gazes of the other three, he estimated the distance between the two sides, and then silently closed his eyes.

"—Traceon (projection begins)!"

As the incantation was chanted, several pieces of sword rain suddenly fell from the sky in front of him, hitting one huge nail after another on the sea of ​​black mud.


Immediately, a giant sword that was at least tens of meters long and looked like a double-edged broadsword, suddenly fell from the sky, and was erected on the nails, forming a sword-shaped long bridge.

One end of the bridge was at the feet of everyone, and the other end fell on the wall of the opposite castle under the rumbling sound, perfectly avoiding the black mud ocean below.

"I'm amazed, Archer, do you still have this skill!"

Tohsaka Rin couldn't help covering his open mouth, looking at Archer with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"I hope you don't underestimate me too much, Rin."

Hearing this, Archer couldn't help showing a helpless look, "I wasn't bad at all, but there are too many unexpected characters in this Holy Grail War..."

That's right, it was really unexpected. It was so different from what he experienced in his lifetime, so much so that he almost didn't recognize it.

"Is that giant sword the God-made weapon commonly known as [Shanshan Sword] in Sumerian mythology?"

Even Lancer couldn't help but cast a surprised look at him, obviously refreshing his understanding of him.

"Don't flatter me too much, I haven't been able to reproduce that kind of Noble Phantasm."

Archer shrugged, spread his hands and said, "That's just a superficial thing at best, although it can't be seen from the outside, it's actually an empty shell inside, but it still has quality, and it's just a clever idea when it's used as a bridge, okay. Now, let's go!"

Emiya Shirou looked at the huge divine sword not far away, and his eyes could not help but become a little dazed.

For some reason, he felt as if he could understand the structure of that sword... Was it his illusion?

The few people didn't stay here for long, and soon set foot on the Cambridge made by Archer, rushing towards the direction of the castle.

However, along with a few people stepping onto this Cambridge, at the other end of the bridge, there seemed to be a figure who took the initiative to greet him.

"It turns out that, I didn't expect there is such an unprecedented method of invasion, which is admirable."

It was a figure whose whole body was covered in a worn black cloak, with a mask of bones on his face, and several knives as weapons in his hands.

"But the road made by this method is too much movement, and anyone can detect it!"

Accompanied by the sound, several silver knives slashed through the cold light in mid-air, attacking in the direction of Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou respectively.



The moment he appeared, Archer and Lancer respectively sensed his attack, quickly blocked in front of them, raised their weapons, and knocked the attacking knife out.

"that is……?"

Tohsaka Rin's eyes fell on the other party for the first time, and activated the master privilege.

Class: Assassin

real name:--

【Ability value】

Muscle strength: B

Durability: C

Agility: A

Magic: C


Noble Phantasm: C


"A Servant of Assassin?"

Tohsaka Rin suddenly stood up in astonishment, "Wait a minute, the number of Servants doesn't match at all! Isn't it a Servant left over from last time?"

"No, that's probably the real Assassin."

Hearing this, Lancer speculated thoughtfully.

"Theoretically, although there are seven Servants summoned this time, the Basilisk Gorgon summoned by the girl Matou Sakura is actually a Servant of the Avenger class, according to Rider. Say, the real Assassin never showed up!"

Sword rank King Arthur, bow rank Heroes guard palace, spear rank King Arthur, riding rank is disguised by Liu Xia, skill rank is Solomon, mad rank is Hercules.

The last ride was Gorgon the Avenger, in other words, the Kill Order never appeared.

In theory, this is the real last ride, and Gorgon is the one who got in.

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