Eighth Crown

Chapter 871: just bad luck

"Order with the First Command Charm!"

Incomparably abrupt, from behind Vlad III came the hysterical roar of Danick.

"My Familiar, immediately release the second Noble Phantasm [Inheritance of Blood]!"

Looking at the sound, the look on Danick's face became extremely ferocious, the corners of his eyes were drawn long, his expression became very gloomy, and he raised his left hand to show the three stroke Command Spell.

As his voice came, the first Command Spell disappeared from his hand, turned into pure magic power, and wrapped around Vlad III's body.

"Danick-!! You bastard!"

Vlad III's complexion suddenly changed, and the look in Danny's eyes became unusually shocked and angry.

But under the effect of the Command Spell, his body has undergone uncontrollable changes.

The golden pupils instantly turned blood red and bulged outwards, the teeth in the mouth grew wildly, becoming ferocious like a vampire, and the violent **** aura was released from his whole body.

"Danek! You idiot! You know that Yu hates this gesture, yet you dare to do such a thing?!"

Despite the constant struggle, Vlad III, who was unable to resist the Command Spell, gradually turned into an alien figure.

Seeing that his body became extremely ugly, he cast a frightened and angry look at Danny, and the murderous intent in his eyes emerged undisguised.

"It's you who's stupid! You're just a mere fascist, don't put your nose on your face!"

A twisted smile appeared on Danic's face.

"This is my purpose. You will exist as my puppet from now on. Ordered by the Second Command Spell, my demon! I will definitely take back the Great Holy Grail and win the Holy Grail War!"

Danny is a standard magician. As a creature like a magician, he is even a little too good. He perfectly fits all the ethics of a magician and will do anything to achieve his goals.

The respect for Vlad III and Liu Xia was just to appease and use the appearances made by the two of them. In his bones, he still regarded them as familiar demons who were deliberately and arbitrarily driven.

Now it's just finally revealing his true nature.

"You bastard!!!"

Another Command Spell acted on him, Vlad III was already furious, completely abandoned the opposite Liu Xia, turned to look at Dani, and raised his hand that turned into a sharp beast claws. Nick kills directly.

In addition to his side as the king of Romania, Vlad III has a fictional invisible side that is famous all over the world.

That is the vampire - "Dracula".

The famous Irish writer Bram Stoker in the 19th century used the widely feared Vlad III as the prototype when he wrote the famous vampire-themed novel "Dracula". Created the famous vampire character Dracula, and made him stigmatized as a vampire.

For the heroic spirit, even if it does not exist at all, it is just a posture in people's imagination, but as long as it is widely recognized, this posture will be imposed on the heroic spirit and become a slandered monster posture. the power of.

That's why Semiramis was able to get the Hanging Garden, which she didn't build at all.

And because the image of Dracula is too famous, Vlad III also got this fictional power.

It's just that, as a king, although the means are bloody, but the spirit is high enough, Vlad III is very disgusted with this kind of power obtained because of the stigma that does not exist, so he very much rejects the use of this power.

He had also told Danick about this before, and Danick agreed very respectfully, but until now, this guy has changed his mind.

When he saw that Vlad III had no hope of winning at all, Danick used the Command Spell without hesitation, forcing Vlad III to use the power of vampires, which is the second Noble Phantasm [Inheritance of Blood] ].

Once he uses this Noble Phantasm, Vlad III takes the form of the legendary vampire "Dracula".

Although you will lose part of your sanity because of this, your physical fitness will be greatly enhanced, and you will gain many abilities such as strange power, atomization, animalization, healing power, and charm magic eye, and your strength will not be enhanced a little bit. .

If he takes that form, even if his opponent is that incredibly powerful Saber, he should be able to deal with him, and there is a possibility of defeating and even assimilating him.

Danick imagined that kind of dream in his heart, and when Vlad III raised his hand, intending to crush him with a claws, a triumphant smile appeared on his face, and he raised his hand again.

"Ordered by the Third Command Spell, Vlad III, to engrave my existence and obsession into your soul—"

Danny is very good at studying human souls. With the blessing of the Command Spell, he can even fuse his own soul with the maddened Vlad III, so that he can live in disguise. This is what he counts. ten years of research.

The reason why his appearance is so young is because he has changed three bodies in the past, using the body of a baby every time, his soul can easily swallow the soul without self, and then live for such a long time.

And now, he plans to use this technique on Vlad III.

"My Familiar, engrave my existence and obsession into your soul, and fulfill the long-cherished wish of my Yog Domirenian clan—ga?!"



A blade pierced into the heart of Vlad III, who rushed towards Danick, and the tip of the blade came out through his body, and even nearly handed it to Danick.

The smile on Danny's face suddenly stiffened, and the unspoken words also choked in his throat, causing him to make a goose chirping.

"When I am dead?"

Liu Xia took out the He Dao, dried the blood stained on the blade, looked at the two people in front of him, and laughed without wavering.

When Vlad III was completely engulfed by anger, Liu Xia also used a blow that was close to a sneak attack.

Vlad III was stunned for a moment, his anger disappeared from his face, and he looked down at the wound on his chest.

He is a vampire. After atomization, he can neutralize any physical attack and has a very strong healing ability. Even if he has the weakness of spiritual core because of his body, ordinary people cannot capture the spiritual core of this undead creature. Eternal life is no different.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to kill him if he doesn't use a remedy against his weakness, such as baptism chant or sunlight.

But the Demon Eye of Straight Death obviously doesn't care about this.

"You're just out of luck."

Liu Xia withdrew the He Dao in his hand, raised his hand and threw a flame, covering the unexpected Danic into the sea of ​​flames. In his screams, he made a final declaration to Vlad III.

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