Eighth Crown

Chapter 870: Command Spell to use the second Noble Phantasm! (3/3)

on the flyover.

Danny suddenly stopped moving forward, looking at the Command Spell left on his right hand, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

"What's the matter, Danic?"

Vlad III noticed his abnormality and turned to look at him.

"...Yes, King."

Danick reluctantly raised his face that had become extremely gloomy, unable to maintain a respectful appearance.

"Just now, my contract with Saber suddenly broke without any warning."

At present, Saber is Black's strongest trump card. As long as he is there, there is still the possibility of regaining the Great Holy Grail. Once he is gone, it becomes almost impossible to regain the Great Holy Grail.

"Saber's strength is so strong that it makes people tremble, and he shouldn't die suddenly."

When Vlad III heard the words, he also felt the seriousness of the matter and frowned.

"Could it be that the Master has changed?"

There are generally two possibilities for the contract to break. One is that the Servant dies, without the object of the contract, the contract will of course disappear, and the other is that the Servant's Master has changed.

In fact, there is also a possibility that the Servant unilaterally cut off the contract, but in that case, the Servant will lose the supply of magic power and disappear on the spot, so under normal circumstances, the Servant will not do this.

In Vlad III's eyes, Liu Xia couldn't die easily, and in terms of possibility, of course, he felt that the second was bigger.

If the Master really changed, the current situation would be even more difficult.


next moment.

A space-shifting magic circle spread out in front of the two of them abruptly, causing the two of them to be vigilant and looked in the direction of the magic circle.

Immediately afterwards, from the magic circle, a figure who was expected, but beyond reason, walked out.

The one who came out of it was naturally a young man with a demonic appearance, Liu Xia.

"Saber, you...!"

Danny's face suddenly seemed to be overturned, full of disbelief.

"Did you really betray us?"

Surprise, regret, anger and other emotions filled his chest, to name a few.

He regarded Liu Xia as the hope of regaining the Great Holy Grail, but he did not expect that he would become someone else's Servant in a short while when he entered this sky garden.

"What's surprising?"

The expression on Lucia's face was very calm.

"Didn't you also betray Gold and stole his Command Spell to become my Master? Don't say you didn't do it, there are no idiots here."

Danick choked for a moment, his face choked to the color of pig liver, and he didn't know what to say if he wanted to refute.

Gold was indeed beaten by him when Amakusa Shirou sneaked into Mirenia Fortress, and it was indeed he who robbed Gold's Command Spell, of course, because he fell in love with Liuxia, who was too strong. follower.

Therefore, he had no position at all to scold Liu Xia for his mutiny.

Among the three present, Liuxia and Vlad III were both smart people. They had already seen through the nature of Danick, but for the sake of him being the Master, always respectful, and knowing how to please them, Nothing was said.

"Indeed, Danic has no position to accuse you."

After Danny was silent, Vlad III suddenly spoke up, his eyes were extremely cold.

"However, Saber, this is not a position, but a matter of mood. Yu hates traitors very much!"

Vlad III, also known as the Impaler, killed more than 100,000 people with wooden stakes in his life.

Although it has been pointed out in later generations that there are many fabricated desires and crimes, in essence, he is indeed a very **** king. Although there are enemies who have invaded their homes, many of those who were stabbed to death by him are also within the borders of the country. own people.

Most of the people he killed were traitors, or nobles who committed rebellion, and he had zero tolerance for traitors.

"Then come and pierce me as a traitor."

Liu Xia Ling's double knives materialized in his hands, and continued in his mouth.

"However, I have to remind you that after you entered the sky garden, you haven't experienced a battle yet, so you didn't realize it. This sky garden is the domain of the Servants of the Red Square. In other words, that is to say, This is not Romania, you don't get the slightest reputation bonus."


When Vlad III heard the words, his pupils shrank immediately.

For him, this news was like a bolt from the blue.

The reason why he can have the current strength is basically relying on the powerful popularity bonus. In his own territory, he can barely reach the extraordinary strength under the condition of [National Protector Ghost General] and the popularity bonus. degree.

Once the popularity bonus is lost—


Before the thoughts in his mind flashed, Liu Xia had already stepped on the ground, and with a terrifying speed, he raised his knife and slashed towards him.


Vlad III quickly raised the silver spear in his hand and blocked it in front of him, blocking Liuxia's blow.

But he just took the blow, and his color suddenly changed, and the hands holding the spear felt paralyzed like an electric shock.

He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


After the two knives were blocked, Liu Xia turned around unceremoniously, and swept out with a whip, hitting Vlad III's waist and abdomen, and kicked him out.

Vlad III was hit by this kick, his throat suddenly became sweet, his whole body was churning with qi and blood, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and it took a long time to suppress it.

Seeing that he fell to the edge of the overpass, he hurriedly stuck the spear in his hand on the ground, barely stopping the castration.

"That's right, my strength has indeed dropped significantly...!"

Vlad III suddenly jumped in his heart, realizing that what Liu Xia said before was true.

Although he knew that Liu Xia was very strong, but he believed that he was able to do dozens of tricks with Liu Xia, even for a few minutes.

But now, after the real fight, he realized that Liu Xia's attack was so dazzling in his eyes, and his power had reached such a terrifying level.

As soon as they fought, he was kicked out.

If we fight again, let alone ten moves, he may not be able to take five moves.

"Damn, is this the end?"

Vlad III sighed in his heart.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity of his appearance this time to use the Great Holy Grail to erase the notoriety that he should not bear, but he didn't expect things to develop to this stage.

"No way, although it's a pity, but at least dying under this guy's hands will not disgrace my name!"

Vlad III already had the will to die in his heart.

He raised his head resolutely, and clenched the long spear in his hand, intending to launch a final impact on Liu Xia.

He actually has another Noble Phantasm, but to kill him, he will never use that filthy power——

"Order with a Command Spell! My Familiar, immediately release the second Noble Phantasm [Blood Heritage]!"

But this moment.

From behind him, there was Danny's almost hysterical growl.

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