Eighth Crown

Chapter 856: Chasing the Hanging Garden

The night passed, and the time came to the fifth day of this Holy Grail War.


In the dense forest outside the fortress, the demon dragon stretched out its body, its huge wings almost covering the sky, and then it raised its head to the sky and let out a comfortable roar.

Liu Xia stood beside the demon dragon, next to the holy girl Joan of Arc holding a flag, and not far away were Danic and Chiron who were saying goodbye to Fiore and the others.

It was the end of the morning, and the sunrise was about to come.

"Hmph, I used to be the Dragon Emperor who ruled the world anyway, buddy, you actually let a bunch of assorted guys ride my body at will?"

The demon dragon protested against Liu Xia through the soul contract, and exhaled a scorching breath between the nostrils.

"To be precise, it's Feilong's body, not yours."

Liu Xia said indifferently: "If you don't want to, you can return to my body first. After I control the flying dragon's body to land on the sky garden, it will not be too late for you to come out."

"That's not necessary."

The magic dragon sighed and turned his head, "Those heroic spirits don't seem to be ordinary people, let me take them for a ride, but I have no objection, that mere magician dares to climb on my back, hum, for a while Gotta give him some color to see!"

Liu Xia was noncommittal, and she liked such trivial matters.

During the exchange between the two, Chiron and the others were also ready to go and came to Liu Xia.

"Come up."

Liu Xia jumped on the back of the dragon first, followed by Joan of Arc, Chiron and other servants. Danick flew up through the floating magic and landed at the end.


The magic dragon suddenly let out a low roar, the majestic dragon's might silenced the surrounding half a kilometer, and then suddenly raised its wings, the airflow gathered under it, and sent her whole body to the sky.

On the ground, Fiore, Coles, and Serenike looked up at the demon dragon in the sky, with expressions of worry, anticipation, etc., watching the dragon go away.



"Saber, according to our clan's line of sight, the Sky Garden flew towards the border after taking the Great Holy Grail. It should be fifty kilometers away at the moment."

Danic should have used some kind of magic. He stood firmly on the back of the flying dragon and pointed the direction towards Liu Xia.

Although he doesn't need to say it, Liu Xia can also see through the future.

As the dragon flapped its wings, it avoided the airflow ahead, and flew forward rapidly in the direction given by Liu Xia. Because the airflow was expelled, there was hardly any cold wind on her back.

"Oh! It's amazing! It's fast!"

Astolfo jumped up and down on the back of the flying dragon with great energy. The inertia of rapid flight was nothing to him who had an A+ level ride, but instead shouted with excitement.

Last night, I was relieved by the Master, and the depression of being surrounded by some androids. For him, who has rational evaporation skills and is naturally optimistic, he has almost forgotten about it.

In contrast, Frankenstein was already lying on the ground stably, while trying to keep himself from being thrown down by the terrible inertia, he kept making a "uuuuuu!" protest sound.

Vlad III and Chiron's faces were still calm. One of them had the bonus of land, and the other was a Greek sage. They couldn't even bear this inertia, and Joan of Arc stood silently on the side.

Danny's face was extremely pale. He had lived for nearly a hundred years, but he felt a wave of terror on the back of the flying dragon. If it wasn't for Vlad III pulling him, he might have fallen by now.

At this height, even with his ability, falling down will instantly turn into a photo.

in the sky.

The dragon was flying forward at a high speed close to the speed of sound, and its body was almost swept past. Even if it was extremely huge, it was almost impossible to be captured by people.

Under such a high-speed flight, only five minutes later.

"I see!"

Chiron looked ahead, and when the clairvoyant skill was activated, he soon saw the sky garden slowly flying high in the sky in the distance, and issued a warning sound to several people.

The speed of the sky garden is not fast, it is dozens of times slower than the magic dragon, and the magic dragon can easily catch up with it in just a few minutes.

"If nothing else happens, the Red Rider will definitely come to meet... It's already here, so fast!"

With the sound of Chiron's warning, a green meteor suddenly lit up in the sky in the distance. Then, the meteor pierced the sky at a terrifying speed, and came to the eyes of several people in the blink of an eye. .

"Hahahaha! Did you really catch up!"

The figure of Achilles riding the chariot was printed in the eyes of several people, and at the same time, laughter followed.

"To be able to deal with that big guy, I should really praise you for being great! Next is the fight between you and me, but don't be merciful!"

His laughter was as unrestrained as ever, as if he didn't know what to be afraid of at all, he only knew that he was going forward.

"Arrogant boy! How dare you ignore me!"

Before Liu Xia could react, the demon dragon lit up first. She opened her mouth like a fire, and unceremoniously spit out a dark purgatory breath.

The breath that contained the scorching high temperature took the form of a jet-black flame, and spit out in the direction the chariot came.

"Hahaha! What an impatient dragon!"

Achilles waved the reins and accelerated the chariot further, quickly dodging the dragon's breath, and slammed into the dragon's direction from the side.

"Don't fight him hard."

Liu Xia stepped on the magic dragon under his feet and said, "His chariot speed is higher than yours. No matter how much you attack, you can't cause fatal injuries to him, bypass him and land in the sky garden first."

"Hmph, if I can use magic, this kid..."

The Demon Dragon muttered in a low voice, then abandoned Achilles and his chariot, and flew away in the direction of the sky garden.

The magic dragon itself is a master of magic, and all kinds of advanced magic are readily available, and some magic can even be easily comparable to the Noble Phantasm of the City.

But unfortunately, her magic can only be performed with the help of the power of dragon emperor crystals all over the world, and almost all dragon emperor crystals are in the world of shield bravery.

Now, there is only a piece of Dragon Emperor crystal in Feilong's body. The power of the crystal is completely insufficient, and the power of magic has been reduced by 90%, making it useless at all.

If she could use magic, she was confident that she could crush the half-crippled Achilles into powder, but if there was no such thing in the world, she could only choose to ignore it first, and then make a dispute.



Achilles still wanted to stop the Demon Dragon's footsteps, but as soon as he approached the Demon Dragon, he was smothered by a lot of flaming sword energy and wooden stakes, and had to retreat.

His heel was crushed by Liu Xia. Although the Lord of the Sky Garden could help him heal, he did not recover even 10% of his effort in just one night. Without immortality, he could not easily approach the dragon on his back.

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