Eighth Crown

Chapter 855: The last Rider group (33)

"No, unfortunately, right now I can't be sure if the red side actually committed a violation."

Joan of Arc shook her head, not encouraged by Danick's words, but said calmly: "Except for the matter of taking action against me, in my eyes, there is nothing wrong with Red Fang's actions so far."

"The previous Ruler became the Master of this term, but so what? If he participates in this Holy Grail War as the Master, then I have no reason to stop him."

No one stipulates that the referee who presided over the previous competition cannot become a contestant in the next competition. As long as he does not make a clear violation of the rules, such a change of identity cannot explain anything at all.

The previous Ruler had already received flesh and had been alive for more than 60 years. It would be somewhat inappropriate to look at him from the perspective of a Servant.

Therefore, if this is the only case, if Danick wants to let Joan of Arc judge the violation and disqualification of the red party, and let her use the Command Spell to make the followers of the red party commit suicide, it is obviously not convincing.

Of course, if he participated in the battle as sixteen servants, it would be another matter. As Ruler, it was necessary for her to kick the intruder out of the game.

In the end, she has never seen the other party with her own eyes, and just based on Danick's one-sided words, she wants her to make a judgment. There is no such cheap thing.

"However, there are indeed problems within the Red Party, and there is no doubt about this."

Joan of Arc turned around and said to Danick: "So, I do plan to go to that sky garden next, if possible, please allow me to go with you."

The last time she and Liuxia went to the church on the outskirts of Sighişoara because of Karna's assassination, but when they didn't meet a single Red Master, she confirmed that there was definitely something wrong with the Red.

However, before the question was verified, she couldn't rashly judge that the red team was disqualified, and the privilege of [God's Judgment] could not be used without evidence, so she refused Danik, which was her modesty as a referee.

Therefore, in order to understand the problem, she also needs to go to the sky garden, but because she has no means of flying, she has to use Liu Xia's flying dragon to get there, so she came here.

Not only that, she also saw [Revelation] on her way here and during the war between the two sides.

The so-called [Revelation] is a very special skill.

Functionally similar to intuition, it allows her to find the right choice in all things related to goal achievement.

[Revelation] Tell her that there is indeed a problem within the Red Square, and the root of the problem is a priest who looks like a teenager.

She was puzzled before, but now she is finally convinced that this priest is probably the Ruler of the previous generation, right?

In any case, the question about this Holy Grail War, and the reason why she could not be a Servant and had to come down with her, seemed to be fulfilled by that priest.

Then she has to go to the sky garden no matter what.

"...I see, it is our honor that you are willing to walk with us."

Although Danny was dissatisfied, he still pretended to be a gentleman and smiled at Jeanne, and then he looked at Lucia.

"Saber, with the power of your dragon seed, you should be able to easily catch up with that sky garden, right?"

The magic dragon is now staying in the forest outside the fortress. According to her words, it is rare to come out once, and she doesn't want to go back too soon, so Liu Xia put her outside.

Such a large figure was naturally imprinted in the eyes of the Masters, and when facing the dragon seed, the huge dragon might almost suffocated them.

After all, it is a fantasy species that only exists in the age of gods, and it is a dragon species standing at the apex of fantasy species, not a sub-dragon species such as a bipedal dragon. A pure-blooded dragon species is comparable to a divine beast. Liu Xia still has Such a mount was far beyond the expectations of Danny and the others.

In the frontal battle, he crushed the two great heroes Karna and Achilles, defeated Karna, and destroyed the original giant one thousand meters high in one breath, and now he also took out the pure-blooded dragon seed. ... In the eyes of everyone in Black, Liu Xia has become more and more inscrutable.

"It's no problem to catch up. Even if Achilles, the red Rider, comes to obstruct it, I have the confidence to break into the sky garden."

Liu Xia glanced at the people in front of her, and then said: "It's okay to bring everyone who is a Servant, but it's better for the Master not to follow, if there is an aerial battle, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stand firm on the back of the dragon. "

Hearing this, Fiore and Coles immediately looked at each other.

Well, neither of them is suitable for keeping up. Coles' magic skills are third-rate, and Fiore can only sit in a wheelchair. Under the air combat at the supersonic level, they can't stand firm.

Moreover, if they rush to keep up, it will be difficult to come in handy, and they may become a burden, dragging down their own servants.

The two of them laughed bitterly together. It seemed that they were still staying at home, and it would be better to use Command Spells to support them occasionally.

On the side, Serenikai put her arms around her chest, highlighting her plump career line. She was relieved to hear that. She didn't want to be involved in the battle of the servants.

"My words, there is no such burden."

At this moment, Danick suddenly spoke up, attracting the attention of everyone present, "I can't stand the Great Holy Grail, which is hoped for revival, to be taken away by the enemy. As the patriarch, for the glory of the clan, I must take it back in person. The Great Holy Grail!"

His words were sonorous and powerful, and his face was full of persistence.

Fiore and the others also fell silent when they heard the words, they all knew that the revival of the family was Danick's long-term wish.

"If you insist, then follow."

Liu Xia returned indifferently, and then said: "If you don't have anything to prepare, then set off after dawn, when the magic and state have returned to their peaks."

"After all, the sooner the better, and the red side cannot be allowed to hold the Great Holy Grail for too long."


"Yeah! I'll do my best!"



The night is cold as water.

The sky was as dark as it was half an hour ago, and the fierce battle just now seemed like a lifetime away.

The Servants used the remaining time to bid farewell to the Masters. Whether this battle was won or lost, it was probably the final battle in the true sense.

The Archer team, who had a good relationship, were talking to each other, and Danic also had something to tell Fiore.

In the strange Rider group, Astolfo was tied to the bed by Serenikai, ready to have a good time one last time. In the middle of the process, someone came out to make trouble, was knocked over by Serenikai, and then had to Weakly onlookers.

Liu Xia came to the training ground outside the fortress alone, while silently practicing archery, while waiting for the magic power in the body to return to its peak, by the way to restore the spirit of excessive consumption.

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