Eighth Crown

Chapter 830: ——The arrow book of the complaint! (3/3) (Revised)

in the forest.

The moment Liu Xia's figure came into view, Atalanta gave up looking for an opportunity, raised the jet-black longbow in her hand, and placed the two arrows on the bowstring together.

"It's time to hunt, make offerings to the two gods—!"

Accompanied by the chanting of her low and cold liberation language, the huge magic power was released from her body and injected into the arrow in her hand.

"—PhoebusCatastrophe (Arrow Book of Complaint)!!!"

At the same time as the Noble Phantasm was liberated, she loosened the bowstring of the Vault of Heaven Bow, causing the two arrows to be blasted out in unison, and after drawing a meteor-like trajectory, they flew into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, like a meteor shower, countless light spots suddenly flickered in the sky, and then those light spots turned into sharp arrows of light, lasing towards the ground.

"A power similar to the arrow rain of the Holy Bow?"

Liu Xia looked up at the sky, then frowned.

"But, where exactly is this woman aiming at?"

The direction in which the countless sharp arrows of light were projected was not from his side, nor to the girl in the white gauze skirt in the distance behind him, but to another direction that could not be hit by eight poles—

No, wait, isn't that the direction of the Red Berserker?

What is this woman thinking?

Is it because you don't want the red Berserker to be captured by Black, so you plan to kill him directly? Would rather destroy than make that Servant available to Black?


Liu Xia suddenly let out a small yawn, and her eyes focused on Atalanta.

After releasing that Noble Phantasm, a ripple of space suddenly appeared around her, and the whole person gradually disappeared.

"It's the Command Spell again? Just hit it and leave? What do you mean?"

Liu Xia frowned slightly, then stopped, and had no plans to get closer, even at his speed, he couldn't kill him before the space transfer.

"Wait, Archer of Crimson!"

The blond saint came from not far away, and seeing that Atalanta was about to move in space, she hurriedly tried to stop her.

But the user of the Command Spell is the Master, and her voice cannot be conveyed to the Master, let alone Atalanta cannot listen to her.

In the end, she could only helplessly watch Atalanta disappear into this dense forest, and she could not help sighing helplessly after she stopped.

Joan of Arc originally planned to try to find Berserker in red, but because she sensed Atalanta's breath halfway through, she thought it was better to communicate with archers than berserkers, so she ran towards this side, but unfortunately it was slow after all one step.

the other side.

After Atalanta disappeared, Liuxia opened the future vision without hesitation.

Atalanta's action pattern made him feel quite strange. Just in case, he naturally had to turn on the future vision, so as to ensure that there would be no accidents.

A future vision that has reached A-level, in addition to having predictive and measuring future vision and straight-to-death magic eyes, it can also allow him to see the future half a day with great precision.

His eyes instantly changed to a dazzling gem-like color, and then his eyes rose sharply.

Then he didn't even have time to pay attention to Joan of Arc on the side, and immediately shot out flames under his feet.


The girl in the white gauze skirt ran to this place with great difficulty. Seeing that Liu Xia stepped on the flames directly into the sky, her eyes suddenly widened.

"No! No!"

Immediately, she stomped on the ground under her feet again, as if she was venting her inner dissatisfaction, and then hurriedly ran in the direction Liu Xia left.

How can this man run around? I'm so angry!


the other side.

"—KazikliBey (King of Execution)."

After Astolfo used a knight spear called [Fall with One Touch], he used a trick to force the right leg of the Red Berserker into a spiritual child, which greatly reduced his mobility.

Immediately afterward, Vlad III came to the battlefield according to Danic's tactical instructions.

Immediately, he used his own Noble Phantasm to stab out a dozen incomparably sharp scarlet stakes in the space, piercing into the only remaining leg and neck of the Red Berserker, and smashing his entire body. They are all in the air.

That is Vlad III's Noble Phantasm as the Impaler. It can pierce wood stakes at will from the surrounding space, with a maximum number of 20,000, which can be used to attack, defend, trap enemies, etc., and is omnipotent.

The Red Berserker suddenly lost all his resistance, and even his consciousness was dissipated. He rolled his eyes, and the infiltrating momentum subsided.

"Okay, so the capture is successful."

Danixon breathed a sigh of relief, then stepped forward and greeted at the same time, "I want to tamper with Berserker's contract, Caster, as well as Roger, Serenike, and Fiore, you all come to help me. "

The boy named Coles was naturally ignored. After all, his magic aptitude was only third-rate. He didn't know why he was selected by the Great Holy Grail. Basically, he participated in the Holy Grail War with a very negative attitude. , thinks he can't win.

Coles could only smile bitterly at being ignored by Danick, and then stepped aside like a passerby.


The Black Caster, the man whose whole body was hidden under a striped robe, and several Masters on the side, heard the words and stepped forward to prepare for Berserker's master change process.

"Then I'll retreat first... I had a fight just now, and my back hurts a bit!"

Astolfo rolled his eyes, told a lie that couldn't be more false, and walked towards the fortress on his feet.

Everyone on the black side basically knows that he has the skill of [rational evaporation]. They can't figure out his thinking logic at all. They will make unexpected actions from time to time. As long as he doesn't do anything like betrayal, they don't plan to go to him.

"Huh? Hold on, Danic!"

Among the crowd, Vlad III suddenly frowned, his expression suddenly changed, and he raised his hand without hesitation.

At this moment-




Countless light spots fell from the sky, illuminating the earth as bright as day. At the same time, these light spots also turned into countless deadly arrows, which were fiercely bombarding the ground.

The power of each arrow of light is not very strong. For a Servant of Karna's level, it is no different from scratching a tickling. An arrow fell from the sky, making it impossible to guard against.

Fortunately, Vlad III had more wooden stakes, and could use countless wooden stakes to form an unbreakable wooden shield, which protected all the surrounding people, including Danick and others.

"Oh~! Oh oh~~~!!"

But the Red Berserker, who was dozens of meters away, was not so lucky. After the arrows of light fell, they turned into arrows and plunged into his body, causing him to wake up directly from the coma with pain.

But for some reason, he let out a moan full of pleasure, and a refreshing smile appeared on his face.

"Okay! More! More oppression! Hahahahaha!!!!!!"

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