Eighth Crown

Chapter 829: Just plan ahead

Outside the castle, in the jungle.



The continuous explosion sounded incessantly, and the forest was suddenly filled with fire.

It was a trap set by the Yog Domirenia clan in the forest. As long as it was touched, it would cause an explosion of magical nature, with a power similar to that of a bomb.

Although one or two traps are harmless to the Servants, if they step on all the traps without dodging, even the Servants will be injured.

Of course, that was only the case of second- and third-rate Servants.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The muscled monster stepped on heavy steps, with an enigmatic brotherly smile on his face, while he slammed into various traps without dodging, he kept laughing out of his mouth.

"Um...very good! Very good! Give me more!"

When the violent explosion swept through his body, he subconsciously groaned, but then he became excited for some reason, and he made a messy and disorderly speech.

And after the explosion, his unscathed figure also emerged from the smoke and dust, and the muscles in his whole body did not even have the slightest mark.

"Hahaha! Love! Love!"

He stepped heavily under his feet, and then rushed forward, just a collision, and directly smashed a sturdy stone puppet with astonishing aura.

"O oppressor! It's time to crush you!"

While shouting loudly, he waved the short sword in his hand, and with great strength, he easily chopped up all the remaining two stone puppets.

Then, he kept raising his feet and rushing towards the fortress behind the dense forest. I don't know if it was because of the war finally, the infiltrating aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

in front of the castle.

"That's a born warrior, destined to leave glory on the battlefield, and destined to die on the battlefield."

Danick poured magic power into his eyes, looked down at the red Berserker's rambling figure below, and let out a solemn sigh.

The Red Berserker displayed extremely terrifying physical abilities and a will as if he would fight to the end no matter what enemy he faced.

"Everyone, this is a great opportunity."

Danick announced to the crowd, "Whether it's Berserker's own rampage or a test from the red side, it doesn't matter, but his bold intrusion into our clan's camp is doomed to his defeat!"

"But this is too wasteful, that strength is enough to become a **** in our hands and bring us victory!"

The Red Berserker itself must have an owner.

However, having a master does not mean that there is no way to **** it. After all, the master-slave relationship is nothing but a contract. As long as you have enough magic skills, it does not mean that you cannot **** it from the original owner.

On Black's side, there is Caster of the Black, and a magician like Danic who has won the title, plus——

Danick glanced at Liu Xia, who was standing indifferently beside him, and felt more and more confident in his heart.

Although this Saber of Darkness is the head of the three knights in terms of rank and a melee expert, Danic will not forget that he has seen the skills of the original rune from the opponent, and maybe his magic skills Above all of Black's side.

Taking the Red Berserker over was almost a ten percent successful plan.

"Danek, you're in command."

Wearing a black robe, the whole person seems to be integrated into Vlad III in the dark night. Hearing that, he handed over this battle to Danny to command.

"Yes, it is an honor."

Danny bowed in response, and immediately began to dispatch troops.

At the same time, this will also be the first battle to show and evaluate the strength of Black's Servants. Black's Masters need to use this to understand the strength of their own and their companions' Servants.

"Rider, it's you first."

Danick first looked at Astolfo, "Show us the power of the twelve warriors of Charlemagne!"

"Yahahahie, I really don't like rough work."

The cavalry, dressed as a girl, murmured in a low voice, and then patted his cheek helplessly, "But there is no way, if that's the case, let you see my strength!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, causing a silver-white knightly spear to appear in his hand, then quickly jumped up and galloped away in the direction of the dense forest.

"Saber and Berserker, please watch out for the Red Servants that may appear at any time."

Danick immediately looked at Lucia and Frankenstein beside him, "I don't think the red side would give up Berserker over there so easily, there must be other Servants behind."

"I see." Liu Xia nodded.

"Huh!" The girl in the white gauze skirt let out a sullen sound.

Immediately, Liu Xia and the girl in the white gauze skirt separated from the crowd and entered the dense forest from other positions.

At this moment, Liu Xia directly opened the [Transparent World], and everything in front of him became invisible in front of his eyes.

"Is there really... over there?"

In the blink of an eye, Liu Xia saw the figure of an uninvited guest in the jungle, and then rushed in that direction without hesitation.


The girl in the white gauze skirt on the side couldn't help but crooked her eyes when she saw this, her pink hair fluttered slightly, revealing a different color of gold and green pupils, and there was a puzzled look in her eyes.


Then she whimpered twice and tried to summon Liuxia back, but she couldn't see his figure, so she could only follow behind him with a little dissatisfaction, and ran towards the depths of the forest.

in the forest.

Dressed in emerald green clothes, the huntress, who looked like a cat-like essence, stood on the branch, her emerald-like eyes watching the every move of the muscle monster in the distance.

Her hands held the bow and arrow in her hand, and her eyes were extremely sharp, as if she was looking for the best time to shoot the bow and arrow.


At a certain moment, she suddenly whimpered, turned her head, and looked in another direction.


Suddenly, several seemingly chaotic flaming sword qi whistled from the forest, and attacked her standing on the branch in a neat and uniform manner.


The huntress's eyes narrowed, and she jumped up from the branch without hesitation, passing through the flaming sword energy with a cat-like figure, and she was unscathed.

The flame sword swept past her and fell into the forest not far away, cutting down a dozen ancient trees that were hugged to the ground, and even gradually burned, causing the fire to spread.

At the same time, the figure of Liu Xia also appeared in the eyes of the huntress.

"Black Saber? I can defeat the powerful enemies of Red Lancer and Red Rider, almost the strongest of Black. If I meet this guy head-on, I must have no chance of winning... I can't help it."

Archer of the Red——The huntress named Atalanta, at this moment, many thoughts passed through her mind.

"Although it's a pity, I can only advance the plan."

With the emergence of such a thought, two sharp arrows appeared in her hand, and then she was placed on the bowstring, and the majestic magic power surged out.

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