Eighth Crown

Chapter 822: Go straight to Red Square's base camp

After breakfast, Liuxia and Joan of Arc walked towards the outskirts of Sighisoara together.

On the outskirts of this town, there is a church built on a hillside. If you walk up the stairs, you can reach this church in a short time.

There is the base camp of the red camp in this Holy Grail War.

"Church... Is it the Holy Church?"

Joan of Arc looked up at the church standing above the stairs, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought, "Are there any participants in the Church of the Holy Church among the masters of the red side this time?"

sanctuary church.

It is one of the two major organizations in the world that is comparable to the Magic Association. It is an organization composed of believers of God. Its influence is centered on the Western European circle and radiates to the whole world, even in the far eastern island countries.

Although it is essentially an organization that speaks of God's love and saves the poor, it also has a special mechanism for action within the church in order to hunt heretics.

By the way, the heretics in the eyes of the church are not only demons, vampires, etc., even magicians are one of the heretics in their eyes, because most of the believers in the church believe that the ability to distort the rules of the world like magic should be A truth that only God can grasp.

Originally, the Church of the Holy Church and the Magic Association were supposed to be incompatible, but recently the relationship between the two has eased a lot, and there are even opportunities for mutual cooperation.

The Holy Grail War is one of the arenas where the two sides have cooperated.

In ordinary Holy Grail Wars, magi fights are often fought, but in order to properly manage sacred relics, the Church of the Holy Church usually dispatches priests under its command to the location of the Holy Grail War.

However, priests generally do not participate directly, but act as supervisors, supervising the Holy Grail War.

But this Holy Grail War is markedly different.

Although this time was a war between the black side and the red side, it was also a war between the Yog Domirenia clan and the Magic Association.

Because Danic unilaterally declared war on the Magic Association, the Yog Domirenians and the Magic Association were on opposite sides, which was the fuse of this Holy Grail War.

Danic's original intention was to use the power of the Heroic Spirit summoned by the Great Holy Grail to become independent from the Magic Association, and to establish a new Magic Association in an attempt to replace it.

After the Magic Association learned of this statement that was no different from provocation, they immediately dispatched magicians to exterminate the Yog Domirenia clan. There were 50 people in total, and each of them was an elite.

But Danny had long expected that this would happen, so he summoned Vlad III ahead of time as the Holy Grail War was about to start, killing 49 people within half a minute.

The last person sneaked into the fortress and opened the hidden mechanism of the Great Holy Grail—that is, the Holy Grail War between the Seven Horsemen and the Seven Horsemen.

After the Holy Grail War started, the Magic Association naturally dispatched its staff, and together with the priests of the Holy Church, they formed the seven people from the red side, and officially launched a camp battle with the Yog Domirenia family from the black side.

Among them, there are six magicians from the Magic Association and one priest from the Holy Church. These seven are the masters of the red side. This is the information that Lucia got from Fiore.

At this moment, the seven red team took Sighisoara as their stronghold and united to prepare to deal with the seven black team located in Tulifas.

down the mountain.

"I heard you're a Catholic too."

As Liu Xia raised her feet and walked up the stairs, she asked Joan of Arc behind her, "You shouldn't be able to attack the priest of the Church, right?"

After all, she was a person who was enshrined as a saint by the Holy See, and it was inevitable to have a benevolent heart.

"do not underestimate me."

Joan of Arc followed behind him, and followed him up the stairs. At the same time, he said calmly: "I was also a person who experienced a hundred years of war before my death, and my hands were also stained with a lot of blood."

That is true.

Although she is a saint, she has come out of the war, and she has even been an army leader for two years. There are a lot of people who are willing to obey her command. Even if they are not willing, their hands must be covered with blood.

"However, are you sure you want to break into the church so directly?"

Joan of Arc couldn't help but asked Liu Xia, "You should be able to sense it. There are definitely not a few followers in this church. Are you going to deal with them all by yourself?"

According to her privilege of perceiving Servants, even now, there are at least three or more Servants in this church, and there may not be no Servants who are rushing back. different.

She knows that Liu Xia's strength is very strong, but the Servants should not be underestimated, especially the Noble Phantasms they possess, all have the power of a one-shot turnaround, and it would be too reckless to think about rushing in alone.

"Just to try it out."

Liu Xia said indifferently: "I didn't expect to kill a few people this time. As long as you can find out their real names, or test their strength, it will be a good harvest."

Because of the existence of the Command Spell, it was difficult to kill a few Servants in the early days of the Holy Grail War. Basically, only when the Command Spell was used up would the Servants retire.

Of course, there is no lack of the ability to isolate the Command Spell, or the strength gap is too large, and a single blow is enough to determine the strength of life and death.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

As the two walked up the stairs together, Liu Xia suddenly narrowed her eyes and said, "There is someone waiting for us in front of you."

Hundreds of stairs flashed by, and two minutes later, the two of them climbed to the top of the stairs together and came to the door of the church.

The figure of a Servant has been standing here for a long time, and the momentum on his body is unabashedly released, and the whole person exudes a sense of arrogance.

He has short grass-green hair and golden eyes, and his appearance can be called handsome, and he looks like he is only in his early twenties.

He was wearing black armor and silver light armor, with a long red scarf around his neck. He was tall and oppressive, with knotted muscles all over his body, exuding a tempered breath.

In his hand, he was holding a black handle and a bright silver sharp blade, which looked a bit like a spear.

"Oh, although I was asked to come out to greet the guests, I didn't expect to make me wait so long!"

The grass-green short-haired man opened his eyes and closed his eyes, a rebellious smile appeared on his face, and the whole person exuded the taste of a super-class warrior.

"I heard that you are the guy who defeated Lancer on our side, right? There are not many people who can make the hero who gave alms go down. I am very interested, let's have a good fight!"

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