Eighth Crown

Chapter 821: No wonder it's so big (3/3) (Repair)

Although it wasn't her own, she was relying on the girl - Leticia's clothes, but because she temporarily occupied Leticia's body, these clothes were also worn by herself, and in a sense, were also her clothes. .

Of course, the girl's private property cannot be seen by others, not to mention the person who sees it is a man.

Joan of Arc has raised her hand subconsciously, wanting to put her fingers in Liuxia's eyes.

But Liu Xia didn't care what kind of clothes she was wearing, so when he saw Joan's embarrassed look, he still shrugged, turned his head indifferently, and stopped looking at the clothes on the ground.

Although with his eyesight, he has already seen all the styles and colors of these clothes.

Seeing Liu Xia turn her head away, Joan of Arc breathed a sigh of relief, put down her hands, and then stepped forward helplessly and began to clear her luggage.

Although most of the clothes were more or less burnt a little, but not all of them, there were still a few clothes that could be worn.

And the money she carries, or Leticia's pocket money to support her is not much left, if she doesn't find a few clothes to wear, she still needs to buy a few new clothes, that's really Can't even eat food.

It took ten minutes for Joan of Arc to clean up all the clothes, and put all the clothes that could be worn into the suitcase. After consulting Leticia in her body and asking her sins, she decided to burn them on the spot.

It is not very good for girls to keep their personal belongings in the wild, not to mention not environmentally friendly. If they are seen by people who are not very clean in their hearts, maybe something even worse will happen.

"Then... can I borrow the fire?"

Joan of Arc piled the clothes that were going to be burned into a pile, then blinked her magnificent blue eyes at Liu Xia, and asked a little embarrassedly.

Liu Xia threw a fireball casually, and the small pile of clothes turned to ashes in just a few seconds.

Immediately, under the guidance of the measuring-type future vision, the two embarked on the journey together.



This is a small town not far from Tulifas, and the two are almost adjacent to each other.

According to the calculation of the future vision of the measuring type, it seems that the base camp of the Red Lancer master and slave is here. According to the fact that the red camp also needs to gather combat power, maybe this is the stronghold of the red camp.

Liu Xia re-determined the location of the red camp's stronghold with the ability of the measuring type of future vision, and finally made it clear.

This small town is indeed the stronghold of the Red Square camp.

This is not surprising.

In order to fight the upcoming faction war, the Yog Domirenia clan has almost turned the entire Tuliface into an iron barrel, and opened barriers and traps in the entire Tuliface area.

Sighisoara, on the edge of these enchantments and traps, is the closest place to Tulifas, which is just right for the red side to be stationed, and it is also convenient for the black side to observe.

"But this way, it will be a little troublesome."

Liu Xia walked into this town and thought about it in her heart.

"If this is the stronghold of the red side, it means that most of the followers of the red side are gathered here. It is not so easy to kill the Lancer Karna of the red side."

If all the seven Servants of the red side gather here, it will be very troublesome.

It's not that he can't beat it, but once the seven cavalry servants make a concerted effort, even with his strength, he will fall into a hard fight.

If he came with a bow, then he could break in from the front, and then kill all seven followers, grab the Great Holy Grail by the way, and end the Holy Grail War within an hour.

But unfortunately, he is a sword rank now, so he still needs to be careful.


While Liuxia was thinking about countermeasures, a very inappropriate grunt sounded very suddenly and entered his ears.

He turned his head coldly and looked at a saint behind him.

The spiritual clothes on her body have been put away, and replaced by a dark blue student uniform. The upper body is a white shirt and a long-sleeved formal suit, and the lower body is a pleated skirt and knee-high stockings. It is a very classic and ordinary student uniform.

At this moment, she was covering her stomach with her arms, trying to keep her stomach from making a sound, her eyes were completely turned away, and a little blush appeared on her face, and the sound of hungry stomach was obviously coming from her.

"That...it's because of Leticia's sake, so there's no way for me to be hungry." Jeanne said expectantly.

She had told Lucia before.

In this Holy Grail War, the summoning of Ruler seems to be a little unusual. It is not summoned directly as a Servant, but first pulls her consciousness down, and then finds a girl similar to her and lets her rely on it. On the opponent's body, he participated in this Holy Grail War in a state similar to that of a pseudo-servant.

Although it was Joan of Arc who participated in the Holy Grail War, the girl who was relying on her could also see the situation outside through her perspective, like watching a movie.

By the way, even if Joan of Arc dies in the Holy Grail War, the girl she relies on will not have any problems. The Great Holy Grail will complete the reproduction of her body and soul information, and then send it back to her. Hometown, not the slightest risk.

And Joan of Arc relies on a girl named Leticia who lives in the French countryside and is still in high school.

She is also a devout Catholic. After knowing that she could be possessed by Joan of Arc, she readily agreed, and even took out the pocket money she had stored for a long time, and asked Joan of Arc to buy a plane ticket and fly to Romania.

In every way, Leticia is a very kind girl.

But also because of this, Joan of Arc is also considered to have a body in disguise, and cannot be transformed into a spiritual body like a general servant, and also needs sleep and food.

Liu Xia didn't say much, and took Jeanne into a breakfast shop next to her.

After all, she is in a physical state now, which means that her strength will also be affected by her physical state. Naturally, she needs to replenish her energy to exert her strength.

Anyway, he has already arrived here, and he can't even wait ten minutes.

Liu Xia's rare thoughtfulness made Jeanne sigh of relief, and then she entered the store and started ordering.

However, Lucia was still too naive.

He waited for thirty minutes.

Joan of Arc is a Servant, and she needs to consume a lot of energy every time she fights, so she must add a lot of energy when eating, and the result is that she is very edible.

She ordered six or seven bowls of noodles in one go, and then her stomach was like a bottomless pit, and she ate all these things into her stomach very boldly.

Not to mention the store owner, even Liu Xia couldn't help but cast her gaze at her, looking at her flat stomach, she couldn't help but be surprised by her digestive system.

Maybe the nutrition has gone elsewhere, no wonder it is so big.

Liu Xia glanced at a certain saint's criminal-level figure, and then looked away, thinking so indifferently in her heart.

Thank you Devil King Lulu Xiu for the reward! The new week is here, ask for a wave of recommended tickets and monthly tickets~

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