Eighth Crown

Chapter 813: Try to win Ruler over

On the first day of the Holy Grail War, it seemed that there was nothing to do, so Luca spent a whole day learning archery from Chiron without eating or drinking.

The reason for this is actually not difficult to understand. After all, this Holy Grail War is a faction battle. Because the masters of the black side are all from the same family, they can get to know each other at the fastest speed.

But the masters of the red side are from all over the world, and they will definitely need a lot of time to communicate and get acquainted with each other, so that it will be convenient for team battles in the future.

If they don't care about it, hold arrogant heart, and use the power of a cavalry servant to directly rush into the black side's position, then they are very likely to have no bones left, and they will naturally be a little quiet on the first day.

In fact, if it was possible, Danick would really like to kill the Red Square Master directly. After all, there are two trump cards, Vlad III and Liu Xia, and he is not afraid of anyone.

But the magician over there is not a fool. He did not put the meeting point of the red square within the monitoring range of the Yog Domirenia clan, but was outside the territory of the clan, so in comparison, they It's just passive here.

Originally, Liu Xia could easily find the door with the power of the future vision, but he is currently busy learning archery with Chiron, so he did not pay attention to this matter for the first time.

However, when the evening came, Danny still sent androids to the training ground and invited the two to go to the hall to discuss matters.

It was only at this moment that Chiron stopped the teaching process, and Liu Xia also put down the longbow in his hand.

In just one day, thanks to Chiron's super high teaching ability and Liu Xia's powerful talent, Liu Xia's progress has been enormous.

According to Chiron, if Liu Xia continued to progress with this momentum, it would probably only take more than a month to reach his level in archery, that is, to step into the realm of the gods.

This is not surprising, after all, it only took Liu Xia two months to step into the realm of the gods from a rookie in marksmanship. Such progress in archery is not fast, and he has also trained himself before. about a month.

Of course, Chiron's [God-given Wisdom] skill is also indispensable. It is a skill very similar to Skaha's [Devil's Wisdom]. It can greatly improve the teaching speed, and even directly assign the skills to other Servants can do it.

After the androids came to inform, the two put down the teaching of bowing, entered the castle, and came to the hall.

At this moment, the splendid hall is almost brightly lit.

Almost all the masters and followers of the black camp are gathered here. Vlad III is still sitting on the jade seat at the top, Danick is beside him, and Astolfo and Franken are below. Stan is staying with their Master, and Fiore and Gold are here alone.

Gold's face looked very ugly at the moment, and he put his hands in the pockets of his clothes as if he was deceiving himself, obviously not wanting to let other people know about the disappearance of the Command Spell.

In addition, a pair of masters and slaves that Liu Xia had never seen before also appeared in the hall for the first time.

Among them, the Master is a young man who looks no more than thirteen or fourteen years old. He has short orange hair and always has a casual look on his face. Only when he looks at the servant next to him, his face changes. Gotta get crazy.

The Servant beside him must be the Black Caster.

The only Black Servants who haven't appeared so far are Caster and Assassin, but that person's aura has nothing to do with Assassin.

It was a male Servant wearing a black and blue striped robe and a dark blue cape. The robe on his body even covered his hands and feet, and then replaced the hands and feet with special metal. functions.

Not only that, but his face was also covered with a brass-colored metal mask, so that no skin on his body was exposed to the air, as if he had the ultimate misanthropy that could not be resolved, refusing to get involved with everyone.

At this moment, everyone in the hall raised their heads and looked at a screen projected into the air.

It should be the image transmitted back by the magic bird, and the terrain should be the small town named Tulifas below the castle, and on the screen, a fierce battle is taking place that makes ordinary people stunned.

One of them is three androids and three stone puppets. Each android holds a slender battle axe that is nearly three meters long. It's as thick as a normal person's waist.

I don't care about the androids, but the stone puppet's combat power is quite strong, and it can be seen from the huge body shape, I am afraid that it should have enough strength to spend a round or two with the Servant.

But the Servant on the opposite side fought extremely violently. She seemed to be a slender and short girl, but she seemed to have the soul of a berserker.

Throwing the sword shattered the core of the first stone puppet, and then smashed the bucket-thick stone arms and legs of the second stone puppet with one punch and kick, and finally a red thunder appeared in his hand, and instantly Bombed the third stone puppet until there was no **** left.

"Looking at her weapon, it should be Saber of the red side."

Danik stood next to the jade seat, speculating on the identity of this Servant, "Excluding the status as the best class, that Servant itself should not be underestimated... However, it is not a match for Saber on our side."

At this point, Danny had a hundred and twenty hearts.

Although Saber on the red side doesn't look bad, the Saber on their side is exceptionally strong, and it is impossible to lose to the other side.

Hearing Danick's evaluation of Liuxia, several servants and masters who didn't know Liuxia's real name, all cast strange glances at him, and they were probably guessing what kind of heroic spirit he was, who could make Danick So confident.

"Cut, the stone puppets made by the teacher are broken."

After seeing the battle scene on the screen, the orange-haired boy on the side did not feel the strength of the red Saber, but looked at the shattered puppets with regret.

"It's all right, Roche."

Hearing the words, Caster of the Black with a mask opened his mouth and said in some unclear words: "The stone puppets are broken and rebuilt. Anyway, a production line for stone puppets has been formed in the workshop. This kind of rough stone puppets As many as you want."

"Yes! Teacher!" The orange-haired boy responded happily.

These two are Black's Caster and his Master, but for some reason they are called masters and apprentices.

"Calling us here, are you planning to attack Saber from the red side?"

Liu Xia glanced at the battle that had ended on the screen, then turned to ask Danick who was at the top.

"No, if I'm not mistaken, they should be here to attract our attention and have other purposes behind them."

Danick shook his head, his eyes flickering slightly, "Ruler, the arbiter of the Holy Grail War, has now appeared in the world, and is rushing in the direction of Tuliphas. The red side's purpose should be that side, unsurprisingly."

"Saber, I hope you can get there in time to foil the red side's conspiracy and try to win Ruler over to our black side."

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