Eighth Crown

Chapter 812: A day of learning archery (3/3) (repair)

The Yog Domirenian family has an unusual understanding of the Holy Grail War and Servants.

Fiore quickly understood the meaning of Liuxia's words just now, and her words also revealed an extraordinary level of understanding of Servants, and even the Great Holy Grail was hidden in the Mirenia Castle. Underground, it's even more strange to say that this family is not tricky.

"There's nothing that can't be said."

Fiore smiled as usual, and didn't seem to be touched by the taboo at all.

"By the way, Archer doesn't know about this either, so I'll explain it together with the two of you."

Both Liu Xia and Chiron looked attentive.

This incident even goes back to the Third Holy Grail War that reached more than sixty years ago.

More than 60 years ago, as the patriarch of the Yog Domirenian clan, Danic participated in the Third Holy Grail War held in Fuyuki City in the Far East.

Don't look at Danny's appearance as a young man in his twenties, but he is actually close to a hundred years old, and this is not a secret among the Yog Domirenian family.

After all, this family has never changed its patriarch in the past 100 years. Anyone can see the tricks, and Danick himself has no idea of ​​concealing it. For magicians, there are many ways to prolong life.

In that Holy Grail War, Danick used the power of the ** to directly lift the aircraft cannon to the table of this magic ceremony, and accidentally discovered the existence of the Great Holy Grail, and joined forces with the **, from the hands of the three families of Yu. Stealed the Great Holy Grail.

After that, Danic cleverly deceived the forces of the Communist Party, took away the Great Holy Grail, and transported it to the small and inconspicuous country of Romania, and placed it on the spiritual vein of Tulifas. to let it absorb the magic power of the spiritual veins.

Of course, the so-called "ingenious" is what Fiore said. At that time, Danny actually killed all the soldiers involved in the Great Holy Grail, and then unknowingly transported the Great Holy Grail away.

After that, the Yusan family who established the Great Holy Grail system in Fuyuki completely disappeared, and even the information of the Holy Grail War inevitably leaked out.

The Holy Grail War, which can open the door to the root, has attracted the attention of all magicians around the world, causing magicians all over the world to follow suit, making the Holy Grail War prevailing everywhere.

Of course, because there is no Great Holy Grail, these Holy Grail Wars are only imitations of their shape and soul, and at most they can only be regarded as "Subspecies Holy Grail Wars".

In these subspecies Holy Grail Wars, the heroic spirits summoned are generally very weak, and the number is very small, some are three, some are five, and so on.

When the number of Servant souls is not enough, the ritual of the Subspecies Holy Grail War certainly cannot open the door to the root, but magicians all over the world are still eager to try it.

Thanks to this, the number of magicians in the entire inner world has dropped sharply because of this, and even the Magic Association has been forced to lower the standard for evaluating ranks. The original eldest son is enough to be promoted to the open position, and the original color position has The capital for promotion to the crown.

It was at this time that Danick, relying on political manipulation and his own three-inch tongue, obtained the qualification for the crown from the clock tower. In fact, he himself only had the strength of the color position.

"Because the subspecies Holy Grail War is prevailing all over the world, as long as the information is searched in advance, the magi will know a lot about the Servants."

Fiore told the two of them, "You are also very clear about what happened after that. After the Great Holy Grail has accumulated enough magic power, the Holy Grail War has finally started again, and it is a Holy Grail War that is different from the past."

Having said that, Fiore actually hid something from the two of them.

In fact, the knowledge of the Servants by the Yog Domirenia clan is the best of all magicians, and their understanding of the Holy Grail War mechanism is definitely one of the best in the magic world.

Because in the subspecies Holy Grail Wars held all over the world in the past, the shadow of the Yog Domirenian family can be seen more or less... It is actually true that this family has been controlling these subspecies Holy Grail Wars behind the scenes. Not too much.

And the information found in the Subspecies Holy Grail War was naturally obtained by this family, and even those families that were weakened by the Subspecies Holy Grail War were absorbed by this family as blood relatives or family divisions.

Of course, this is what Danic prepared for this Holy Grail War, and all the clansmen who caused the sub-species wars to spread all over the place were all sent by him.

From this, it can be seen that this man does have extraordinary means and patience.

However, these things involve the scandal of the family. Magicians value the glory of the family very much. Of course, it is impossible to say it casually.

After learning this information from Fiore, Liu Xia realized that the differences between this world and other parallel worlds had reached this point.

Fortunately, it has not reached the point of clipping the event, otherwise it will be abandoned by the inhibitory force.

After solving their respective doubts, the exchange between the two sides ended, and Liu Xia finally began to ask Chiron for bow skills.

"Then, let's get started."

Chiron took two ordinary bows from the hand of the android who was accompanying him, handed one of them to Liu Xia, and laughed lightly.

"To be honest, I didn't expect to be able to teach others after becoming a Servant, so the teacher's soul would have to burn."

He seems to enjoy teaching others, and once he enters teaching mode, he becomes extraordinarily enthusiastic, just like Skaha in Chaldea.

However, in comparison, Skaha is the kind of Spartan master who pushes the limits of his disciples by any means, while Chiron is a gentle master who is persuasive, tireless, and carefully guided.

The only thing they have in common is that they are both good teachers.

But I have to say that Chiron is indeed a very good teacher, worthy of the name of the Greek sage.

When he taught him, in just a few words, Liu Xia's doubts that he had accumulated for a long time were solved, and he quickly gave various solutions and outlines.

And Liu Xia also showed the duty of an excellent student just right. Not only was his talent excellent, but he was also not arrogant or impetuous, which made Chiron very happy to teach.

This teaching is directly taught for a whole day.

From the rising of the sun until the sunset of the western mountain, the two of them were so excited to get together to study the bow technique, and Liu Xia was also growing rapidly at the speed of a sponge absorbing water.

Liu Xia secretly guessed that Chiron may also have skills similar to Skaha's [Wisdom of the Demon Realm]. He taught people, and the effect was also remarkable and unusual, not much worse than Skaha.

Not long after the two started teaching, Fiore asked the android to help push the wheelchair away, and came back a few times in between. Seeing that the two didn't mean to stop at all, she couldn't help but be amazed.

Until evening comes—

"Lord Saber, Lord Archer."

A female android with a battle axe came to the open space and told the two of them expressionlessly.

"The patriarch has invited the two of you to chat in the castle hall."

Thanks to the book friend 160821133007568 for the reward!

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