Eighth Crown

Chapter 1055: Surtur: Ophelia~

Great Command Spell.

The word that came out of Ophelia's mouth was "SiriusLight", which means "Sirius Light".

Does it have anything to do with the so-called Alien God?

Lucia was a little concerned about this.

But for the time being, no matter what the so-called "Grand Command Spell" is, the focus at this moment is obviously on Surtur and Ophelia who are about to recover.

The spear of the end and the original sword disappeared from Liu Xia's hands one after another. After reaching out again, he held the black sacred bow in his hand.

Form change, rope bow.

At the moment when this buff was used, two winding ropes appeared at both ends of the sacred bow that appeared in the form of the ghost king bow.

"Stacked buffs - tracking arrows."

Liu Xia held the bowstring and shot an arrow lightly. Even if it didn't use much force, the arrow shot out like a sniper bullet.

The arrow itself is a scarlet energy arrow, but at the end of the arrow, there is a rope that seems to have no end, and it is pulled out to an infinite length with the arrow.

In the blink of an eye, before Surtur recovered, Liu Xia's arrow broke the restraint Surtur had set on Ophelia, and the arrows circled like birds, making the connected ropes in Austria. Filia was tied several times around her waist.

With the movement of Liu Xia's thoughts, the rope automatically began to retract, and Ophelia's body was suddenly pulled down and fell straight in the direction of Liu Xia.

He finally hugged him in his arms.

"Are you... a servant of Chaldea?"

Ophelia only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and then she was smeared by Liu Xia's handsome face. She was slightly taken aback, and then she reacted, and her expression gradually became complicated.

Unexpectedly, the one who finally rescued her was the Chaldean Servant who had been identified as an enemy early on, and the one who had been expected from her early on tried to dominate her brain and body.

Ophelia knew of Surtur's existence.

After all, it was she who used her magic eyes to peep into the condition of the Lost Belt, and thus saw Surtur, who was sealed in the sun.

But it was that look that made her suffer a lot later.

In just one look at each other, she became attached to Surter, and Surter also planted multiple primers in her body.

After she came to this Lost Belt and summoned the Servant, she found out that Surtur had escaped the seal of the Great God through that glance, thus invading her Servant Sigurd's. body, which made Surtur break the seal.

There were only two Command Spells left in her hand. The first one was used to order Surtur to forbid suicide, but it only served to prolong the time of the disaster.

The Great God's seal isolates all external interference, but the interference from pan-human history is not included in the calculation.

Ophelia originally planned to use her magical eyes to explore the Loss Belt situation first, so that she could start work quickly, which was the cause of everything.


An angry roar echoed between the heavens and the earth.

The Giant King's head had fully recovered, his huge pupils were tightly locked on Ophelia, who was being held in Liu Xia's arms, and thick anger appeared in his eyes.

"Use it! Use the Great Command Spell for me!"

As long as he uses that Grand Command Spell, then he has the possibility to cut the tortoise shell!

While roaring like this, a blood-red light flashed in Surtur's eyes.


Ophelia immediately clenched her head, her face was pale, and the spirituality in her eyes was slowly disappearing.

"That's right, I'm supposed to be for you—no, no, my Command Spell was never used for you! Get out of my head...!"

Surtur increased his control over Ophelia, trying to make her use a method called "Grand Command Spell" for herself by controlling her thoughts.

What is the Great Command Curse? How could Surter value it so much?

Liu Xia was puzzled, but the movements of her hands were not slow at all.

To use such a small means in front of him is simply ignorant.


Hese's sword reappeared in his hand, and a blade of light appeared. At this moment, his pupils burst into an ice-blue gemstone luster.

Under the direct death knife, the interference from Surtur was immediately beheaded.

Ophelia immediately felt the sharp pain lingering in her brain dissipated, and her whole body was much more relaxed.

"Disappeared... Could this be the legendary Demon God's Eye?"

Ophelia opened her mouth wide and stared in astonishment at the pair of demon eyes that seemed to be looking directly at death just a foot away.

Is this Servant too strong?

No wonder he could kill the king of the Russian Lostbelt by himself.

"You bastard—! Give me back Ophelia!"

Seeing this, the Giant King was instantly furious, his emotions exploded to the limit in just a few seconds, and he raised the sword of flames in his hand again without hesitation.

But this time, he seems to have learned to behave.

He did not point the sword of flames at Liu Xia, but pointed the tip of the sword to the Nordic land under his feet, trying to destroy the entire Lost Belt world with one sword!

"Not good!"

"Let him succeed and that's it!"

The voices of Ophelia and Skadi entered Lucia's ears at the same time.

"In that case—!"

Ophelia's eyes showed a look of struggle, but then she rose up decisively.

Her job is to protect the Lost Belt, let the fantasy tree grow successfully in this Lost Belt, and finally make the Loss Belt take shape. If this Lost Belt is destroyed by Surtur's sword, then her Doing all this will be pointless.

More importantly, she must have violated Lord Kirshtalia's expectations!

If that's the case, then we can only use the last resort - the Great Command Spell to stop him!


During this brief hesitation, a cold hum without any emotion entered her ears.


Immediately afterwards, she suddenly saw a dazzling sword from far and near, and finally——

A knife stabbed into her right eye!

"Ugh? Ooh oh oh oh oh-!"

At this moment, the giant king suddenly moved, and then roared in anger.

"No! It shouldn't be like this! Give it back to me! Ophelia... Ophelia!!"

His momentum was stagnant.

Immediately afterwards, his entire existence changed from solid to illusory, as if he was a Servant who had lost his Master, gradually losing his due strength.

Liu Xia pulled out the He Dao, and then made the sacred bow float in his hand again.

Ophelia was frightened, she quickly raised her hand and touched her eyes, but found that her eyes didn't hurt at all, her head wasn't pierced, her whole body was intact, and she even felt a little more comfortable. She wanted to try again.

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