Eighth Crown

Chapter 1054: the cornerstone of its existence

The Giant King of Flames lost his head, leaving only his body standing quietly among the mountains without moving.

If ordinary monsters suffered such heavy damage, they would have already returned to the underworld at this moment, even the fantasy mammoth that Ivan the Terrible merged with is no exception, but the Giant King did not.

Liu Xia could feel that Surter did not die under the blow that bounced back, the breath on his body did not weaken at all, and his body did not mean to dissipate.

Not only that, his blasted brain is even recovering quickly, and looking at it, it seems that in less than two minutes, he will be able to return to his previous peak.

Is it super immortality? Or the power to come back from the dead?

In any case, it seems that Surtur will not be defeated so easily.

Because of the giant existence and power of the Giant King, Liu Xia's future vision could not analyze the method to defeat him, and he could only think about it by himself.

"Skaty, do you know **** Surtur completely?"

Liu Xia asked the only **** who survived in Ragnarok for advice, but suddenly thought that the entire Nordic gods seemed to have nothing to do with Surtur, so he added another sentence.

"It's okay if you can't kill him, at least seal him, or expel him."

If possible, Liu Xia also wanted to use Shangri-La to expel him to the outside of the world.

However, it probably won't work, not to mention that Shangri-La's teleportation array is likely to be cut off by a sword, and it is said that the teleportation array itself is far from enough to cover such a huge giant.

"It is impossible to kill completely."

After Liu Xia blocked the sword of flames, Skadi's voice was obviously relieved, but it seemed to contain more waves.

"It's very demoralizing to say this, but since you have already asked, I can't help but say - what you just defeated is not Surtur's body."


Isn't this huge flame giant still Surtur's body?

Hearing such news, even Liu Xia couldn't help feeling a little weird.

"The body of the giant king of flames is Muspelheim itself, one of the nine major domains of Northern Europe, that is, the black sun in the sky."

Northern Europe is composed of Asgard where the gods are located, Vanerheim where the Vanir Gods are located, Midgard where humans are located, Jotunheim where the frost giants are located... and Muspelheim where the flame giants live. composed of the nine kingdoms.

In mythology, Surtur is generally considered to be the guardian and gatekeeper of Muspelheim, the giant king who leads the flame giants.

But in the real age of gods, Surtur is actually the kingdom of Muspelheim itself!

good guy.

According to this, Surtur's spirituality is probably even higher than that of the king of gods.

No wonder in the Age of Gods here, Odin needs to combine the power of the gods to seal Surtur's body, which is the kingdom of flame giants Muspelheim, and lift it into the sky, turning it into a "pseudo". Sun".

"So, if you want to kill Surtur completely, you need to destroy the false sun in the sky?"

Liu Xia looked up at the black sun that was gradually falling in the sky, and couldn't help frowning.

"That's right."

Skadi's helpless voice entered Liu Xia's heart, and then her tone became a little more excited.

"However, killing is one thing, knocking down is another, and if it's just knocking down, I can tell you the method right now!"

The gods of the Age of Gods could not even defeat Surtur, let alone kill Surtur.

That's because Surtur has the magic sword Levadin that can destroy the world, even the great **** Odin can't take the sword that destroys the world.

But now there is an existence that can block the magic sword Levardin, which is unbelievable in Skadi's view. What even the great **** Odin can't do has been taken by a man from the pan-human history. have done it.

Is panhuman history a world with that possibility?

Scotty couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

This matter can be thought about later, the most important thing now is to expel Surtur from this land.

With this Servant on their side, now is the best chance to defeat Surtur!

"Tell me, how to defeat Surter?"

Liuxia looked at Surtel, who had almost recovered half of his brain, and urged Skadi in his heart.

"It's the cornerstone of existence."

Skadi also knew that the situation was urgent and quickly explained it.

"Surter's body is the sun itself in the sky. In theory, everything about him is incalculable and unpredictable. Height, weight, spiritual scale, energy level... these, etc., are all incalculable. "

"But now Surtur appears in front of us in the form of a giant, with a real entity and a clear height, that is because Surtur appears in a way similar to a servant."

I see.

When Liu Xia heard the words, she immediately understood.

In other words, this giant king Surter is actually a Servant clone made by Surter's body.

Because his body is the sun itself, he cannot move easily, so he appeared on this earth in the form of a servant, so he has a height and power that can be visually measured and calculated.

If you calculate the height and strength of its body, the result obtained is 80% impossible to calculate.

But if you calculate the height and strength of its Servant clone, then its height is close to a thousand meters of monsters, and the sword of flames swung is the final flame with millions of temperatures.

"The current Surtur is a Servant, in other words, there must be a cornerstone to support its existence!"

Skadi explained very quickly.

Even from her point of view, Surtur's recovery speed is accelerating, and he will soon return to his previous state.

The cornerstone of the existence of the Servant.

That doesn't require much thinking at all, any magician will give a common standard answer without hesitation.


Lucia's gaze naturally turned to Ophelia on Surtur's shoulder.

No wonder.

The reason why Surter kidnapped Ophelia was because Ophelia was the cornerstone to manifest in the world?

So, as long as Ophelia is killed, Surtur will be self-defeating?

"Ha... uh...!"

Ophelia was breathing heavily, layers of sweat appeared on her clean cheeks, and her face was morbidly pale, as if she was enduring some pain.

"Stop... Get out of me! Don't control me... I won't use the Command Spell for you!"

She held her head tightly, as if something was invading her brain and corroding her will.

Don't think about it at all, the guy trying to invade her brain is definitely Surtur.

But what is the Great Command?

Are there any unknown hole cards in the hands of the hiders?

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