Eighth Crown

Chapter 1032: Run around this land

"what is that……?"

Fujimaru Rika looked in the direction of the wreckage of the fantasy tree a little lost.

The words she blurted out also attracted everyone's attention, and Qi Qi looked in that direction.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was stunned.

It was a figure that could be said to be a woman.

The long hair that was mopping the floor turned out to be a transparent color that had never been heard of before. The metal hair band surrounding the forehead was decorated with something like a paper bundle. There seemed to be a galaxy in the pupils, making it impossible to see her eyes at all. where.

There is no such thing as clothes on her body, and her whole body seems to be naked, but the surface of her body is not soft skin, it looks closer to velvet, giving people the feeling of inorganic material.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a primate that might exist on Earth.

At this moment, she is snuggling next to the wreckage of the fantasy tree, but her eyes are looking straight at this side, and it seems that the focus is on Fujimaru Tachika.

"what? What?"

Little Da Vinci appeared from the screen again, her eyes widened, her face full of incredible expressions.

"Wait a minute, Tachika, did you really see anything there? We can't see anything here! So the instruments don't respond! There shouldn't be anything there!"

In the eyes of Liu Xia and Esdes, there was no breath of life on the woman, as if there was no one there at all.

Can only be seen in person, but cannot be detected?

Could it be a creation of imaginary numbers... No, the submarine itself has the function of observing imaginary numbers. If that woman is really a creation of imaginary numbers, it should not be able to hide from Da Vinci's observation. So, it may be some kind of above imaginary numbers. exist?

Liu Xia opened the magic eye, switched the function to the magic eye of death, and looked at the other party again.

can not see.

Can't see anything.

As if there was only air there, the Devil's Eye of Death directly penetrated the other side, and his viewpoints all fell on the fantasy tree behind her.

It's not that the dead line can't be seen anymore, it's that the life can't be seen at all.

Including Liu Xia, everyone here is on guard.

That woman doesn't look like a simple thing, maybe she's weirder and scarier than the Fantasy Tree, the King of Lostbelts, and so on.


The woman on the opposite side just stood there silently, staring at Fujimaru Rika, without seeing any fluctuations in Ju You Yinhe's eyes.

After a while, her figure gradually faded.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, she disappeared in place.

There was no movement in the whole process, nor did it show a bit of vision, it just showed the figure, and then disappeared again, that's all.

Completely confusing.


Fujimaru Rika stared blankly at the place where the other party disappeared, with an inexplicable expression, and heaved a sigh of relief, "It seems that at least it is not our enemy."

"That's it for now."

Liu Xia was noncommittal, and her expression relaxed slightly, "I'm not sure whether she will be our enemy in the future, at least we must be vigilant against her."


Fujimaru Rika nodded.

With the bleaching of human nature, there are too many unknown things appearing on this planet.

The current Chaldea can only be regarded as a racing car that has re-entered the track. Including that woman, all the answers need to be explored by them, and all the problems need to be solved by their own hands.

"Oh! Look, everyone, the blizzard seems to be dissipating!"

Little Da Vinci's voice full of surprises came into everyone's ears, causing everyone to look up at the sky in unison.

That's right.

After the fantasy tree was cut down, the snowstorm that kept blowing in the sky showed signs of easing at this moment, just like the melting of the first snow, a large amount of snow gradually spread from the sky and the earth, revealing a clear sky. Sky.

The wind and snow that obstructed the line of sight quickly disappeared, and the field of vision became wider again, and the clouds in the sky were also imprinted in the eyes, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Not only Liu Xia and the others, but even in Moscow in the distance, the Yaga looked at the clear sky, and couldn't help showing a look of amazement.

The sky, that is a scene that has only existed in legends for a long time, has not been seen for more than 400 years.

Both adults and children, all walked out of the house at this moment, celebrating this hard-won, like a day blessed by the gods, the whole city was suddenly filled with laughter.

But I'm afraid they can't think of it, this will be the last sunny day they see in their lives.

"It is confirmed that the wall of the storm on the border is disappearing rapidly, Lixiang, Liuxia-chan, hurry up and get in the car, we will rush to the border and confirm the current situation of the earth!"

Little Da Vinci urged several people with a smile on his face.

Fujimaru Rika nodded and said nothing. Together with Liu Xia and the others, they walked into the compartment of the submarine.

With the appearance of the purple square, the imaginary submarine quickly disappeared in the purple dazzling light, leaving behind a mess of this snowy wasteland.


The border of the Russian Lostbelt.

The snowstorm here has also dissipated, the field of vision has become wider again, the snow-white land stretches for dozens of miles, and even the temperature is rising rapidly.

With the flash of purple light, the imaginary submarine reappeared on the snow on this border, only a few kilometers away from the wall of the storm.

In the armored vehicle, everyone saw through the video that the huge storm wall that originally covered the border of the Lostbelt was now as if the system was paralyzed. will completely disappear from that realm.

"Wow, it's delicious, as expected of the meat of the fantasy species, it's really a rare and unparalleled product! Hehe, I have to say, this is a good start!"

Inside the carriage, the fat director Gold held a plate of roasted dragon meat, and while eating his mouth full of oil, he showed admiration to everyone.

"Under my wise leadership, Tatsuka Fujimaru has finally completed the task of cutting the Lostbelt. It's not bad, it is worthy of praise! I hope you can continue to work hard and successfully solve other Lostbelts. In this way, on my resume, It can also look a lot better, hahaha!”

As he said that, he showed a smug smile, as if he had already imagined what kind of preferential treatment he would receive after returning to the clock tower.

"Da Vinci, I want to ask you a favor."

Fujimaru Tachika rarely paid any attention to the fat director, but looked at the little Da Vinci who came out of the computer room to rest.

"I want the imaginary submarine to circle around the Russian Lostbelt, at least to witness the end of the Lostbelt and the Yaga."


Little Da Vinci glanced at Fujimaru Tachika in amazement, then pondered for a while, and sighed.

"Well, your request is really irresistible. Before leaving here, let's run a lap on this land!"

"There's no need for that!"

The fat director who was eating meat on the side didn't care about Fujimaru Tachika's ignorance. After hearing this, his face sank, and a look of indifference appeared.

"What's so good about this icy and snowy scenery? The top priority now should be to go to the next Lost Belt and get rid of it. This is the commander's order!"

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