Eighth Crown

Chapter 1031: The end of the Russian Lostbelt

Looking closely, the bark of the fantasy tree was also tightly wrinkled, like a wild dog that was blown up by an invincible beast, conveying "hate", "want to live", "go away" to Liuxia emotions like that.

Those emotions were so clear that they didn't even have a voice, but Liu Xia felt the authenticity of it as a life.

"Is it really like what Da Vinci said, is this fantasy tree actually a living thing?"

Liu Xia's eyes moved slightly, and although he was a little puzzled when he looked at the fantasy tree [Orochimaru], who was repelling him with all his strength, he did not intend to continue to investigate.

Anyway, as long as all the fantasy trees along the way are cut down, his task will be completed, and it is not necessary for him to explore the truth, the truth or something.

"The reason why this barrier was not broken is because the true ether of the Age of Gods was mixed in, right?"

Liu Xia's eyes moved to the colorless magic barrier around the fantasy tree, and she speculated in her heart.

The true ether of the Age of Gods, in short, is a special energy that surpasses magic power. It is a substance that exists only in the Age of Gods, and is now completely extinct.

Generally speaking, as long as you use a little bit, you can greatly increase your strength.

If it is a light cannon type Noble Phantasm, it is equivalent to releasing a large-scale BUFF with increased power of the Noble Phantasm. If it is a defensive type Noble Phantasm, it is equivalent to superimposing a large-scale BUFF with improved defensive ability.

The duty of the fantasy tree is to rewind the human principles all over the planet and return the earth to the age of the gods. Therefore, it naturally possesses the true ether of the age of gods. It is mixed into the attack and defense, and its own strength has been greatly multiplied.

"The holy spear pulls its anchor—"

Liu Xia changed to hold the sword of flame with one hand, controlled it and did not dissipate, then switched the rank to the spear rank, let the holy spear appear in his hand, and filled its magic power in an instant, and immediately carried out the treasure. With liberation.

"Rhongo (shine in) - myniad (spear of the end) -!"

In just an instant, a huge spear of light fell from the sky.

The golden light gun is like a divine punishment from the gods, from somewhere out of reach, the power of judgment that is enough to destroy everything is lowered.

The moment the light gun fell, the turbulent colorless barrier, like fragile glass, turned into countless tiny fragments and shot out in all directions.

Even if there is an increase in the true ether of the Age of God, the upper limit is there, and there is no room for exceeding the limit.

The holy spear destroyed the tortoise shell and mercilessly bombarded the fantasy tree.

The white column body suddenly swayed violently, like a scream, and most of the black gaps on the body were opened, and a huge amount of magic power was released in one breath, turning into a chaotic sea of ​​magic power, crushing in all directions. past.

Although it was an extremely powerful blow, judging from the fact that it did not aim at Liu Xia, it might be closer to the subconscious counterattack after it was injured, trying to force Liu Xia away from him.

Such a counterattack gives the impression of being at a loss, and it is also proof that it has become a dead end.

Not really strong.

I don't know if it was because of the lack of nutrition due to the growth of the seedlings, or because Anastasia, who helped it grow, is no longer there. The strength of this fantasy tree is not as strong as Liu Xia imagined.

He originally thought that the power of the fantasy tree might be enough to rival Lei Di, the king of the Lostbelt, but now it seems that the fantasy tree [Orochimaru] is just too big and bluffing, and its strength may be around the **** level, even Ai Both Steth and Fittoria can deal with it, but for him now, he is far from being a big enemy.

"However, it seems that there is no magic in it."

Liu Xia raised the flaming giant sword in his hand, and the ice-blue light flashed in his eyes, severing the torrent of magic power that was approaching in front of him, and then quickly bullied him to the front of the fantasy tree.

Although the special attack of the mysterious killer was not triggered, the battle was over.


A sword pierced straight into the core heat source of the fantasy tree, and the huge flame sword penetrated it.


Immediately afterwards, at the moment when the fantasy tree was completely unable to respond, Liu Xia used the sword of flames as a medium to enter the flame into its interior at any cost, turning it into heat that burned everything, sweeping its body, and directly destroying its core.

"Hey ---!!!"

Liu Xia clenched the flaming sword in his hand, and the whole person was no longer heading towards the sky, but fell rapidly towards the ground.

The flaming sword instantly turned into a huge axe, splitting the fantasy tree in half from the center. Under the acceleration of the flame jet, such a crack quickly spread from the top of its head to the ground.


The fantasy tree let out a silent but wilting roar, but it was already powerless, and could only watch in despair that it was cut in half from head to toe.


on the ground.

"Oh! As expected of Ryuxia-chan~!"

Little Da Vinci's voice full of surprise came from the screen.

"The life response of the fantasy tree is rapidly declining, and if you want to use a metaphor, it is dying!"

As her voice came out, everyone's eyes also looked towards the sky.

In the roar of flames that was getting closer, a figure shot down from the air against the fantasy tree, like an experienced lumberjack. The huge blade in his hand split the fantasy tree into two very even halves from the middle.


With the roar, Liu Xia fell from the sky, smashing a huge pit several meters deep on the ground, and the lingering flames even baked the ground within dozens of meters to black.

"Did you succeed?"

The eyes of everyone converged one after another, and the expressions in their eyes were full of complexity.

The fantasy tree is cut down, which means that this Lost Belt is about to come to an end, and everything will disappear from here.


Without making any death-defying counterattack, the incomparably huge body of the fantasy tree shattered.

It didn't fall down like a tree, but like a broken crystal, it turned into crystal fragments of different sizes, and then gradually melted like a spring snow, and finally there was no trace left, as if returning to nature. disappeared without a trace.

"Confirm that the fantasy tree was cut down successfully!"

Little Da Vinci's happy tone spread to everyone's ears.

"Not only that, at the same time that the fantasy tree was cut down, it was also confirmed that the wall of the storm on the border of the Russian Lost Belt was gradually declining, and I believe it will disappear within half an hour!"

As predicted by the future vision, as long as the fantasy tree is destroyed, this Lost Belt will come to an end.

Not only the blizzard that spreads across the sky and the earth, but also the wall of the storm covering the border of the Lost Belt, whose energy is comparable to that of a nuclear bomb, will disappear without a trace, returning this piece of land to Russia, which is a pan-human history.

"...This should be a good ending, right?"

Looking at the wreckage of the fantasy tree that was gradually disappearing into the air, Fujimaru Rika thought with some unpleasantness in her heart.

From this moment on, no matter whether it is Yaga she has met or not, or the natives who have communicated with her, they will become the losers of history's self-elimination, and no one will remember it, the dust in history.

"Wait a minute, what is that...?"

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