Eighth Crown

Chapter 1000: Why very low miniskirts? (3/3)

After a long while, the lively atmosphere in the field returned to calm.

"We originally planned to find the surrounding spiritual veins and then summon the servants."

Fujimaru Rika said to Liu Xia: "But even if you can find the spiritual veins, you need to provide a lot of magic power from the imaginary submarine to summon heroic spirits, but now with Liu Xia-chan you join, it is better than a hundred followers! "

The subtext is that there is no need to waste the magic of the submarine to summon other Servants.

After all, a submarine is just a submarine. It is just a mobile base, not a base, and has no fixed source of energy.

Even if Chaldea has a high-end operation that converts electricity into magic, the submarine does not have several large power stations like the headquarters of Chaldea. The power reserve is seriously insufficient, and the operation of the submarine requires a lot of electricity. Of course, There is no reason to waste.

"Lixiang is right! If that's the case, let's start the next plan!"

Da Vinci stuck his head out of the screen again, and said with a smile, "Although it is important to defeat the king of the Lostbelt named Ivan the Terrible, there are more realistic troubles now!"

"Yes, food and energy are overwhelmingly insufficient! And the hull of the submarine is also in urgent need of repair, otherwise even the ability of imaginary diving can no longer be used!"

Submarine space is limited, and the resources stored are of course even more limited.

After their long voyage in the imaginary space, the food and electricity themselves have been consumed to the point where they are close to the limit, otherwise they would not be in such a hurry to float up.

By the way, because the concept of time in the imaginary number space is extremely confusing, although they have stayed in the imaginary number space for about seven days, it has been three months in the real number space.

The time that Liu Xia asked the Yaga guard before was the end of March 2018.

And because it hit the boundary wall between the imaginary number and the real number when it ascended, part of the outer armor of the submarine fell off.

Many theoretical spells necessary for imaginary number navigation are engraved on those outer armors. If they are not repaired, imaginary number navigation will be impossible.

"Food, energy and repairing submarines?"

Liu Xia heard the words clearly, "If that's the case, then go back to the submarine first. I can solve these problems."


Da Vinci's eyes suddenly lit up, and he put on a "I'm super cute" expression.

"Don't lie to me? This submarine is the same as my life itself. If you lie to me, my heart will be hurt very much!"

After the size has become smaller, this guy seems to have completely abandoned the restraint of adults, and he can even sell cuteness without any pretense and proceed without any obstacles.

"no problem."

Lucia nodded indifferently.

That calm demeanor fell in the eyes of the Chaldeans, and they seemed confident, which made the technicians feel extremely reliable.

"Ah! Thank you so much!"

Little Da Vinci smiled and said, "Because of the shrinkage, my versatility has also been greatly weakened, so it is obviously a small problem that cannot be solved. Anyway, please come back to the submarine first!"

"By the way, pay attention to the monsters around you along the way. According to what Patzig said before, there may be Kritchuch and Javor Deron at any time in the blizzard. Be careful!"

Kreichurch, also known as the Roaring Beast.

There is no doubt that it is a species that does not exist on the modern earth. In other words, it is a monster. The individual strength is not very strong, but it has the attribute of gregariousness and often appears in groups.

Javor Deron, also known as the Devil's Throne.

The main body is a large snake with many heads. It has the strength to easily destroy a Yaga village. There is no doubt that it is a high-level magical beast, or even an phantom beast, but it is rarely seen.

These are all special monsters owned by this Lost Belt, and they are also the food source for 90% of the Yaga.

After all, the temperature here is around minus 100 degrees all year round, and it is almost impossible for plants such as rice to grow. If the Yaga want to survive, they can only try to hunt monsters to eat.

Although the monsters are not weak, Yaga, as a synthetic creature of humans and monsters, has much more physical and stamina than humans. Coupled with the magic-transformed musket, it is not a problem to kill an ordinary Kreichurch. Go to Javor Deron, then you can only resign yourself to fate.

"A monster, it's not a threat."

Lucia didn't care.

They had walked through the blizzard all the way to the city of Yaga. Although they felt the breath of some monsters on the way, they did not dare to come up to offend them.

That's because they sensed the demonic nature far above them and didn't dare to provoke them at all.

Among them, even Dotya has the magic of the winding class, and Lucia, Esdes, and even Fituria, their magic and aura are ten times more than her, those monsters are tired of living to provoke them.

"Right, speaking of this."

Fujimaru Rika suddenly approached Liu Xia and whispered to him.

"Liu Xia-chan, what's the matter with the creature that looks like a chicken and a bird by your side? I didn't see you with me last time?"

Her eyes were clearly focused on Fituria, who was behind everyone, her eyes full of curiosity and weirdness.

"Fitoria is not a chicken."

However, although she spoke in a low voice, Fittoria heard her, and cast a dissatisfied look at Fujimaru Tachika.

"Fitoria is a Philo, and she is the Philo Queen."


Fujimaru Tachika and Mash were surprised.

The Chaldeans, who were watching the situation here through the screen, were also dumbfounded.

That free-range chicken that clearly has the shape of a beast... well, it's Philo, is it a high-level fantasy species that can talk?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have admitted that such a funny creature was actually an advanced fantasy species!

"That's the companion I found in other worlds. Don't think she looks a little strange, but she has the strength to rival high-level phantom beasts and even divine beasts. According to legend, she even feeds on dragons." Liu Xia briefly introduced.

"That sentence that looks a little weird is superfluous." Fittoria muttered in a low voice.

Feed on dragons?

Well, that can indeed be said to be a big guy!

"Beyond this, I also have a question for you."

Liu Xia turned her head to look at Fujimaru Rika, who looked a little strange.

"Why are you wearing this miniskirt in this icy world?"

That's right.

This red-haired girl was only wearing a very thin black uniform. The upper body was fine, at least covering the whole body, but the lower body actually only had a miniskirt covering the thighs?

Although he was wearing a black robe outside, it was only used to hide his identity.

While walking, the snow-white legs under the robe will still be exposed. They are neither as thin as chopsticks, nor excessively plump. They have a well-balanced sense of exercise, and they are not weak compared to Tohsaka Rin. They are unusually attractive. sight.

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