Eighth Crown

Chapter 999: The end of panhuman history

Pan-human history, ending in 2017.

This is what the people of Chaldea heard before using the imaginary submarine to escape into the imaginary space after escaping from Chaldea on December 31, 2017. Kirshtalia, the captain of Group A seven Wardham's manifesto.

"This should not be a joke, but a fact."

Holmes looked very solemn.

"In order to avoid the pursuit of the killing hunters, we used the ability of the imaginary submarine to escape into the imaginary space, but when we tried to ascend, we found that there was no 'fate' connected to us on the earth! "

The imaginary number space is a non-existent space. If you want to enter the real number space from the non-existent space, you must choose a coordinate. Coordinates in the usual sense are not enough. Row.

In other words, this "edge" is their anchor point in the real world, the direction and destination of their voyage.

When Liu Xia used the shuttle function of the anonymous spirit base, when trying to return to the worlds she had been to before, she also needed to locate those worlds through the "fate" with the characters she met in the past.

But when they tried to find "predestined relationship" and returned to the real-number space, they found that there was no "predestination" on earth.

This is almost impossible.

Even if someone they knew dies, their records should remain, unless it is their very existence, or everything associated with them on Earth, that is likely to lead to such an ending.

To put it simply, human rationality has been bleached.

There is nothing left on earth.

This may lead to not finding the slightest "edge".

In desperation, they chose the last, and the most dangerous, "fate", that is, the Killing Hunter.

That's right, those slaughter hunters who invaded Chaldea and completely destroyed Chaldea.

Although none of the other "destiny" could be found, the Killing Hunters still existed, and through this most dangerous "destiny", they floated up to the alien realm of Russia.

This is almost the same as gambling, after all, they just escaped from the killing of the hunters.

If the slaughter hunters are the predestined fate, they may even appear in the slaughter hunters' lair, directly surrounded by tens of thousands of slaughter hunters, and they will be finished on the spot.

But fortunately, they were lucky and appeared in the uninhabited snow field.

In addition, the blizzard caused the visibility to be extremely low, and then the camouflage function of the imaginary submarine was turned on, so it is safe and sound so far.

Because the imaginary submarine is likely to be the last harbor and fortress of humanism, Sherlock Holmes, the only combat power, can only sit in the submarine, and the operation of the submarine also left the little Da Vinci, so in the end, only Fujimaru Rika Come out with Matthew and inquire about the surrounding information.

In conclusion, human rationale is finished again.

There are only a few people from Chaldea left, and only one Master, Fujimaru Rika, can take on the heavy responsibility of saving the world... What a troubled world.

And compared with the last time, their opening this time was overwhelmingly unfavorable. Even the most basic base was gone. Only the Da Vinci, who was not as good as before because of the shrinking size, and Sherlock Holmes who secretly stayed behind were left. These two fighting forces.

It is conceivable how happy and joyful they were after detecting Liuxia's spirit base reaction.

Chaldea still trusts Liu Xia very much. After all, he had already had the experience of fighting side by side when he was in the country before, and after that, he took the initiative to go to Chaldea and stayed there for a few months.

And the strength is super strong, there is no more exciting reinforcement than this.

"To sum up, this is what we have experienced in this period of time. Although the future is bleak, we can only continue to work hard for now."

Sherlock Holmes reluctantly spread his hands, expressing the current attitude of Chaldea.

"Then, Mr. Liangyi, it's my turn to ask questions. I heard that you already know some of the situation in this place, so I would like to ask you to explain in detail."

"no problem."

Lucia nodded in response.

Afterwards, he revealed the information he had learned so far, although there was not much at all.


After half a day.

"The Lost Belt, the Great Cold Wave, Yaga, and Ivan the Terrible..."

After learning the basic situation from Liu Xia, Holmes frowned deeply, and from time to time he put his pipe in his mouth and took a sip, his face full of thought.

"So, this Lost Belt Servant led the Killing Hunters and invaded Chaldea?"

Little Da Vinci was busy again, pushing Sherlock Holmes, who was in deep thought, out of the screen, and then his mouth bulged like a pufferfish, his face full of indignation.

"As long as the Ivan the Terrible is defeated and the tree-like thing is cut down, is there a way to restore the pan-human history?"

"It's just possible."

Liu Xia said noncommittally: "According to the information I know, there are at least three Lostbelts like this, and the Russian Lostbelt is only one of them."

The number of Lostbelts is likely to be more than three.

According to the declaration of the previous group A captain Kirshtalia Wodam, the Lostbelt is likely to have as many as seven.

And if you want to restore the bleached pan-human history, it is very likely that you need to cut all the seven Lostbelts and overthrow all the Kings of the Seven Lostbelts.

"Liuxia-chan, what are your plans now?"

Fujimaru Rika interjected, and looked at Lucia with gleaming eyes.

"We have to save people no matter what, but we really lack strong enough companions. If possible, can you please help us?"

"Please help us!"

Mash also made a solemn request to Lucia.

In any case, human principles must be saved.

There is no reason to give up the pan-human history that has been saved through many sacrifices. If you give up, you will not say whether the billions of lives can be saved, and even more sorry for the companions who have sacrificed on the road to restore human nature in the past.

"Just right."

Under the expectant gazes of the two and the Chaldeans on the other side of the screen, Liuxia nodded calmly.

"My purpose is also to cut this Lost Belt, which is the same as yours. If that's the case, let's act together."

Chaldea has the ability to submerge imaginary numbers. If he wants to travel between the Lost Belts, this may be a necessary ability. For him, this is also a rare help.

"Very good!"

The red-haired girl was surprised.

Then she rushed up and gave Liu Xia a bear hug, the whole person hung directly on his body, dangling, without the restraint of a lady.


Esteston on the side cast a murderous look.

"Pre... Senior!?"

Matthew instantly showed a shocked look, looking wronged to Barra.

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