【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and the ghost power in his body suddenly turbulent, ready to go.

Although Lin Chen was a little apprehensive of this Mr. Li, and hadn't thought of provoking him for the time being, but since the other party had already approached him, Lin Chen had no choice but to do it.

However, to Lin Chen's surprise, Mr. Li did not show any conflict with him. At least seeing Lin Chen's aura shaking, he was still calm and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I mean no harm."

This was the first time Mr. Li spoke, his voice was hollow but very powerful, it didn't seem to come from the mortal world, but it gave Lin Chen a voice that didn't come from his mouth, but came from all directions.

"Who are you?" The ghost power in Lin Chen's body did not relax, but frowned and asked.

"Before you get to know me, I want to show you a good show." Mr. Li smiled mysteriously.

"Why me?" Lin Chen asked.

Mr. Li said: "Because you have something in you that I need very much."

Lin Chen finally knew why the other party was staring at him.

It's just that it's not clear what exactly that needs.

Moreover, this ghost was so abnormal that Lin Chen had doubts about Luo Jin's words. It was not that he suspected that Luo Jin was deceiving him, but that Luo Jin's understanding of this ghost was not accurate.

This is definitely not an ordinary native ghost.

Mr. Li smiled, as an invitation, and walked downstairs.

Lin Chen thought for a while, then followed directly.

Sudden! When Lin Chen started to walk, the surrounding environment changed very subtly!

The surrounding environment became brighter and brighter, and when Lin Chen came downstairs, the environment of Hualou changed from night to day.

With ordinary steps, Lin Chen actually followed Mr. Li across time.

At this moment, Lin Chen couldn't hold back the astonishment in his heart, and asked in a deep voice:

"who are you!"

Mr. Li smiled slightly and said: "I will tell you, but before that, please watch this scene first."

Lin Chen took a deep look at Mr. Li, and his surprise grew stronger in his heart.

"Don't think too much, just take a look at the surrounding environment." Mr. Li said with a smile.

I don't know when it started, there were many people in the flower building, prostitutes, servants, and guests came in an endless stream, and the originally quiet environment became noisy again.

And it looked even more lively than during the day.

"This is what happened in the past. The time point when you entered the copy is the future, and I will take you back to the past." Mr. Li laughed.

Lin Chen's eyes moved slightly, while looking around, he also wondered why Mr. Li brought him to see these, and what the so-called good show was.

"Let's go. The environment here has been the same for ten years. It's nothing more than luxury and luxury. There's nothing to see. Let's go to Ningxiang's room to have a look." Mr. Li smiled.

Ningxiang's residence is not on the upper floor of the flower building, but in the backyard. There are different accords, gardens, rockeries, and ponds are built. The scenery is beautiful and there is a faint mist, which looks like a fairyland.

"He should be here now." Mr. Li explained to Lin Chen.

The surrounding mountains, rocks, vegetation scattered by themselves, Lin Chen and Mr. Li appeared in a garden, and there were two figures cuddling each other on the opposite side.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

They are a man and a woman.

The man has a handsome face and a gentle manner, like a scholar. He wears a jade pendant that looks very expensive. He has a gentle smile on his face, which looks full of nobility, and his eyes are full of tenderness.

And the other woman, with a beautiful face and an excellent figure, was half lying in the man's arms, with an abnormal blush on her cheeks, delicate sweat beads on her body, and was wearing a white velvet robe, The snow-white skin is looming.

"They are?" Lin Chen asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"I saved it just now, but I skipped the ones that shouldn't be seen." Mr. Li explained.

? ? ?

Lin Chen almost went up and kicked this self-assertive Mr. Li, but at this moment, Mr. Li started talking again.

"The man is the young master of the Marquis's Mansion in Kyoto, the legitimate son of the family, who will be hereditary title in the future, came to the ancient city by chance, fell in love with Ning Xiang at first sight, and Ning Xiang was also attracted by the demeanor of this young master, so it was natural together.

Lin Chen and Mr. Li talked in a loud voice, but their existence did not attract anyone's attention. It was like a dream function, and the surrounding things could not touch them at all.

Mr. Li's words were an explanation, telling Lin Chen what happened.

On the opposite side, the little marquis hugged the beauty and said, "Xiang'er, ever since I saw you, I know that I will definitely not marry you in my life."

"Little Hou Ye, Xiang'er has you, and there is no regret in this life." Ning Xiang put her pretty face on the shoulder of Xiao Hou Ye, and said softly.

These two people seem to be depending on each other, but after Lin Chen, it must end in tragedy in the end. Otherwise, when he saw Ningxiang's face through the white gauze in the flower building, his face would not be as big as that. A hideous scar.

"Xiang'er, when I return to the capital, I will definitely tell my father, and then I will redeem you back home and officially marry you." The young master promised.

Ning Xiang was moved. At this time, she had given her whole body and soul to such an extraordinary young man, so she naturally believed in his words without any doubts.

"From today onwards, Xiang'er is all yours. I will be happy for your happiness and sad for your sorrow. Whether rich or ordinary, I am willing to follow you forever."

The two were thinking about the future, the little Hou Ye was very knowledgeable, and in just a few words, he portrayed a very beautiful voice, as if he was willing to return to the countryside with Ningxiang, and build a two-person world that only belonged to them.

Mr. Li smiled and said, "How is it?"

Lin Chen withdrew his lips and said: "It looks like a pair of talented men and beautiful women, but I don't think this man is a good man, but it's nothing. There are many such cases in Blue Star, so it's nothing."

There are indeed many famous scenes of scumbags cheating on girls in Blue Star, and the reverse is also common, and this thing is usually not a big problem in modern society. People have already seen it, right?

"Oh?" Mr. Li was dumbfounded, and then smiled more happily: "That's why I like human beings so much. Human beings have complicated thoughts, which makes me interesting."

"You don't belong to human beings, so you should be a ghost?" Lin Chen asked.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Hehe, ghosts are not counted." Mr. Li shook his head, then waved his hand lightly, and the surrounding environment changed again.

Lord Hou was not there, replaced by a messenger boy, the beauty was still there, but the happiness on her face had turned pale.

Ning Xiang held a letter in her hand, and the handwriting in the letter was heartbreaking, making her jade hand holding the letter tremble uncontrollably.

"Slightly red lips taste like thousands of people? He actually looks at me like this?" Ning Xiang said sadly, her eyes were full of disbelief, as if she couldn't imagine that her true son would comment on her like this.

"Miss Ningxiang, this is indeed a letter from the young master. The villain went to the capital to look for him according to your instructions, but he was turned away. Later, because the incident got a little big, the Hou's mansion even sent someone to arrest the villain. After a beating, the little prince finally wrote down this letter, telling the villain that this life has nothing to do with you, and then left." The boy who delivered the letter explained, and upon closer inspection, this person There were indeed bruises on his face.

Ning Xiang was hit hard, Qian was unsteady, and fell back to the chair, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of confusion.

Seeing this, the servant hurriedly left, and after a while, Luo Jin was invited over by the servant.

Luo Jin's expression was full of worry and distress, and after finally reading the letter, she sighed and said, "Silly boy, in fact, I have already seen that the young master is not a righteous person. I am sorry for your infatuation. I didn’t say much, I didn’t expect that what was supposed to come still came.”

Ning Xiang burst into tears, hugged Luo Jin's delicate body and said, "Sister, why did this happen? He promised me that he would come back and marry me."

Luo Jin patted Ning Xiang and said, "This is our

The life of a prostitute, your sister Xuanmu has not left the attic for three years because of a man. If we want to survive in this world, we must remember one thing, that is, never be emotionally attracted to a man. "

Ningxiang shook her head and said, "No, there is still love between Sister Xuanmu and that man. That man is just afraid of hurting Sister, and will come back to pick her up one day. The same is true for Young Master, he will not abandon me either. , he’s just testing me now.”

Luo Jin sighed slightly, Xuanmu's situation was indeed somewhat special, but this speciality also showed that it was completely different from Ningxiang's situation.

In the end, knowing that it would be useless to persuade her, Luo Jin also left, leaving Ning Xiang alone, hoping that she could figure it out on her own.

Mr. Li looked back again, and the flow of time around him increased.

One day, two days, three days.

Not only did Ning Xiang not get out of the shadows, but she became more and more obsessed, often staring at a deserted place for a long time, when someone asked, she replied that she was waiting for someone to come back to pick her up.

Time passed day by day, but Ningxiang got deeper and deeper.

Regarding this, even the old bustard Luo Jin felt helpless.

Until one day, when it was Ningxiang's turn to appear on the stage and performed a zither art while wearing a veil, countless cheers arose.

Among them, a few wandering businessmen even sighed: "As expected of Ningxiang Huakuan, this zither art alone has already overwhelmed everyone. I can't let the little prince in the capital be so obsessed."

"Yeah, I heard that the young master had a falling out with his family in order to win Ningxiang. He would not hesitate to lose his right to inherit the title and be kicked out of the house. In the end, it was the Hou family who threatened the young master with Ningxiang's life to settle the matter. subsided."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Now the Hou Mansion has re-arranged the marriage for the young master. This is fate. People who are in love are destined not to be together. Perhaps for the young master, the life he should have now is what he should have."

"But I've heard that Young Lord can't forget Ningxiang, and seems to want to run away from home and elope with her."

"You can't talk nonsense, but if it's true, whether it's Ningxiang or this flower building, it will be doomed in the end, and the little Marquis's family will also be in trouble. You know, he is not the only one in the Marquis' mansion... "

"It's not that these two people shouldn't be together. If they don't belong to the right family, it can only lead to tragedy."

The words of the businessmen came to Ningxiang's ears like magic voices, making her look so dazed that he didn't even notice, it seemed that he was the only one around who could hear these voices!

The zither string suddenly broke.

Ning Xiang froze in place. Just now, her heart had changed from surprise to emotion, from emotion to sadness and despair, and finally to shock and fear.

She panicked!

Not for himself, but for Xiao Hou Ye and Hua Lou.

Obviously, if the little duke did the crazy act of running away from home and taking her to elope, the consequences behind it would be too great for her to bear.

At the very least, she couldn't let the little marquis and other sisters in Hualou get hurt because of her.

Lin Chen shook his head slightly. With his eyesight, it was not difficult to see that those businessmen were not ordinary people. What they said was aimed at Ning Xiang alone, so there must be some conspiracy.

And at this time, a trace of resentment has risen in the flower building, which proves that this flower building has been selected by the horror game and has been affected in some way.

And the one who was most affected was Na Ningxiang!

"It's started." Li Gongzi smiled, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, as if looking at the perfect work he had created, he looked at Ningxiang with admiration.

And Ningxiang also made a move at this time.

Under the eyes of everyone, she lifted her veil, revealing a beautiful face.

The guests below were all stunned and overwhelmed by this flourishing beauty that seemed to be carved by the heavens, but no one noticed that there were two crystal clear tears dripping down from that beautiful face.

The next moment, Ning Xiang actually let go of her well-coiled hair, took off the hairpin, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, directly pulled the hairpin

The pointed end pierced his forehead, and kept slashing downwards.

Blood spattered, this kind of pain was unimaginable~www.wuxiamtl.com~ However, the weak woman's face was extremely calm, with only a trace of sadness that seemed to be crying and smiling, and the hysterical madness deep in her eyes.

There was a sudden chaos in the flower building, screams, running, and exclamations one after another.

At this time, Mr. Li had already looked back again, skipping the screen.

Lin Chen stood in the same position, but the surrounding environment let him know that this place is no longer a flower building.

This is also a brothel, which belongs to the private room in the brothel.

In the room, the young master and several noble sons were drinking and having fun, accompanied by beautiful singers.

"Young Master, I admire you, you won the bet this time."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"It really amazes us to be able to fascinate the oiran of Hualou in the ancient city to such an extent." "Hey, an oiran disfigures her face in public in order not to affect your life. It's interesting."

Several aristocrats were toasting to the young master. The young master had a modest smile on his face, but the wine in his hand did not stop. He accepted everyone's respect calmly, obviously complacent.

"What's their bet?" Lin Chen asked.

"There is no bet, it's just a word of admiration."

Mr. Li smiled, and finally snapped his fingers, the surrounding light flowed, and everything returned to the original scene.

Lin Chen looked at this miraculous method, and the vigilance in his heart could no longer be described in words. He took a deep breath and said, "The show is over? Who are you?"

Mr. Li smiled and said, "Yuan."

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