Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 444: : Someone else is the dungeon boss?

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Everyone's bodies froze, and they stopped talking nonsense. The six-star player who stood up immediately suppressed the shock and anger on his face, and sat back to his original position.

The dungeon master Ningxiang and a large number of original ghosts are here, they don't want to act rashly, they just focus on stability.

Seeing this, those native ghost prostitutes and servants immediately returned to normal and didn't pay much attention.

Everyone looked at the dining table and found that the changes on it had also returned to normal, from **** human organs to delicious delicacies from mountains and seas.

It's just that the corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly.

In fact, everyone knew that the two different changes in the food were due to the change of the atmosphere in the field, which was dictated by the rules, and it was not a blindfold.

But after the changes just now, it is still difficult for everyone to accept.

About ten minutes later.

The beauty's jade hands finally stopped on the zither, and the wonderful sound stopped abruptly, and all the guests returned to normal, applauding one after another.

"It's so weird."

The atmosphere was extremely hot, but in this environment, everyone only felt a little cold in their bodies. This dungeon had an indescribably weird feeling.

As for the ten ghost players in the rear, their expressions also changed dramatically at this time, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Shall we go upstairs to take a break first?" A six-star player suggested, obviously not wanting to stay here any longer.

"Guest officer, are you going to rest so early?" The prostitute next to her raised her eyebrows slightly.

This is the place of Fengyue, and what you enjoy is the nightlife. Normally, this should be the busiest time.

Lin Chen looked at the prostitute, then smiled and said, "He's drunk too much, so ignore him, let's continue drinking."

A trace of uncertainty appeared on the face of the six-star player, but he knew that Lin Chen's move had other deep meanings, and besides him, no one else had any intention of retreating temporarily, so he didn't say much.

"This Ningxiang girl's zither art is so good, and she has a beautiful figure, it seems that she should be the number one oiran in this flower building." The old man said to the prostitute beside him.

"Among the seven oirans, sister Ningxiang can indeed be ranked first, but if it is said to be number one, Miss Xuanmu should be recognized." The prostitute laughed.


Everyone's face changed drastically, and they were shocked. In their eyes, Ning Xiang had basically been positioned as the dungeon boss.

As for the Boss in Hualou's environment, his identity, reputation, appearance, everything, should be the most outstanding one.

Therefore, after the prostitute said that there was a more beautiful oiran than Ningxiang, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Even Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

Xuanmu, this is the second time he heard this name.

When I first entered the dungeon, I heard them mention this name when I communicated with those vendors, but later because the old bustard mentioned Ningxiang, I skipped it for the time being, and also subconsciously thought that Ningxiang was the owner of the dungeon.

But now it seems that things may have changed.

"What's going on with Miss Mu in this position? Why didn't Luo Jin mention a beauty who is even more outstanding than Ningxiang during the day." Lin Chen asked.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Maybe it's because you didn't ask." The prostitute laughed.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that something was unusual.

At this time, Luo Jin, the procuress, went up and carried it up, and shouted loudly to the crowd: "Is there any guest tonight, would you like to have a chat with Miss Ningxiang? If not, Miss Ningxiang will leave soon." went."

"Don't, this just appeared, how can you leave?"

"Oh, let Ningxiang girl sit down for a while, at least let us have a chat with her."

Luo Jin smiled without saying a word, and she said: "Everyone knows that Miss Ningxiang has a guest to enter the curtain, and she is also a nobleman from the capital, who is going to marry Miss Ningxiang, so Miss Ningxiang will not choose a guest to enter the curtain gone."

"It seems that there

thing. "

"Hey, it's a pity, it seems that there will be one less oiran in this flower building in the future."

When everyone heard the words, they felt a burst of regret.

Lin Chen and the others watched and understood that this was a scene that had happened before, but the thoughtful person frowned, not understanding why there was a word "again" in the words of those guests.

In the end, Ning Xiang left accompanied by several maids.

Regarding Ning Xiang's departure, although everyone felt sorry for her, they didn't say much. The prostitutes in the venue were very active, and after a while, there were smiling customers pulling the shy prostitute away. went upstairs.

You don't need to look to know that tonight is destined to be bombarded.

"Master Chen." The old bustard Luo Jin came over with a warm smile on his face.

Her behavior also attracted the attention of many guests. During the day, they noticed that Lin Chen's table had always been very close to Luo Jin, the procuress of Hualou, so they were more curious about Lin Chen and others.

"Luo Jin, you finally have an oiran here. It's a pity that our brother has no chance to see Sheng Yan." Lin Chen laughed.

"Actually, Ningxiang's introduction today is just to give Luo Jin a face. In two days, she might leave Hualou, Mr. Chen, forget what I told you about Ningxiang and the rich man during the day." Is there a story?" Luo Jin smiled.

Lin Chen nodded, expressing his understanding.

In fact, she knew in her heart that it was impossible for Ningxiang to leave this flower building in her life, otherwise she would not appear in the dungeon as a ghost, and a complete story would not make a dungeon.

"I said Mom, the most popular oiran here is that girl Xuanmu. I heard you talk about Ningxiang during the day, and I thought she was the most beautiful oiran here." Jiang Chen laughed and began to test.

"This girl Xuanmu is a bit special, she hasn't shown her face for three years..." Luo Jin seemed to hesitate, but finally said truthfully.

"I haven't shown up for three years? Why?" Lin Chen asked in surprise.

"It has a relationship with a scholar. That scholar's situation is special and the relationship is too great, so it is inconvenient for us to say more about it. Mr. Chen, please forgive me." Luo Jin showed a trace of apology.

Lin Chen nodded.

Here comes another one that isn't quite right.

The probability that Ningxiang is the master of the instance has changed from 90% to 50%, and the other 50% has been placed on Xuanmu's body.

Everyone started drinking and having fun, but the food on the table never moved.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen inadvertently glanced behind him, and then casually asked Luo Jin, "Luo Jin, do you know the young master behind?"

What Lin Chen asked was that very special mysterious young man.

Luo Jin was taken aback for a moment, then followed Lin Chen's guidance, and immediately smiled and said, "That's Mr. Li from Li Yuan's family, what's wrong?"

"Is it from the ancient city? How can we interact with you on weekdays?" Lin Chen asked again.

"It's from the ancient city, but we rarely meet each other. To him, I'm just a superficial acquaintance." Luo Jin said with a smile.

Lin Chen took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I understand."

The other players looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Lin Chen was concerned about. An ordinary guest might not even be considered a native ghost, but just a trace of the past, of no great value at all.

It's just that there are so many prostitutes around, it's not convenient for them to ask.

As the time got later and later, the guests either left or went upstairs with the prostitutes, and the number of people in the hall became less and less.

As for the mysterious Mr. Li, after he glanced at Lin Chen with great interest, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

His departure was only discovered by Lin Chen, who had been watching him secretly. Apart from that, no one or ghosts noticed. Extraordinary, definitely not an ordinary native ghost.

"Well... what should we do?"

At this time, seeing that the number of people was getting smaller and smaller, someone finally couldn't help asking, thinking of what was going to happen next

Feeling, their faces are full of embarrassment and hesitation.

"What should I do? If the guest officer is tired, I can ask the girl to take you upstairs." Luo Jin smiled foolishly.

"Um..." The six-star player was speechless.

Hua Luo coughed lightly, and thought of an excuse that he thought was reasonable: "I have a fierce wife at home, so I'm afraid I can't let a beauty accompany me."

Luo Jin smiled and said: "The guest officer is a family-oriented person, but home is home, and outside is outside. Hualou allows everyone to let go of themselves and find a place for their souls to return to. We should only look at the present. Could it be that you feel that you are with me?" Your girl is not pretty enough?"

As soon as this remark came out, the woman beside Hua Luo immediately showed aggrieved expression, and looked at Hua Luo directly.

"No, no." Hua Luo quickly denied it, for fear of arousing the original ghost's mutation because of this incident.

"I've been used to sleeping alone for many years, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my wife." Gu Yehan burst out.

Luo Jin said with ease: "Don't worry, if the guest officer needs it, you can let the girl leave the room after the work is done, but I'm afraid that at that time, the guest officer will not be willing to part with the gentle country." Good guy, There is no escape, right?

Everyone was speechless.

In the end, the tomb old man laughed loudly, stood up holding the prostitute beside him, and said: "Young people have thin skins, they have come here, there is nothing else they can't let go of, they are only women, and they will die."

He was reminding everyone that since the copy of Hualou is a brothel, some situations are inevitable. If everyone rejects prostitutes, it will inevitably look a little abnormal.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen gave a thumbs up and said, "As expected of Mr. Tomb, he really is getting stronger and stronger."

The eyes of the six-star players flickered slightly, and finally got up, hugged the prostitute and left, and walked upstairs.

In the end, only Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan were left hesitating.

"Old Zhou, the girl next to you is so cute and dear, don't ruin her friendship with you." Lin Chen laughed.

Zhou Geng gave Lin Chen a dark look, and then seemed to accept his fate, so he had no choice but to embrace the woman beside him.

As for Gu Yehan, he did not agree with his life and death, as if he had some kind of spiritual obsession. He knew that in this kind of dungeon, following the rules is the safest behavior, but he would rather face the danger than fight with that person. Prostitutes sleep together.

In this regard, Lin Chen did not persuade, but quietly handed Zhou Geng a porcelain bottle.

After Zhou Geng got the result, he took a look at it, and his eyes brightened immediately.

Lan Yi had received Lin Chen's obedient water, so he naturally knew what was in this porcelain bottle.

Lin Chen smiled, pulled Luo Jin and walked upstairs past Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan.

On the third floor, the voices of coffee fans can be heard endlessly, and it can be said that it is in good order. After those six-star players went upstairs, they seemed to have been appointed and started to help the errant girl around them to point out the lost path. It's so alluring under the lights.

The gate is closed.

In the elegant room, Luo Jin leaned against Lin Chen's arms and said, "Officer, do you know that after so many years, you are the first person I have truly fallen in love with."

"That would be my honor." Lin Chen replied with a smile, but he was noncommittal in his heart.

With the reminder of favorability, he clearly knows where Luo Jin's favor for him comes from. With a favorability of 20%, it may be more appropriate to say that he has a good impression than being emotional.

"Then let's rest early." Luo Jin's eyes were watery, with a strange blush on his face, like a ripe peach, ready to be picked.

"No rush, beautiful scenery on a beautiful day, accompanied by a beautiful woman, how can there be no drinks?" Lin Chen laughed.

"It's my slave's negligence, so I arranged for someone to bring it up." Luo Jin pursed her lips and smiled.

Not long after, a jug of sake was brought up by a servant. After Lin Chen took the initiative to take it, he tapped on the jug with Luo Jin behind his back, and a bottle of obedient water that had been in his hand for a long time was dripped into it.

He is not as fierce as the six-star players like the old man in the tomb. Lin Chen dared to bring the female ghost into the room.

Of course, you have your own confidence and coping methods.

For some things, it is not necessary to use one's strengths to blindly understand the ancient ten.

That will only flood Jinshan, hurt others and yourself...

"I would like to offer you a toast." Luo Jin said very well, with many years of experience in the industry, no matter where she was, she would never let the scene cool down.

Lin Chen nodded and drank with him. With the ability to use poison as a master, he is not afraid of the mysterious effect of obedient water.

And Luo Jin almost just drank a glass of wine, rolled her eyes, and passed out on the table.

"threw up."

Lin Chen sprayed out the obedient water, then calmly carried Luo Jin to the bed, tore off his clothes, and pretended to be a post-war scene.

After solving everything, Lin Chen waited in the room for about twenty minutes before turning around and walking out the door.

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【Eighteen years of catching tricks~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I entered the thriller game】【】

At this time, the night was quiet, and even the servant had already begun to rest.

Lin Chen came out this time for two purposes. One is to get rid of the ten irrelevant ghost players first. These ten ghosts will not affect the progress of the dungeon, and it is useless to keep them.

Second, Lin Chen wanted to find out the bottom of the dungeon boss in this flower building.

With Lin Chen's current strength, even if the dungeon boss is the real king, he still has the confidence to retreat unscathed.

The door closed silently.

Lin Chen looked at the several rooms around him. Out of curiosity, he leaned on the door and listened. After finding that there was not much movement, he couldn't help laughing secretly, expressing that the combat effectiveness of these players was too weak.

In fact, at the last moment, there was a certain distance between everyone and him, and he couldn't give everyone obedient words under the watchful eyes of everyone.

So I can only try to keep Zhou Geng as much as possible. As for the others, Lin Chen can only wait for tomorrow to make arrangements. Having a spring night with the female ghost should not be considered a big deal for six-star players.

"Let's start with these ghost players first." The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he was about to walk towards the fourth floor.

However, as soon as Lin Chen turned around, his face suddenly changed, and he saw a young man with an almost perfect face, standing behind him at some point.

And this man seemed to have been waiting for Lin Chen the whole time. When Lin Chen noticed him, his expression didn't change at all, instead he showed a very friendly smile.

And this man is none other than the mysterious Mr. Li who frequently caught Lin Chen's attention during the day!

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