Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 259: : Stirring the situation, the battle begins

Chapter 260 Stirring the situation, the battle begins

"Let's go."

Lin Chen threw the battle order in Chen De's hand, turned around and left.

Chen De hurriedly followed, still rambling on and on, and didn't give up, just holding on.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you one later when I have a spare."

The figures of the two gradually drifted away, and finally disappeared completely.

After that, after a long time, in the bunker formed by Lin Chen's attack, a ghost hand suddenly protruded from the soil.

This ghost hand is extremely hideous, a lot of flesh and blood has disappeared, and the bones of the white hand are clearly visible.

Soon, the owner of the ghost hand emerged from the ground. He was covered in blue ghost blood, and there was still a look of lingering fear on his face.

Constantly looking around.

That terrified appearance made the gloomy sense of dread that he originally seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

After a long time, after confirming that the two killing stars had completely left, he breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly turned into a black shadow and flew towards the direction of the ghost clan domain.

After the figure of the surviving fierce **** disappeared, Lin Chen and Chen De, who had already left, walked out again from the shadowy place beside them.

Looking at the direction in which the fierce **** left, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the end, they really left War Zone 197 and came to another nearby Samsung War Zone.

In the main hall of the main city of the ghost clan domain, the current atmosphere is very uneasy.

In the light and shadow model, the empty spot on No. 197 was originally covered by black, but this black spot was replaced by a dazzling blue light under the eyes of the ghosts.

This made the ghost kings startled and angry.

After all, not long ago, War Zone 198 was occupied by humans. Before the ghosts sent out could bring back specific information, they saw that War Zone 197, which had already been obtained, was occupied by humans again.

The occurrence of this sign has already explained a lot of things, that is, what big moves the human side is making.

"Could it be that they have stopped shrinking and are ready to fight?" a ghost king said.

King Mu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "I have sent the fierce **** to visit again, and I will get news in a short time, but if we can destroy a war zone successfully occupied by our side, there will definitely be no fewer troops."

"King Mu is right. It seems that we have to make more preparations. We can't just point to the No. 1 war zone. Since human beings are aggressive, we can just take advantage of this opportunity to seize opportunities." An old man The toothless ghost suddenly laughed, and said slowly with a figure that was so old that he seemed to die at any time.

"It seems that the one hundred war zones not only did not satisfy the appetite of human beings, but changed their mentality. This is interesting."

In the main hall, the atmosphere changed from dignified to relaxed.

The ghost clan is powerful. In their eyes, they are not afraid of starting a war with humans, but they are worried that humans will not be able to shrink back, so that they cannot find suitable opportunities.

King Mu also nodded, but his face was much calmer, and even his brows were still slightly frowned, which didn't really ease down.

He said: "In fact, compared to this, I am more concerned about Chen's current whereabouts. This person has provoked me many times. If I don't kill him, I will not be able to appease my anger."

"I have a personal slave who sent me the news, saying that the war zone that Chen entered with several blue-clothed sequences was probably protected by the blue-clothed ones. It is in a hundred human war zones, and it will not cause any disturbances in a short time. It's gone." said a ghost with black lines on his face.

King Mu and the other ghost kings nodded their heads when they heard the words, and they all thought it was reasonable. After all, even they had to be amazed at Yichen's talent. There is really no need to put a genius of this level on the bright side of danger. superior.

While all the ghost kings were discussing, a ghost king walked in with a look of astonishment on his face.

"My lords, there are surviving fierce gods in the 197 theater who have returned to the camp and brought news about Chen."

When the ghost kings heard this, their expressions changed immediately.

I didn't expect that I was still discussing about Chen just now, and then I heard the news about Chen when I turned around, and it was also connected with the No. 197 war zone.

"Bring it in!" King Mu said in a deep voice.


The ghost king exited the hall, and when he re-entered, he brought the fierce **** who had escaped from the No. 197 theater before.

This fierce **** was already seriously injured, and his breath was not in a good state. When he came in at this time, he saw all the ghosts, and trembled even more under his fear.

"Tell me, what happened in War Zone 197? Could it be that Chen wiped out War Zone 197?" King Mu said, as if he couldn't calm down when he heard about Chen.

The fierce **** swallowed, trying to force himself to calm down, but he was too nervous for a while, and said dryly, "Yes...it's Chen."

Seeing that he was so unbearable, all the ghosts felt a little impatient, and were about to ask, but at this moment, in the light and shadow model recording 300 theaters, the 196th theater suddenly lit up with blue light.

In this short period of time, yet another war zone was occupied by humans!

All the ghosts were frightened and angry, and one of the ghosts with a soft appearance and evil eyes snorted coldly:

"Hmph! Useless trash."

After the voice fell, he didn't even see him make a move, but the body of the fierce **** burst open.

The flesh and blood of the fierce **** exploded instantly disappeared, and a projection composed of spiritual power appeared in front of the ghosts, which was the memory left by the fierce god.

All the ghost kings didn't care about the death of that fierce god, but all focused on this memory.

The picture is very clear, it is the original perspective of the fierce god, as the picture flowed, these ghosts began to talk aloud.

"This cloak seems to be undoubtedly Chen, and the other one is Chen De in blue."

"One skill defeated two middle ghost kings and destroyed a camp?"

"Are the green ghost and the bull ghost stupid? Why watch others gather strength?"

"It seems that Chen has already reached four stars. I have to say that the cultivation speed of human beings is indeed much faster than that of my ghost race!"

The ghost kings were both shocked and angry. They thought that the human side was attacking wantonly, but they didn't expect that it was only two human beings who caused this result.

And King Mu said with an even more ugly face: "This person has always acted without scruples, and his methods are cruel. He probably also suffered from the 198th theater, and he is still harvesting the theater. It seems that the nearby 195th theater and the War Zone 194 and others are about to suffer!"

"Damn morning!"

"Provoking our anger without limit, this person can't be eliminated."

"Mobilize troops, surround the war zone above No. 190, and send many high-level ghost kings. I don't believe he can continue to make waves!"

Hearing the angry voices of the ghost lords, Mu Wang, who had the deepest hatred for Chen, suddenly calmed down. He seemed to be thinking about something, and after a long time, he suddenly laughed lightly.

"Mu Wang, what did you think of?" The old toothless ghost noticed Mu Wang's laughter and asked directly.

The other ghost kings also looked at King Mu.

Seeing this, King Mu twitched his lips and said, "I'm thinking about how likely it is that a fierce **** can pretend to be dead or hide under the noses of Zaichen and Chen De."

All the ghost kings were taken aback when they heard the words, then their eyes flickered, and they said:

"It's hard. Even if the mental power is suppressed in the battle zone, it can still be seen clearly at a distance of hundreds of meters."

"That's right. It seems that I was careless. It was Mu Wang who was careful and saw this. This fierce **** was probably brought back by Chen intentionally."

Mu Wang smiled, his skin was white and his temperament was elegant, his smile was like a wise man planning a strategy, and said: "So this is probably a trap, if we really need to send a large number of troops and a high-ranking ghost king, maybe we will be killed by the five-star human beings." Killing them would be a huge loss."

When all the ghost masters heard the words, they all suddenly realized that the more they thought about the matter in front of them, the more wrong they became.

"It is highly probable. After all, if a genius of Chen's level is not related to the actions of high-level human beings, then it is really impossible. Chen De, a high-level man in blue, has already explained something by following Chen." A ghost king spoke.

"If the human's plan is to use Chen, who is full of thousands of people, as a bait, then it is really not easy to handle." Yougui frowned.

As soon as this point of view came out, all the ghost kings fell into deep thought, and seemed to think that this matter had become a little tricky.

King Mu smiled, stood up slowly and said:

"When a hunter hunts down a powerful beast, he needs to use traps and other tools to capture it."

"But whether the size of this trap can trap the beast depends on the gap between the two."

"Humanity's strength is limited. It can dig out the trap that traps the ghost king, but it cannot dig out the trap that traps the ghost king."

King Mu's calm voice echoed in the hall, full of confidence.

In the dark hall, amidst the flickering lights, King Mu's voice suddenly turned cold:

"Chen must not let it go, since we have seen through their tricks, then we will use our tricks and give them a big gift!"

With a word from the ghost king, the whole battle situation changed instantly. Orders were issued from the ghost clan domain, and the ghost clan who are currently developing various theaters have received summoning orders.

Batches of newly integrated ghost armies appeared, which were the forces gathered in the Gaoxing theater.

The main force has even surpassed the level of fierce gods. It is composed of ghost kings, and the leading team is several powerful ghost kings.

The morning is the bait, and the humans are the fishermen, so they have to see whether it is humans who pull these big fish ashore, or whether they drag humans into the water!

"So fast?"

Zhou Geng, who had just sent a large number of manpower to garrison theaters 198 and 197~www.wuxiamtl.com~ saw that theater 196 was also lit up, his mouth opened wide.

After a long time, he squeezed his forehead and said: "Let's recruit more people, at least five-star players should guard it."

Huazhu said: "Isn't it? The higher the star, the easier it is to be restricted when entering the low-level war zone. Is it possible that the ghost clan will go there for the ghost king in the morning?"

"There must be. Chen is a great threat in the eyes of the ghost clan, and the other party can do anything." Zhou Geng concluded.

"Let's do our best to prepare, so that when the ghost clan comes to attack, it will be difficult to resist and cause losses to the newly acquired war zone. As for the No. 1 war zone, I have sent Duan Jibo to investigate. If any ghost king of the ghost clan really has a chance Through inheritance, the No. 1 theater will become our final battlefield."

Speaking of this, Zhou Geng thought for a while, and suddenly said again: "The two of you are stationed here, I will go and have a look first."

When the flower master and the holy master heard the words, they immediately showed a touch of surprise.

(end of this chapter)

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