Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 258: : Big deal, I will marry my daughter to you!

Chapter 259 Big deal, I will marry my daughter to you! (plus more)

The figures of Lin Chen and Chen De fell.

That blow was at the last moment, and the remaining energy was running out. Only half of the fierce gods were wiped out, and many fierce gods survived. However, although these remaining fierce gods did not die, they were all disabled and fell into dizziness. among.

Lin Chen glanced at it, and he was still able to accept the result.

Breaking open two buffed ghost kings, and only killing a certain number of fierce gods, keeping the loss, is already perfect.

If you really want to fight hard, the result will not be better than the current situation.


Chen De on the side looked at the surrounding scenes, gasped for air, and looked amazed.

"Is this Man Wan's natal skill? No wonder you rarely use it. The lethality of this kind of power is already comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb. We have developed the ghost power nuclear bomb for so long and there is nothing to gain. In the end, you actually Condensed."

Lin Chen smiled. Normal human weapons are useless against evil spirits. After all, any ghost can make itself invisible. If there is no strange energy such as ghost power or internal force, no matter how powerful it is, it will be useless. .

As for bombing the city, it's also not good. If such a big bomb flies over, it will be sent back by those ghosts before it reaches the place.

Chen De is very smart and cherishes Lin Chen very much. Even though he knows that Lin Chen has too many abnormalities, he rarely asks.

For example, right now, Lin Chen's information is still three stars, but he displayed a powerful skill that even he couldn't release, he didn't even ask, just kept sighing.

This is also the reason why Lin Chen recognized Chen De more.

This old guy is too smart, his eyelashes are empty, and he will consider Lin Chen's feelings. It will definitely be much easier to be friends with this kind of person, as long as the other party doesn't cheat you.


In the sand, the young Ghost King patted the dust off his body, and crawled out in embarrassment.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Chen with infinite resentment in his eyes.

He never expected that he, who had been secretly scolding the bull-head ghost king for his recklessness, suffered such a big loss because of his own caution.

What is painful and not painful is completely nonsense, Lin Chen is simply trying to delay the time in order to cast that powerful spell.

But because of his subconscious mind, Lin Chen led his mind and lost the best opportunity to do it.

This kind of aggrieved feeling of being cheated is still more difficult for him to accept than his defeat in the battlefield.

"Green Ghost King, you bastard, why don't you analyze it from there. If it weren't for you, I would have gone up and started."

A bull's horn protruded from the ground first, and then the figure and voice of the bull-headed ghost king appeared at the same time.

He looked even worse than the young ghost king. One of the originally symmetrical horns was broken, and his breath was even more sluggish. The injury caused by the damage to the ghost domain cannot be amplified by the power of rules.

"Chen, you sinister villain! You **** who pretends to be a ghost, what pain is not painful, it's just farting!" The bull-headed ghost king was very angry, and he seemed to be still angry after scolding the young ghost king, and yelled at Lin Chen.

Chen De sneered and said: "Taurus, I've heard about you. You seemed to have killed a lot of people in the last battle of Banjie Mountain. I've planned to ask you to settle this account for a long time."

"You're not a good thing either, you **** with a thick face and a dark heart!" The Bullhead Ghost King cursed.

In response to this, Chen De's hands surged with ghost power, as if he was ready to kill the bull-headed ghost king at any time.

But at this time, Lin Chen's figure flashed, and he was directly in the middle of the two, stopping Chen De.

Lin Chen said to the Minotaur King: "It seems that you still don't understand pain."

"I hurt your mother!" The bull-headed ghost king saw that Lin Chen still mentioned those two words, his eyes were red.

If it wasn't for these words that bluffed the young Ghost King and stopped him, he wouldn't have come to this point.

The young ghost king beside him was also livid with anger.

Lin Chen stepped forward, and at the same time, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and he took out the happy card blade directly.

A cold light flashed.

Attracted the attention of Chen De and Ergui.

Chen De was only slightly taken aback when he saw this, but the second ghost's face turned blue on the spot.

The bullhead ghost king's cursing stopped abruptly, and he exclaimed in shock, "Slashing the waist! What are you doing?"

"Makes you feel real pain."

Lin Chen replied, grabbed the remaining horn of the bull-headed ghost king and pressed it to the ground. During his struggle, he rode directly on his body. among.

Cutting the ghost domain does not mean that you have to wait for the opponent to release the ghost domain. As long as you successfully subdue it, Lin Chen can also cut out the complete ghost domain from the opponent's body.


The moment the blade entered his body, the Tauren King let out an unbearable cry of pain.

It wasn't because of the pain caused by the blade, but because he had already clearly felt a fierce magical power that was constantly separating himself from the ghost domain.

In just an instant, a large amount of power flowed from the body.

This made him terrified to the extreme.

Chen De, who was already preparing to kill, watched Lin Chen riding on the bull-headed ghost king for a while, and when the bull-headed ghost king kept screaming in horror, his eyes almost popped out.

It opened his eyes to his more than ten years of player career.

The screams became weaker and weaker, until finally, the bull-headed ghost king seemed to have collapsed, lying on the ground directly, panting, looking powerless.

And a round ghost domain ball has been separated from its body, and Lin Chen is holding it in his hand.

"Is that ghost domain?"

Chen De was completely shocked, and hurriedly ran up to him to examine it carefully.

Because of Lin Chen's previous skills, the ghost domain was already full of cracks, but the overall strength was very complete, and the aura emanating from it made Chen De confirm at a glance that this was the ghost domain belonging to the bull-headed ghost king.

"You kid has too many doorways. You can even separate the ghost domain. How did you do it?" No matter how calm your personality is, you can't hold back at this moment, and you can't help but ask.

"Small tricks." Lin Chen replied, and then took a small blade and slashed at the waist of the bull-headed ghost king.

The Bullhead Ghost King screamed again, looking in extreme pain.

After Huang Quan, he lost his waist again, and the injuries on his body had already reached Yuanyuan.

In the end, in this pain, with a flash of pink light, the Bullhead Ghost King was put away by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen stood up and walked towards the young ghost king with a smile on his face.

At this time, the young ghost king was already frightened.

He is not an uninformed ghost, or he is actually a vicious and cruel ghost king, but at this moment, he was still so frightened that his limbs became cold.

The importance of the ghost domain is unquestionable. It can be said that it is everything to a ghost king. No ghost king can bear the destruction of the ghost domain.

Therefore, the scene of Lin Chen cutting off the bull-headed ghost king Huangquan in front of him had already had a great impact on his heart.

"Let me go! Please, I am willing to be your ghost slave and submit to you."

"I know the secrets that you humans don't know, and I can tell you that it is the crisis of human genocide."

"I am the King of Ghosts. I have extremely strong combat power. I can stand on your shoulders. As long as you let me go, I will do anything."

Under the huge crisis, the young ghost king confessed on the spot, begged for mercy, and put forward many tempting conditions.

However, what he didn't know was that in Lin Chen's eyes, all the conditions of the young ghost king combined were not worth as much as his own value.

There is no doubt that this young ghost king suffered the same treatment as the bull-headed ghost king.

Under Lin Chen's sword technique, he quickly lost Huang Quan and his waist, which contained a lot of ghost power, and when he was dying, Lin Chen took it into his bag.

Chen De was very itchy, but this time he didn't ask Lin Chen how he did it, but said cheekily: "Give me a ghost domain, after all, I also helped a lot."

Lin Chen glanced at him, and said angrily: "No wonder when I first became a player, I heard people call you shameless, and you can say that."

Chen De said without blushing and heartbeat: "If I hadn't been there to frighten you, you wouldn't have had time to condense so much power."

Lin Chen ignored him, picked up the bag to clean the battlefield, and stuffed the unconscious fierce gods into the bag one after another.

Lin Chen is no longer interested in waists of the level of fierce gods. He has no shortage of skill upgrade rolls, so it is better to sell these fierce gods directly and exchange them for gods and trick coins.

"Big deal, I promise you a condition. I only need one of the ghost domains, the one with weak energy."

Seeing Lin Chen ignoring him, Chen De did not give up, and still lingered on Lin Chen, nagging endlessly.

"How about five million ghost coins? You know, I can only take out so much."

"How about the training room developed by Lanyi, you can use it as you like!"

"I gave you the person in charge of Linjiang Lanyi, so give me Ghost Domain."

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned and said, "Are you leaving Linjiang?"

Chen De was taken aback~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Then he laughed and said: "You can see it, I have received an appointment and I am going to the capital soon, how about it, do you want to be my heir?"

Lin Chen curled his lips and said, "You have a good idea!"

Chen De was in a hurry. He couldn't give up the ghost domain, not for himself, but to take it back for research and development, and to contribute to the entire human race.

"Damn it, it's a big deal, can I marry my daughter to you?"

Lin Chen said disdainfully: "With your virtue, how can your daughter look good?"

Chen De said angrily: "You can scold me, but you can't insult my daughter. You have gone too far. As compensation, at least you have to give me a haunted world, so that I can calm down my emotions."

Lin Chen completely ignored the old rascal, and after finishing off all the evil spirits, he made a random move, and a golden token flew out of the soil.

After holding it in his hand, he injected ghost power into it, and immediately the golden token shone brightly, and then, the entire battle zone experienced a slight shock.

The war zone that originally belonged to the ghost clan was successfully occupied by the two.

(end of this chapter)

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