Chapter 225 Tragic!

The Battle of Tianjiao.

All the ghost kings looked indifferent, with a smile on their lips.

But the faces of human five-star players became more and more serious.

Even many players' cheeks were already dripping with cold sweat.

"Defeated... Defeated?"

Someone's tone was dry and full of resentment.

The battle between Qiu Ziwen's three ghosts and the Desperate Ghost intensified.

But most of the platforms in the field have already decided the winner.

Dozens of Tianjiao have already been defeated.

Even, the strongest battle in the field, the battle between Extreme Ghost and Sequence One has already been decided.

The extremely ghost stood with his hands behind his back, breathing calmly.

Half of Sequence knelt on the ground, his face pale, but most of the blue clothes on his body were soaked in blood.

The outcome has been determined.

"You are very powerful, and as a human being, you can condense ghost power to such an extent, I admire you." Extreme Ghost did not rush to break Sequence One, but said with a smile.

"Ghost's appreciation? I don't need it." On Sequence One's face, Dou Da was sweating profusely, but gritted his teeth and sneered.

"Do you know that I haven't even shown one-tenth of my strength?" Ji Ghost had a slight smile on his face, his voice was extremely calm, but Sequence One and all the players on the human side felt extremely harsh.

Sequence One sneered and said, "So what? Chen defeated me with only one move!"

Ji Gui was taken aback, he didn't expect Sequence One to hit him in this way, then he shook his head and said: "Chen is very strong, I have met him before, his mental power doesn't seem to be weaker than mine, this is indeed very important. powerful."

Even though he was defeated by Lin Chen's mental power while looking at each other, it still didn't give him confidence in himself.

Because he didn't use all his mental power to attack.

Sequence 1 didn't know what the extreme ghost said, but sarcastically said: "Is the so-called extreme ghost's self-confidence just to maintain the victor's posture in front of the loser?"

The smile on Ji Ghost's face remained unchanged, and after staring blankly at Sequence One for a long time, he stretched out his hand.

The palm opened, revealing a green gemstone.

It also exudes a faint green light that is very familiar to everyone.

The ghost said:

"Become a ghost."

The voice was calm, but it made the atmosphere of the audience stagnate and became silent.

The corners of the ghosts' mouths rose, and a successful smile appeared on their faces.

On the human side, their hearts are beating wildly!

All the five-star players in the air fell silent, while Zhou Geng's face was extremely gloomy.

Chen De and Duan Jibo in the rear clenched their fists tightly.

Completely tense up!

become a ghost...

If the sequence in blue clothes becomes a ghost, the morale of the entire human side will definitely be greatly reduced.

King Mu's reincarnation of two Sakura Country players into ghosts was not a real killer move, but a foreshadowing.

The real fatal blow is now!

Human beings are not afraid of defeat, but they are afraid of falling!

"Become a ghost!"

Some victorious vicious gods did not kill their opponents, but at this moment, they all took out a piece of green gemstone that had been prepared, and shouted together.

The sound resounded through the sky.

Pass it outward.

Like a heavy hammer, it hit the heart of the human side.

"Damn evil spirits, you guys are so brave!"

"Even if our human race is destroyed, we will not be ghosts!"

"Let's go to war!"

Some of the onlookers were furious and roared.

On the other hand, there was no response from the ghost clan, only endless sneering and sneering.

Those outside the arena are always the ones involved, those who make decisions, and those who face life and death are inside the arena!

No matter how fierce the outside voice is, so what?

They didn't believe that there were so many human beings who were facing life and death in the arena, and there wasn't a single weakling!


The atmosphere fell silent again.

All eyes fell on the platform in the arena.

Tension, anxiety, fear, sarcasm, anticipation.

More than 100,000 gazes stared at them, causing those human players who were already defeated to feel an inexplicable pressure.

Finally, in this atmosphere, someone spoke up, attracting all eyes.

He is sequence one.

He let out a chuckle, and then the sound grew louder, and finally turned into a maniacal laugh.

There was endless sarcasm and anger in this voice.

Jigui's expression was dissatisfied, and he maintained the gesture of reaching out as if to invite.

The laughter stopped.

Sequence One calmed down, looked straight at Ji Gui and said, "If possible, I will turn into a ghost, even if I become a monster from hell!"

"But that's because I want to gain power, the power to kill you and bring Blue Star back on track!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of Ji Gui and all the ghosts have become cold.

"It's not betraying Blue Star! You want me to turn into a ghost under the public?"

"For what? For my power? No! You are here to destroy the hearts of human beings, and to destroy the fortresses of belief that human beings have piled up against you!"

"In this case, how can I be willing to become a ghost clan?"

"What does it matter if it's death?"

"You underestimate human beings too much! Beast!" Sequence One said this, and his body burned with intense light.

"No!" Chen De, who was behind, became anxious and roared angrily.

Sequence Two, Sequence Three, and Sequence Five in the field were all filled with grief and anger.

No matter who it is, they already know what Sequence One will do.

Jigui's expression changed, and his figure began to retreat violently.

In the strong light, Sequence looked at Chen De with a smile on his face, it was the kind of smile of a boy next door looking at an elder.


Excluding his Sequence One status, he is still a child!

In the end, he turned his eyes to Zhou Geng, who had teary eyes, and said lightly:

"Dad! I'm sorry..."


There was a violent explosion sound, and at this moment, Sequence One turned into the strongest light in the world, enveloping the extreme ghost and the entire arena.

The sky is falling apart!

Endless power swept the audience.

Let some fierce gods and human players attached to the platform fly upside down!

After a long time, the light completely disappeared.

The platform collapsed, and countless cracks and gullies appeared. Sequence One's self-detonation power was too powerful, and it would almost blow up the entire platform formed by the power of rules.

Ji Gui's figure was also revealed, his body looked a little broken, and his complexion was even more frighteningly cold.

The human beings who were originally depressed because of the sequence all showed a look of unwillingness.

I didn't expect that Sequence One's powerful power would not even destroy this peerless evil spirit!

However, an even more desperate scene appeared. Ji Gui took a deep breath, and the injuries on the surface of his body recovered to the original state. It seemed that there was no change from the previous state.

"This... How can I fight this?"

Even though they were watching, at this moment, some players lost their balance and fell to the ground with despair on their faces.

"Haha, dirty ghosts, you underestimate human beings too much!"

At this time, another voice resounded through the world, full of anger and tragedy.

Everyone looked around.

That is the sub-level arrogance of the Wolf Warriors, Wolf!

He has legendary power, but he was unlucky. When he met the supreme fierce **** and invisible ghost, he was suppressed and beaten all the way, and he was defeated before Sequence One.

Impressively saw everything that happened to Sequence One.

At this time, faced with the choice of whether to transform into a ghost, he responded with actions!

There was also a strong light on his body, and he was about to explode.

Among the five-star players, a white-haired old man looked at the wolf and burst into tears.

He is the leader of the Wolf Warriors.

Lord Wolf!

He is unparalleled in power and respected in status.

But he was still old, and he couldn't be like Zhou Geng, who trembled with anger and kept silent.

Especially when he saw his only bloodline, such a scene of such lofty ambitions, he was both gratified and sad, and couldn't help it!

"Old man, I'm leaving, your physique is not bad, find a wife earlier, and give me an uncle."

Langzi looked at the white-haired old man and laughed loudly, but anyone could hear that his voice was full of reluctance.

"I'm proud of you!" The old man said, a simple sentence, but full of emotion.

The wolf wiped away his tears in the bright light and said: "Really, I always come here. Before I leave, I even make people wipe my tears. It's so embarrassing. I'm leaving. Take care of yourself!"


A burst of strong light also swept across the entire platform, as well as the invisible ghost in the darkness.

"You son of a bitch, I'm waiting for you below!"

"Haha, you are joking, they no longer have the right to go below!"

"Incarnate into a ghost? I have a lot of thoughts. I blew myself up and died. Maybe I will wake up in the horror world one day. I won't be able to kill you **** by then!"

Following the wolf's self-detonation, roars full of pride sounded, and bright lights shone from the field.

There are black-haired and yellow-skinned Orientals, and there are blond and blue-eyed Westerners.

At this moment, there is no national border, only human beings fighting side by side.

Facing the common enemy, with unwillingness, they unleashed the last blow they could.

Immediately, amidst the grief of the human players, one after another, the Chosen One exploded, with endless tragedy.

The light of their self-explosion seems to have penetrating power, which can shine into people's hearts and dispel the despair in their hearts.

At this moment, dozens of Tianjiao responded to the horror world at the cost of their lives!

The light faded away.

The human side has been crying.

Many people lost control of their emotions and fell to the ground.


Among the five-star players, there was also a deathly silence.

After a long time, Zhou Geng exhaled a puff of turbid air, and said:

"stand up!"

Some players heard the words and looked up at Zhou Geng in the air.

"Stand up, never let your opponent see your weak side! Stand up!" Zhou Geng's eyes were red, but his voice was extremely firm, driving the emotions of human players.

Many people woke up from their confusion and grief and stood up again.

"Remember the voice and appearance of the dead Tianjiao, and also remember the faces of these evil spirits, remember the blood and pain, and one day, you will wash away this hatred with your hands!"

The sound echoed and landed in the ears of the human players, making their gazes firm again, looking at the opposite ghost camp with hatred in their eyes.

The atmosphere on the side of the ghost clan is completely opposite to that of humans. The heroic self-destruction of those arrogance just now did not make any waves in their hearts.

There were even some evil spirits who sneered. In their eyes, this was an extremely stupid thing!

King Mu smiled and said: "Zhou You can't mobilize people's hearts, you have already lost the battle of Tianjiao! Moreover, you really think that everyone is like Sequence One and them, choose Self-destruct?"

Zhou Geng was expressionless.

From the very beginning, he had noticed.

In addition to the more than a dozen Tianjiao who won the victory of the human race and the dozen or so platforms that are still fighting.

A total of seventy human beings were defeated.

But only fifty people chose to blew themselves up. At present, there are still twenty people struggling to stand in place, looking extremely disturbed.

"No matter what happens, people's hearts cannot be defeated." Zhou Geng said.

King Mu shook his head with a smile, and continued to read noncommittally.

At this time, the field has returned to calm.

It is a pity that the self-destruction of the fifty arrogances only destroyed twenty fierce gods. Although the other half were seriously injured, overall they were considered to have survived.

But at present, no one pays attention to these fierce gods, but instead focuses on those human players who have already lost but are still hesitating.

(end of this chapter)

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