Chapter 224 Three Ghosts Enter

"Book ghost!"


"Purgatory Ghost!"

At this moment, there were exclamations from both the human and ghost sides.

The characteristics of the three ghosts are too obvious.

He was recognized at a glance.

"The rumors are true, the three peerless ghosts who appeared at the same time are brothers!"

"The book ghost is supreme! Are these all Chen's apprentices? This person is not only powerful in himself, he can even train the ghost slaves under him to such a degree."


The human side was shocked, while the ghost side was in shock, mixed with complicated emotions.

Originally thought that among the ghost clan, a new peerless ghost species appeared again, which seemed to be a great prosperity, but as soon as it appeared, it was discovered that the three super fierce gods were all from the opposite camp.

This makes them inevitably have a great sense of gap.


The figures of the three ghosts were all stuck in the light curtain at this time, and the sputtered power of rules rippled in all directions like ripples.

Many people were forced to retreat, terrified.

And the three ghosts endured great pain.

Qiu Ziwen's eyes flashed sharply, his black hair suddenly turned white, and the book behind him opened directly.

"This is a trip to save the teacher. Even if you are a kind of rule, you should open it and make concessions for me!" His words were like a judgment and an order, and he shouted at the light curtain of rules that only had self-consciousness.

Shocking things happen.

The light curtain in front of the three ghosts actually split a small hole, as if the light curtain obeyed Qiu Ziwen's will.


Everyone was shocked.

This method is too weird!

It is unimaginable that the power of rules can be retreated by just words!

"The power of words!"

In the air, amidst the silence of the ghosts, someone finally spoke. It was a ghost with the appearance of a commoner old man.

He does not belong to the ghost king who had a grudge against Lin Chen.

And he looks different from other ghosts, his temperament makes him look like a scholar.

Of course, the premise is that he didn't see his extremely dark eyes without whites.

Although this ghost is low-key, but its strength is extraordinary. It frightens the world with its terrifying cursing ability. It is known as the curse old ghost.

"Heavenly talent! It's a pity that burning the source so recklessly now is already cutting off the path, otherwise even the old man will be moved." Cursing the old ghost sighed, regretful, but in his words The heartbeat, exactly what aspect it is, is unknown.


Dong Potian's black hair also turned gray, and at the same time, the ghost power on his body became stronger.

His whole body seemed to have turned into a long spear, and a fierce feeling erupted from his body.

The originally opened crack became wider again.

At this moment, whether it was Tianjiao in the arena or the crowd outside, they all showed shocked expressions.

"Show your sharpness! Such an astonishing natal skill!" All the ghosts whispered softly, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

One of the ghost kings in armor had bright eyes and said:

"Okay! What a blast!"

The ghost kings were surprised again, they didn't expect Potiangui to attract this person's attention.

The peerless ghost king who is not weaker than King Mu, the King of Spears!

The Gun King didn't care about the gazes around him at all, but looked at Dong Potian who was struggling to break through with extremely admiring eyes, and said:

"I don't care about the rest, but if he survives after the war, then I will accept him as a disciple and reshape his origin!"

All the ghost masters' eyes were dark, they all knew that the gun king really took a fancy to Po Tiangui.

Although the gun king is domineering, he is also very straightforward and never speaks against his will.

Although it is extremely costly to reshape the origin, it is really nothing to a generation of overlords like Gun King who has his own territory and a big family.

"The Gate of Purgatory!"

Niu Ritian roared angrily, and the source burned a lot, and a huge door appeared in the scroll behind him, and for a while, the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling came from inside the door.

Skeleton ghosts wearing armor poured out from the door. Although the ghost power of these ghosts is only at the beginning of the fierce god.

But the power contained in it is completely different from the attribute of ghost power, as if it is a brand new power.

"How is this possible!"

At this moment, the faces of all the ghost kings changed drastically, and they were shocked in place. Even the five-star players on the human side took a breath of cold air.

Lin Chen's students are stronger than each other.

Especially the last purgatory ghost. Although the power he created was not as powerful as the first two, this brand new power attracted everyone's attention.

"This ghost, I want it!" Yan Wang, a strong man, said suddenly.

Choked some ghosts who were secretly thinking back.

"King Yan, this is not your disciple acceptance meeting, and these three ghosts are not the ghosts that I frighten the world."

Finally, King Mu spoke, his voice was cold and filled with anger.

Yan Wang and Spear King both laughed in a low voice, noncommittal.

The curse old ghost grinned, but also did not make a sound.


With the impact of the last wave of power from the purgatory ghost.

The crack had finally reached the point where they could enter.

The three ghosts were overjoyed, and all of them turned into black shadows, and they went straight in.

The next moment, the three ghosts successfully landed on the platform where Lin Chen was before.

The three ghosts who landed were panting heavily. Obviously, the three attacks just now were extremely exhausting for them.

This is not only the consumption of ghost power and origin, but the regular light curtain has brought them great backlash.

Although no damage can be seen on the outside, their insides have been devastated by this backlash.

The three ghosts looked at each other, and without saying a word, they each took out ten bottles of unknown medicines that exuded extremely strong energy fluctuations, and poured them into their mouths all at once.

Soon, under the many surprised eyes, the breath of the three ghosts quickly calmed down.

Although their hair color still hasn't recovered, their ghost power fluctuations are obviously flooding again, and they're back to their peak.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

"Why does it seem that the energy fluctuations are stronger than the energy of some expensive medicines sold by the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce?"

"They each ate ten bottles?"

The ghosts exclaimed, with shock and greed in their eyes.

You know, a bottle of this healing holy medicine costs millions of ghost coins.

These three ghosts are the same as eating jelly beans. They ate ten bottles each, which is equivalent to tens of millions of ghost coins!

At this scene, the ghosts were all surprised.

Sangui didn't care how inhumane his actions were at this time.

Instead, he gathered his ghost power and stared fiercely at the desperate ghost on the platform.

"What the **** are you, a bitch, who sneaked up on Mr. Chen from behind?" Dong Potian scolded directly when he came up.

And he took off his shirt, revealing the Nine Dragons Coffin tattoo on his back, which shocked everyone's eyes.

The desperate ghost looked at Dong Potian blankly.

After all, Dong Potian happened to be the ghost species above him, and since the appearance of Potian ghost, he has been paying attention to it.

It's just that I didn't get any useful information.

When I saw you today... I was speechless.

This is so incomparably powerful, comparable to the highest legend, completely like a street gangster.

"Potian, what a fart with him, if you don't kill him today, my three brothers are incompetent." Niu Ritian shouted, also taking off his shirt.

He doesn't look like an ordinary bastard, especially when the tattoo on his back is also exposed, it makes people stare down.

"Peerless macho!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

It's completely unimaginable that a fierce **** of this level is so strange.

The corners of Spear King and Yan Wang's mouths twitched frequently.

Fortunately, Qiu Ziwen is quite normal. With so many sightlines, he did not expose the library behind him, but said directly: "Clean him up first, and then find a way to study the space here to see if we can get Teacher Chen out of the way." Get out!"

Dong Potian and Niu Ritian's eyes flashed fiercely, and then they shot away with a burst of ghost power.

"Insidious people, see me and retreat!"

The pages behind Qiu Ziwen unfolded, and an invisible force enveloped the Desperate Ghost.

Immediately, the desperate ghost felt his body retreat involuntarily, and the ghost power became sluggish.

While being shocked, he immediately became highly vigilant, used his abilities, and fought with the three ghosts thoroughly.

For a moment, gorgeous brilliance exploded on the platform, and the strong ghost power was like Senluo Hell.

Although the three ghosts had only just achieved the body of fierce gods, they were the highest legends after all, and the noise they made during the battle with the Desperate Ghost was no weaker than that of other peak fierce gods.

attracted a lot of attention.

at this time.

In that lifeless space.

Lin Chen stood quietly on the spot.

At this time, only the Bright Light Technique still remains on him, and all other techniques have disappeared.

He failed.

Just now, he used all the means, but it still didn't work.

That space is extremely strong.

It's not the current him who can forcefully break open.

Even Eggy's haunted domain was not broken, but consumed a lot of his ghost power.

Although the ghost domain has greatly improved the attack power of Lin Chen's skills, the power of the ghost domain lies in its mystery and mystery. This kind of improvement is not too exaggerated.

In terms of attack, the human four-star sublimated natal skill is truly incomparably powerful.

"Right now, I can only use the last one million magic coins." Lin Chen sighed.

I also rejoiced in my heart.

Fortunately, I didn't use up all the gods and trick coins before.

At that time, when Lin Chen felt that his strength had been raised to almost the same level, he left the last 1 million **** coins.

The purpose is to prepare for some special situations.

After all, if he followed his usual promotion method, he would exchange for three basic fruits on average.

With 1,000,000 **** coins, he couldn't even raise a small realm.

Even if the basic fruit is exchanged for lottery, the improvement will be even less.

But if all the ghost power fruits are used and exchanged to upgrade, in his current state of exactly 30,000 ghost power, it is completely enough to upgrade to the limit of the peak rank of the fierce god.


You can even sublimate your natal and achieve four stars in one fell swoop!

This is the way Lin Chen has always left for himself.

It is a way to greatly increase your combat power when you encounter difficulties.

Of course, if he can't use it, Lin Chen can continue to improve himself in the usual way after accumulating more magic coins, and at the same time strengthen himself in multiple dimensions.

In that way, although the ultimate combat power is not as advanced as a single dimension, the victory lies in omnipotence and stability.

"I didn't expect to increase the ghost power first. A single increase makes me very uncomfortable for obsessive-compulsive disorder patients. King Mu, this should also be blamed on you."

"Exchange for ghost fruit!"


In the silent space, Lin Chen's soft voice sounded slowly, and immediately, a powerful ghost power was seen turbulent on him.

And with the passage of time, this fluctuation gradually increased.

(end of this chapter)

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