Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 202: : the emotions of the egg

Chapter 203 Egg's Emotion

In the villa Lin Chen rented, Lin Chen appeared out of thin air with a burst of light.

After releasing the three ghosts of Qiu Ziwen, Lin Chen took out the hidden long sword and looked at it.

Well, the ghost king-level weapon is not bad.

"I still lack a sword technique."

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing and said to himself.

"Finally back!" Niu Ritian ran to the computer excitedly as soon as he walked out.

"Staying in the broken place makes me feel bad, and the air feels fresh when I come back." Dong Potian said the same.

They have been in the dungeon for twenty years, and they are already tired of the gloomy environment of the horror world.

"You guys are free to move around, remember not to cause trouble, seven days have passed, it is estimated that the Battle of Banjieshan will start soon, before it starts, you must at least raise yourself to the level of evil spirits, otherwise I will put you in the bag until The Battle of Banjie Mountain is over," Lin Chen said.

Niu Ritian's face sank when he just turned on the computer, and finally turned it off.

He doesn't want to be in the bag anymore.

After the three ghosts looked at each other for several times, they finally decided: "Let's go out and play for the last day, and then practice."

Looking at the back of the three ghosts going out, Lin Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

Useless, useless.

Even Qiu Ziwen, the top student, has fallen.

However, he didn't think too much about it. With the speed of the three ghosts, it is estimated that he will be able to break through to the fierce **** in a few days.

After all, Lin Chen gave them ten regiments of legendary fierce god-level masterless ghost power.

As for the future of the three ghosts, Lin Chen also had some expectations.

Although it seems to be free-range, Lin Chen has never missed the three ghosts.

Like the kind of body cleansing pill that silver wolves flock to, the three ghosts have eaten it to the point of being useless.

These are three relatively special ghosts. Now that their aptitudes have changed again, Lin Chen doesn't know what kind of ghosts they can achieve.

At the very least, these three ghosts already have more than 4,000 hidden ghost power, and they must become legendary fierce gods.

Lin Chen emptied the bag again, and the silver wolf, which had shrunk to the size of a dirt dog, fell out.

This product should be an existence above the fierce god, but because its strength is directly related to Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain.

And when Lin Chen released this fetter, Silver Wolf's realm was only a fierce god, because of it his strength was preserved.

Silver Wolf was not dissatisfied with this, and was even extremely excited. Yin beasts were unique to the Yin realm, and they couldn't get out. It was naturally very happy to eliminate the ghost king realm in exchange for this kind of freedom.

Seeing the silver wolf wagging its tail and looking around, Lin Chen ordered, "You can turn around here as you please, but you can't go out the gate."

Silver Wolf nodded repeatedly.

For it, the difference between the human world and the horror world is not that big, and perhaps the cultivation speed is not as fast as the horror world, but this is not at all as good as the freshness brought to it by entering the human world for the first time.

Lin Chen was still a little worried. After a while, he turned on the computer, found a bunch of pictures of huskies, and said, "Have you seen this animal? You will pretend to be it in the future. In fact, you two are quite similar, just the eyes It’s different, remember that whenever you meet a human in the future, you will look at him with cross-eyed eyes and tilted neck.”

Silver Wolf nodded half-understood, and at the same time showed a wise look, and Erha was incomparably similar, and seemed to have a very high talent for imitation.

Lin Chen held back his smile, threw out a lot of Yinlang's favorite body pills, and walked upstairs when Yinlang was so excited that he was about to faint.

He didn't need the Body Pill, and since Silver Wolf followed him, he wouldn't be stingy with it, including the bandage ghost, and Lin Chen also kept a lot of good things.

Although in Boss Chen's eyes, he is an out-and-out poor ghost, but if he throws anything at his body, it may raise a fierce spirit to take off.

And Lin Chen's strength is also the result of these inexhaustible resources.

Back in the room, Lin Chen released Eggy directly and let it float in the air.

At this time, the strength in his hands had accumulated to 530 regiments.

Enough to integrate many skills.

Now is the time for fusion.

In the following time, Eggy entered a state of pain and joy, and sometimes felt that Lin Chen was violently filling herself up, and even couldn't bear the overflow.

Sometimes, through the exhaustion of mental energy, emotions of desire and dissatisfaction arise.

It didn't stop until an hour later.

Lin Chen looked at Eggy, whose power had increased significantly, with a hint of relief on his face.

This time, he has fused a total of 16 gold-quality skills. Including Lei Fa and Ghost Subduing Eighteen Palms that have been fused before, only the last gold-quality skill is left.

That is, the newly drawn bright light technique.

In addition, the purple quality ability that Lin Chen obtained through this lottery was also integrated into it.

And Dandan Ghost Domain's covering area has been greatly increased again after integrating so many skills.

According to Dandan's feedback to Lin Chen, if the ghost domain is fully opened, it can cover a distance of 1,800 meters around.

At present, a gold-quality skill increases the range by 100 meters, and the purple skill requires a certain amount to increase the range.

And apart from the range, the power and mystery within it are even more incomparable. Whether it is firmness or attack power, it has been comprehensively improved.

"I just don't know how big Ghost King's ghost domain is." Lin Chen said to himself.

But he knew that he should not have reached the point where he could touch the Porcelain Ghost King. After all, Dandan, the spirit of the ghost domain, has not yet broken out of its shell. Only when Dandan has truly transformed into a new life can it be the power of ghost domain At its peak.

In the air, Eggy's joy dissipated after a short while, and she was still twitching, which gave Lin Chen a very lonely feeling.

It wants to evolve into a new life, and doesn't want to exist in the shape of meat and eggs anymore.

It was originally a creature favored by the heavens in this world, and it fell to this point only because it met an unreliable father. Naturally, it wanted to return to the form of a human body, and truly use its eyes to see everything in this world.

But it didn't want to disrupt Lin Chen's plan, so this emotion seemed a little cautious.

After Lin Chen understood it, he pulled it into his arms, patted its eggshell lightly like stroking a child's head, and said:

"If you want to break this imprisonment, I can help you now, but this stage is of paramount importance to your future. If you are willing to wait any longer, I will give you the last legendary skill and two supreme skills. After the skill refines you, it will completely separate you from this body."

"Trust me, that's not too far away."

Lin Chen comforted.

In fact, in his heart, he has a kind of father-son affection for Dandan. Although he didn't know each other for long, it was Lin Chen who rescued Dandan from the desperate ghost. are connected.

From the beginning to the end, Dandan's sense of dependence on Lin Chen was not fake.

No matter how hard-hearted Lin Chen is, he won't think too much about Dandan. Therefore, if Dandan really doesn't want to wait, Lin Chen will satisfy its request.

Eggy calmed down for a while, as if thinking about something, and finally its mental power buzzed and vibrated.

Informed Lin Chen of its thoughts.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Very well, with this kind of determination, you can go further with me and see the most beautiful scenery in the world."

Eggy's body throbbed and became joyful again.

But Lin Chen thought about it.

"It's time to contact Chen De and the others, ask about the sublimation of natal skills, and at the same time see if they have the energy."

In Kyoto, at the Blue Clothes Headquarters, Chen De sat in front of Zhou Geng.

In fact, as early as two days ago, Chen De left Linjiang.

After what happened to Lin Chen, Chen De couldn't sit still anymore, and ran to the capital overnight.

"To be honest, even now, I still can't forget that scene, it was too cruel, and it was too enjoyable!" Chen De drank a cup of tea, and said with a bit of obsession.

"You've been saying this for two days." Zhou Geng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but there was also an uncontainable smile in his eyes.

Really cool!

It's so good!

"It's really shocking, and this kid also kidnapped two supreme figures and five legends, it's simply unbelievable." Chen Delao had a smile on his face.

Obviously, they also learned a lot of news in the horror world in the past two days, but this kind of record made him unbelievable.

At this moment, even Zhou Geng, an unsmiling person, smiled.

Zhigao was captured by Boy Chen, and the pressure of the battle of Tianjiao has been relieved a lot.

At this moment, Chen De's expression was slightly taken aback, and he received Lin Chen's application for communication.

Without further ado, he agreed to Lin Chen's communication.

In the office, the lights and shadows turned ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Soon, Lin Chen's projection was displayed.

"Hey, is Lao Zhou here?" Lin Chen looked around and greeted Zhou Geng very casually after seeing Zhou Geng.

Zhou Geng's face, which was originally full of smiles, suddenly darkened.

so rude!

Finally, he asked in a deep voice, "How are you, are you still terrorizing the world?"

Chen De also looked at Lin Chen with worry in his eyes.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I'm back, and I'm going to eat hot pot tonight."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly said: "Forget it, you can't eat hot pot, lest you surround me with hot pot restaurants all over the country."

The corner of Chen De's mouth twitched, this kid is not human at all.

Even if Lan Yi had approached you a few times, you wouldn't be talking about it, right? Look at Zhou Zuu's anger, his face is black as coal.

At this moment, Lin Chen laughed and said: "You guys, you can't catch me if you catch me. I blow up the ghost king. If you catch me again, wouldn't you be making fun of yourself?"

(end of this chapter)

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