Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 201: : leave the horror world

Chapter 202 Leaving the Horror World

Absorb some.

Lin Chen walked out of the room.

He has been here for two days, and it is already the seventh day he has come to the horror world. In a few hours, he will leave this world completely. Naturally, he needs to settle down what he should do.

After arriving at the bar lobby, the ghosts who were drinking were still talking about what happened in Mucheng.

Lin Chen naturally also heard their remarks, but he was not surprised by them. If he made such a big move, if the world didn't respond at all, then something would look wrong.

It's just that what made him speechless was that Mu Wang claimed that he was not there, which made him feel intriguing.

I don't know if the other party has any scruples or what.

He turned on the phone, and saw that in the video, King Mu clearly appeared in the camera and shouted for the ghost soldiers to retreat, then turned off the phone again.

Well, it's clearly recorded...

"Boss, are you going out?" Seeing that Lin Chen seemed to be planning to go out, the Bandage Ghost asked.

Seeing Lin Chen this time, she gained a lot of benefits, and she really got to know Lin Chen a little better, so she felt a lot less restrained.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Take a good look at the store."

Immediately, they greeted Qiu Ziwen and the three ghosts. The three ghosts understood, put down their work, and walked out of the shop with Lin Chen.

The bandage ghost stared blankly at the direction where Lin Chen and the three ghosts left, feeling a sense of reluctance in his heart.

After a long time, she sighed. The boss will go out this time, and it will be a month before he comes back again.

At this time, it was the night of the horror world, but it was very lively, and the law and order in the city was relatively good. Except for the ghosts with low strength, ghosts above the level of evil spirits were not afraid to go out at night.

In the dim light, Lin Chen walked up the main road.

Not long after the three ghosts of Qiu Ziwen went out, they were put into the sack by Lin Chen.

He was about to finish what he had to do and leave the horror world.

Along the way, he encountered many ghosts coming and going, but Lin Chen still restrained himself and did not attack openly in such a place.

Wanbao Firm.

Known as the behemoth that spans the entire horror world, it possesses innumerable wealth and treasures.

This is Lin Chen's real goal.

The decoration of this firm looks extremely majestic and magnificent, and the peripherals alone give people a very luxurious feeling.

Two fierce and strong men stood at the door. They looked fierce, but they were neatly dressed, especially their etiquette and movements were very standardized.

When Lin Chen came to the door and was about to enter, the two ghosts showed professional smiles to show their respect.

Lin Chen nodded secretly.

Greeting guests with these two fierce gods not only demonstrates their strength, but also embodies their noble etiquette.

Lin Chen stepped into it under the watchful eyes of the two fierce gods.

In the store, a female ghost exuding a fierce aura is sitting among them, her face is exquisite and beautiful, and although she is sitting, it is not difficult to see that she is tall and slender, with slender jade legs together, giving people a full temptation feel.

When Lin Chen entered, a faint smile appeared on her face, and she asked, "Guest, what do you need?"

Lin Chen straight to the point: "A book about herbal medicine, and some mental energy to buy."

The female ghost's complexion remained unchanged, and those who bought the energy must be the existence of the peak of the fierce **** who is about to condense the ghost domain.

But ghosts of this level can only be said to be the most ordinary customers for Wanbao Trading Company.

"5 million mental strength, may I ask how much do you need?" the female ghost asked.

In her eyes, this was a deal that only cost ten or twenty groups of effort, and it was relatively common in places like Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Chen didn't answer, but asked, "Do you have any preferential policies? For example, you can give a discount for how many groups you buy."

10 groups of ordinary vicious gods are enough to gather in Huangquan, and if it is legendary, it is more than 30 groups, and the strongest supreme is not sure.

"No." The female ghost replied directly.

It's not a group purchase, you have the effort to buy a dozen or twenty groups by yourself, and you still want a discount?

Although the female ghost's expression remained the same, in her heart, Lin Chen's class was lowered again.

Lin Chen also despised the firm.

In the world, even anyone who sells fried skewers must become a member and hold some activities.

The so-called largest firm in the ghost world has no activities at all, and its marketing methods are extremely poor.

"Give me 200 regiments first." Lin Chen sighed, without much ink.

200 regiments of effort, calculated to be exactly 1 billion ghost coins.

The ghost coins he found from all the fierce gods who had entered the domain in Changyin Mountain happened to be this number.

Still affordable.

"Okay..." The female ghost responded subconsciously, then she was taken aback suddenly, and said in surprise, "How much did you say?"

"200, you don't have a discount, so just buy this much first." Lin Chen said as it should.

In fact, 200 heart power is not enough for him at all.

Lin Chen currently has a total of 19 gold-quality skills and 2 red-quality skills. It is estimated that more than 700 skills can be obtained, and considering the situation of double ghost domains.

Lin Chen needs at least 1,500 efforts.

At this time, there were already 280 regiments on Lin Chen's body, more than 200 of which were formed by spirit ghosts, and the remaining dozens of regiments were pure heart power found on the legendary supreme fierce god.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling helpless, he was still short of more than 1200 rounds of effort, which is simply an astronomical figure!

Maybe it's time for me to think about robbery...

Just as Lin Chen was thinking in his heart, the female ghost's expression suddenly turned cold.

200 regiments of effort, are you a legendary fierce god? Can use and buy at least?

And don't say you are a fierce god, even if an ordinary ghost king is present, he may not have the money to afford so much effort.

"Are you entertaining me? This is the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, not a place where you can come looking for trouble."

? ? ?

Lin Chen was taken aback, looking at the female ghost whose temperament had changed drastically, he said in surprise: "Don't tell me that your chamber of commerce doesn't have 200 mental strength."

The female ghost froze, and then sneered, "There must be, but if I take out such a large amount, I need you to prove your strength."

Lin Chen nodded, then stepped forward and slapped the female ghost away.

What he lacks most is strength, whether it is the temptation of the sword ghost, or the public temptation of the thousand blade ghost in front of all the ghost kings, he never evades.

This requirement of the female ghost was directly met.

The female ghost bumped into the wall, her face changed drastically, and she was already dumbfounded.

She asked Lin Chen to prove that she was rich, but he was slapped in the end. It was the first time he had seen such a presumptuous ghost in the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Besides, doesn't this ghost know how to be sympathetic to women?

The two fierce-level welcome security guards at the door rushed in when they heard the movement.

Seeing this situation, they were taken aback for a moment, and then they became furious, showing their fierce looks one after another, looking like they were about to fight Lin Chen at any time.

Lin Chen was speechless, not knowing what this meant.

You let me prove it, I proved it, what are you doing now?

Immortal jump?

Sighing, just as he was about to make a move, an old voice came from upstairs:

"what happened?"

Immediately, an old man in brocade clothes came out, exuding the aura of a ghost king.

"Master Menglin!" The two fierce spirits greeted the guest hastily and respectfully.

The female ghost also stood up, and at the same time she was wronged, she told a series of things that happened just now.

And Meng Lin's expression gradually became more and more icy following the female ghost's words. Finally, he stared at Lin Chen's face and said, "Little friend, but has my Wanbao Trading Company offended you?"

Although he spoke politely, his strong aura had locked onto Lin Chen, and it seemed that if he made a mistake, he would show his fierce face.

Lin Chen also understood what was going on, and said helplessly, "She asked me to show my strength, but she didn't tell me to show my financial resources. It's her words that are wrong."

Coming to the world of horror, Lin Chen has long noticed that some rules in this world are different from those in the human world, such as the temper of the sword ghost who comes up with a sword, which is euphemistically called "comparison".

And I have experienced many battles, so I naturally subconsciously think that the other party depends on my own strength.

The female ghost turned red with anger, wishing she could come up and tear Lin Chen apart, while the old man smiled sullenly and said, "So, can you eat these 200 ghost powers?"

Lin Chen nodded: "Of course, otherwise, why would I come here if I have nothing to do?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen waved his hand, and the sky full of ghost coins fell to the ground, forming a small mountain peak.

The Ghost King Menglin, the female ghost, and the two evil spirits were completely dumbfounded, staring dumbfounded at Lin Chen's spending money like water.

The beautiful female ghost's eyes were dull, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

And Menglin Ghost King was the first to react, his eyes were startled, his face became kind and he smiled: "It seems that our clerk bumped into the customer."

"200 regiments of effort." Lin Chen didn't want to talk nonsense, so he said directly.

Menglin Ghost King nodded and said: "Although I don't know what you need so much effort to do, but since you have purchased so much at one time, our store can give you a 10% discount to make up for your previous mistakes."

Lin Chen was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that there would be a surprise, so he quickly said, "Then I'll buy more."

After a while, Lin Chen left the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce with 252 regiments of effort and a book of herbal medicines as a gift.

1 billion ghost coins bought 230 groups. Lin Chen gritted his teeth and exchanged 1 million ghost coins for 100 million ghost coins in the system, and bought 22 more groups.

Next, he walked around the city for a long time, and finally in a secluded place, he used teleportation and left here directly.

Even though Wanbao Firm has an excellent reputation, Lin Chen still remains vigilant.

After a few flashes, Lin Chen left Yancheng.

In a dark dense forest, Lin Chen opened the pink sack and released the sword ghost.

At this time, the sword ghost had already woken up, and stayed alone in the bag for two days. When he first appeared, he seemed a little uncomfortable and surprised.

After looking around for a while, he set his sights on Lin Chen and said calmly, "Are you going to kill me?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be able to live till now."

Sword Demon looked at Lin Chen calmly, waiting for Lin Chen's next words.

"You are very interesting. You are one of the few ghosts I have a good impression of. That's why I let you go. And I'm about to leave the world of horror. There's no need to pester you any longer."

Sword Demon suddenly showed a smile, and sarcastically said: "You want to use my mouth to spread the news of your departure. You kidnapped Clone Ghost and Thousand Blade Ghost, and you caused such a big disaster because you were afraid of yourself. Won't you be safe in the future? But I won't help you, I'm a ghost after all, and I won't lie. "

"You don't need to lie, I really have to leave, right in front of you." Lin Chen said with a smile, after that, the light on his body flowed, and a kind of teleportation force emerged out of thin air.

The sword ghost's pupils shrank, and he clearly felt the breath of the human world attached to the light transmitted around Lin Chen's body.

"Where are the clone ghosts? Are they already dead?" Sword Ghost was silent for a moment, then asked.

"They all went to a good place~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and started a new life. They may be happier than you. They are all the children of destiny." Lin Chen's words are correct.

In a certain sense, these ghosts are all time-travelers, even though they are the most stretched-out time-travelers...

"As for us, see you by fate. By the way, don't participate in the Battle of Banjie Mountain, otherwise, I won't necessarily let you go next time." Lin Chen's figure gradually became blurred, and at the same time, he smiled said goodbye.

Sword Demon stared blankly at Lin Chen, not knowing what he was thinking, but in his eyes, Lin Chen's figure finally disappeared.

Everything around has returned to calm.

Sword Demon remained silent for a long time, and finally, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he turned and walked out of the forest.

He seemed to be in a good mood.

But after walking a few steps, he stopped suddenly, and an inexplicable sense of emptiness suddenly came from behind him, his face froze, and he reached out to touch his back.

Suddenly, an angry exclamation resounded through the entire night sky.

"My holy sword!"

(end of this chapter)

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