Chapter 200 Skill Fusion Volume

Two days later.

This is a place hundreds of miles away from Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain.

It's called Yancheng.

The city is brightly lit and bustling.

In a bar sitting in a small alley, Bandage Ghost and Qiu Ziwen are greeting the guests who enter the bar to drink.

This is where they have newly settled down.

"I heard that there was a sudden explosion in Changyin Mountain in the boundary of Mucheng, which is said to be related to a human being."

"Who doesn't know such a big news? Damn human beings dare to sneak into my horror world, they don't know how to live or die."

"You are very courageous? That is a human being who can defeat even the highest. Are you afraid that the human being is nearby and happened to hear what you said?" a ghost sneered.

"Hmph! So what if I'm nearby? I can't live in the Yancheng Guard Mansion. If I can't beat it, can't I call the police? This is a busy city, not a wilderness." The ghost's tone was harsh, but the content was somehow cowardly .

"I really can't imagine that there are human beings who can have such a high combat power in the realm of fierce gods, and they directly kidnapped the avatar ghost Qianrengui. Now the Red Devil, Yinjian, Red and other major families have gone crazy. I vowed to find that human being."

"It's a pity that Master Mu didn't spare his thoughts because of planning the battle of Tianjiao. Otherwise, if he really wants to be there, then human beings will undoubtedly die, and so many things will not happen."

"It is said that the fierce gods who entered the Changyin Mountain ghost domain at that time and were about to fight for the inheritance were all attacked and abducted by that human being. It is simply too terrifying. They are more like ghosts than our ghosts."

"According to reliable sources, that human has a copy of the restaurant, and four ghost slaves, one female and three male, all in the realm of red clothes. Although it is impossible to meet us by such a coincidence, everyone should be careful when going out to eat..."

"It's even better if you meet them. The major families have already issued huge rewards. Even if you provide clues about this human being, you will get an incomparably rich reward."

Qiu Ziwen and the others looked volatile and continued with the work at hand.

These words have been heard frequently since they settled down.

This bar was rented by Lin Chen, and then a copy of the Devil's Restaurant was integrated into it, so outsiders couldn't see anything at all.

As for them themselves, they have already used the breath-containing talisman and the disguise talisman to make changes. With their strength, unless they are ghost kings, no one can see the abnormality at all.

"I didn't expect King Mu to reveal his identity as a teacher, but he concealed his presence and the fact that he was bombed. It's superficial." Qiu Ziwen straightened his glasses, feeling a touch of disdain in his heart.

Then he turned his gaze to a certain direction upstairs.

At this time, in a room above the bar, Lin Chen was sitting cross-legged.

After two days of settling down, he finally had time to settle down.

At this time, he was sorting out what he had gained in Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain.

First of all, there are more than 3 million magical coins! There are still a bunch of fierce gods that have not been sold.

Followed by 210 mind power ghosts, two-thirds of which have been refined into pure mind power by Dandan at this time, and they can practice their skills into the ghost domain at any time.

Furthermore, it is the inherited treasure of Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain.

A skill bead, and a cloak of a ghost-level ghost.

Lin Chen has already absorbed the skill beads. This is an ability called Demon Killing Technique. After using it, you can enter the demonized state, and your ghost power and physique will be greatly improved, but it has certain sequelae. It will only be used when it belongs to the explosion the power of.

Although I don't know Chang Yin-jun's real ghost species, but in terms of quality, this skill should be considered legendary.

Of course, this skill has been practiced by Ghost King for many years, and its power is naturally far greater than the ordinary legendary life skills. It belongs to the ultimate move to reverse the situation in a desperate situation.

As for the cloak, a ghost-level ghost, Lin Chen also studied its characteristics.

Normal defense, no means of attack.

Judging from these two points, it is really stretching the hips too much, but in fact, this cloak is a ghost of the spirit system. It has the ability to protect the spirit from attacks, not to be detected and sensed, and to reduce the mental impact.

This made Lin Chen very satisfied. Whether it was attack or defense, he was lacking in everything.

On the contrary, this kind of auxiliary ghost is the most suitable for him.

The Battle of Banjie Mountain is about to begin. Lin Chen's restraint and disguise can only hide the existence of the ghost king, without any medium like ghost domain. If he really meets the ghost king, it may be instant Then the other party will see their true colors.

But this loophole was made up for after he obtained this cloak that was impervious to detection and perception.

In terms of rewards, apart from these, only some of Lin Chen’s trophies are left. All the ghost coins, ghost weapons, blood and flesh essence of ghost beasts, and some unknown herbs that contain ghost power, etc. are extremely large. Big.

It can be said that this is the most fruitful harvest in Lin Chen's ghost hunting career. It is so rich that a ghost king may be jealous when he sees it!

"System, reselling."

In the end, Lin Chen's attention was focused on selling ghosts.

[Succeeded in reselling the evil ghost in the middle of the fierce god, and obtained 36,000 gods and tricks coins. 】

[Succeeded in reselling the fierce high-ranking evil spirits, and obtained 45,000 gods and deception coins. 】

[God's Coin: 4.3 million]

Not long after, all the ghosts below legend in Lin Chen's bag were sold.

Seeing this huge number, Lin Chen's eyes revealed joy.

Even though he is already at the high level of fierce gods and has a greater demand for gods and ghost coins, this unprecedented number can definitely raise his strength to another level!

Moreover, the real heavyweight ghost has not been dealt with yet!

"System, these legends all have their own unique abilities. Let's see where they are more suitable than the mining area. The most important thing is to give more money."

Although the mining area is the place with the highest price overall, the ghosts in his hands are all top-notch ghosts.

It must not be wasted.

[To analyze the best trading area. 】

[Sell fire ghosts to the largest bathing center in a certain world and succeed, become a boiler worker, and get 120,000 magic coins]

[Selling reggae to a power company in a technological world succeeded, and obtained 130,000 magic coins]

[Succeed in reselling wooden ghosts to the barren desert lord's mansion in the world, and get 150,000 magic coins]

Seeing the transaction amount, Lin Chen was excited, but seeing the trading place, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching again.

What kind of bathing center can allow a ghost of the level of a fire ghost to burn a boiler? Is it burning magma?

"Sure enough, the world is so big that it is far beyond what I can imagine now."

However, let Reggae do power generation, and Fire Ghost burns boilers. Wood Ghost, a green guy who can plant grasslands on Fire Ghost's head, can be sold to plant greenery in the desert, and he is indeed a professional counterpart.

Most importantly, the price is really high!

In terms of the normal default price, the true value of the Legendary Peak Fierce God is 80,000 God's Coins, which is considered the limit.

And the buyers of these three ghosts paid half to nearly double the premium, which made Lin Chen very satisfied.

[The dark blade ghost is not wanted by anyone, so it can be sent to the mining area, but because of its strong mining ability, it has the potential to become an excellent employee, so the price has increased greatly, and it has received 100,000 magic coins. 】

Damn it, trash!

Lin Chen, who couldn't help but smile just now, suddenly darkened, and cursed secretly.

No one wanted a legendary fierce god, which made Lin Chen disgusted.

No special ability, you deserve to mine.

[Due to the mutation of the water ghost, its ability is valued by the existence of the ice domain. It was successfully traded and obtained 110,000 points of magic coins. 】

So far, all six legends have been sold except Sword Demon.

"Selling the supreme evil god."

[Succeeded in reselling Thousand Blade Ghost, mining area, and obtained 200,000 God Coins]

[Succeeded in reselling the clone ghost, and obtained 180,000 magic coins in the mining area]

The two highest prices are very high, even if it is a miner, but it still allowed Lin Chen to get 380,000 gods' coins all at once.

The only thing that makes Lin Chen regretful is that he didn't sell the doppelgänger for a sky-high price in the end.

Next, it was the turn of the fallen ghost kings. These ghost kings were greatly reduced in strength because of the destruction of the ghost domain. Naturally, they would not be as valuable as the prosperous ghost kings.

Even the future is worrying.

However, each Fallen Ghost King still sold at a high price of 160,000 Gods and Strange Coins.

At this point, Lin Chen's sack was completely empty except for the last Sword Demon.

[Balance of God's Guild Coin: 6.51 million]

After seeing this number, Lin Chen's breathing became short of breath, and it took him a long time to recover.

"Little money, little money..."

"It's all small scenes..."

"At this stage, it would be really outrageous to live with one hundred and eighty thousand gods' coins."

Lin Chen comforted himself.

Indeed, based on his current demand for basic fruits, 1 million **** coins to improve the three attributes can increase the value by 2000 on average.

In Jishenyi territory, junior high school and high school are all divided in units of 10,000, not to mention that Lin Chen's enemies are all ghost kings with 100,000 to 200,000 ghost power.

"System, draw 1 million first."

Lin Chen said.

After a while, Lin Chen opened his eyes.

The growth of basic attributes is around 2000.

[Physique: 14700—16700] +2000

[Spirit: 13400—15400] +2000

[Ghost Power: 20900—22900] +2000

The golden quality prizes are two golden quality skills, and a skill fusion volume that has never been seen before.

These two gold-quality skills overlapped with the previous abilities, and their power was mediocre, so Lin Chen didn't pay much attention to them.

Instead, he focused all his attention on this new reward for the skill fusion volume.

[Skill fusion volume: You can fuse the same type of skills you own. After the fusion, you will increase the host's new perception and increase the power of the skill. The specific upgrade and consumption of the skill fusion volume are related to the quality of the skill itself. 】

Lin Chen's eyes lit He really has a lot of skills now.

From the perspective of golden quality skills, all of them may be of a single attribute.

But counting the purple-quality skills on him, and even the blue-quality skills—mobile phone charging technique, he has more than five skills in the lightning method alone.

Too messy.

And when it comes to real battles, the abilities below the gold quality are basically suppressed in the warehouse, and it is impossible for Lin Chen to use the skills of the gold quality, such as the purple quality skills, or even the blue mobile phone charging technique. Play against people.

Of course, this does not mean that low-quality skills are completely useless.

In fact, any skill has its own advantages. Take mobile phone charging as an example, the key is to control and grasp the lightning technique, which can only be achieved by controlling the power in a very subtle way.

Otherwise, Lin Chen could wipe out a mobile phone factory by using the five thunders to charge the mobile phone.

If the complementary situation can be achieved after the fusion, this must be a big improvement!

(end of this chapter)

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