Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 198: : Come to the most brilliant fireworks.

Chapter 199 Here comes the most brilliant fireworks.

Lin Chen no longer paid attention to the ghosts, but devoted himself to communicating with the ghost domain with spirit.

The next moment, amidst the sneering smiles of the ghost kings, the entire ghost domain suddenly vibrated!

"What's wrong?" All the ghost kings were shocked.

"He is controlling the ghost domain, do you want to use this to escape?"

"But why is there such a big movement?"

All the ghost kings were in shock, and even King Mu's face changed slightly.

For some reason, there was a sliver of gloom in his heart at this time, which made his chest feel dull, with an ominous premonition.

This made him a little uneasy.

The vibration of Huangquan became more and more intense, and Lin Chen's ghost power and spiritual power were rapidly depleting.

Finally, when the shock was about to reach a certain peak, the whole ghost domain suddenly fell silent.

But at this time, the ghost domain looked calm, but there seemed to be an extremely violent force faintly, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Old Zhou, Lao Chen, if I invite you to watch a gigantic fireworks, would you like to pay for the tickets?" Lin Chen suddenly turned around and smiled at Zhou Geng and Chen De who were a little stunned.

Both Zhou Geng and Chen De were already dumbfounded, and Chen De reacted the fastest. He said with bright eyes: "Tickets are nothing, I can just reserve the venue."

Zhou Geng, the supreme commander in blue, who overwhelmed the leaders of the Six Great Regiments, a man of unparalleled power, felt a little parched at the moment.

He naturally noticed the movement of Huangquan, and looked at Lin Chen's expression at this time, and suddenly thought of something, and his voice became a little dry: "If there is, I will put stars on your shoulders!"

Outside the territory, Mu Wang's uneasiness at this time has become extremely intense.

He watched Lin Chen's expression and the changes in the entire Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

This aura was like a thunderbolt, which made his scalp tingle and made him understand what was about to happen.

"Let the Mucheng army retreat, hurry up!" King Mu shouted at the ghost king in golden armor, his voice was extremely urgent, and there was a hint of fear in his voice!

The Golden Armored Ghost King was a little stunned. Although there was restlessness in the ghost domain, he didn't know why King Mu became so flustered.

Just when he was about to reply.

Lin Chen yelled, "Fry!"

The next moment, a strong light shone from the Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain, and then, endless energy burst out, and the Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain exploded at this moment.

In just an instant, Mu Wang and all the ghost kings present were enveloped by this strong light in panic.

The violent roar resounded through the sky and the earth, as if the sky was falling apart.

The whole earth shook.

And this strong light didn't stop, it was like a hood covering the ground, rapidly spreading outward.

Wherever it passes, everything it touches will be swept away.

The small town at the foot of the mountain was immediately affected by the strong light, and the hundreds of ghosts inside were wiped out by the energy of the strong light without even having time to react!

During the explosion, within a transparent protective cover, the projections of both Lin Chen and Chen Dezhou Geng were inside.

This is an energy shield that Lin Chen left for himself with the power of the ghost domain, in order to take a second look at this fireworks feast.

"There are so many ghosts, so they just disappeared, what a waste of everything."

Lin Chen murmured to himself, when he obtained all the inheritance of the ghost domain and had the power to control the entire ghost domain, Lin Chen had already planned to this step.

It is impossible for him to defeat so many ghost kings and even ghost kings with the ghost domain, because he cannot mobilize the power of the ghost domain infinitely.

But he can make Huang Quan explode!

The power of this ghost domain is like a handful of dry wood. Lin Chen only needs to give a kindling to make it explode, which is not too laborious.

Zhou Geng and Chen De were dumbfounded at this moment. Even though they had already guessed in their hearts, when they actually saw it, the shock in their hearts was still intense and undeniable.

Especially thinking that this explosion swept away a ghost king, dozens of ghost kings, and an army of thousands of ghosts, they trembled with excitement.

Chen De was so excited that his eyes were red, but he felt hearty and hearty, wishing to jump in place.

So much fun!

Only the older generation of players know how much hatred and haze the horror world has brought to human beings, and it has been like a mountain for so many years, weighing on the hearts of Chen De and Zhou Geng.

Lin Chen's explosion actually gave them a feeling of the mountain loosening up.

"Your star is full, I told you!" Zhou Geng laughed loudly, his voice was extremely carefree.

"I'll just say you can do it! It's not in vain for my special mother's obedience and infidelity, it's not in vain for me to be a navy leader in your live broadcast, and it's not for me to pretend to be crazy and foolish to intercept you when Mr. Mercury is targeting you."

Chen De was so excited that he narrated all the small actions he had done coherently, completely ignoring Zhou Geng's darkened face.

Damn it, it's no wonder Uncle Chen is so hard to catch, he doesn't even have any news, the co-author is simply because you, a local snake, haven't done anything!

Zhou Geng couldn't help but slander, but he still had to give Chen De a thumbs up.

Kill beautiful!

This old boy has been extremely smooth since he was young, and he can see things with great accuracy. If he didn't get in the way, he might not be able to see such gorgeous fireworks in his life.

Lin Chen was also stunned, no wonder when he was confronting the Sixth Great Regiment, there was a clear stream in the live broadcast room to help him set the rhythm. It turned out that it was Chen De's fault.


At this moment, the sound of breaking glass sounded.

The self-destruction of the ghost domain does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, so this protective cover has been under attack from the beginning to the end.

At this time, it has been damaged, as if it is about to be unable to support it.

Lin Chen sighed, knowing that he would not see what happened to King Mu and the others, and snapped his fingers regretfully.

Before Huang Quan completely disappeared, his last authority turned the protective shield on his body into a black light, covering Lin Chen completely.

In just an instant, Lin Chen's figure disappeared in place.

The power of that explosion is enough to affect the space, making it impossible for people to leave with the power of teleportation or teleportation.

But this does not affect this cognate force.

Lin Chen left completely, but the semicircle created by the Changyin Mountain ghost domain explosion continued to spread.

It didn't stop completely until it spread to about ten miles, but its shock wave spread out like a ripple sweeping across the world.

Thirty miles, forty miles, fifty miles... In the end, the hundred miles around were completely destroyed by the self-detonation of Changyin Mountain.

It is conceivable that the ghost-level existence and the power contained in its ghost domain are terrifying.

Countless ghosts died within a hundred miles, and when ghosts farther away noticed this strong light and abnormal noise, no matter what level they were, they were stunned.

"Where did the war start?"

"Ghost war?"

"If you don't restrain yourself, is there any law for the king?"

After a long time, everything was lonely, and the vicinity of Changyin Mountain was completely razed to the ground.

On the ground, there were seven or eight figures lying here and there, all in dilapidated condition.

Mu Wang was the first to stand up. At this time, his body surface was covered with burns, and his mouth was bleeding, and he didn't recover for a while.

There is no longer the appearance of the previous superior.

"Morning!" King Mu raised his anger to the sky. Unrivaled Ghost Monarch, the sound of sound waves, the changing color of the vibrating wind and clouds, and the dust and haze that had accumulated in the air due to the explosion, all faintly dispersed.

At this moment, even he, the strongest ghost present, suffered a lot of injuries.

In terms of strength alone, Lord Chang Yin must be inferior to him, but this kind of self-destruction is completely unreasonable, it is an explosion of energy, and it is extremely terrifying.

Even he can't handle it.

Especially since they are too close to Changyin Mountain, those who bear the brunt of being swept in will naturally receive the greatest energy impact.


At this moment, the Water Ghost King spat out a mouthful of blue ghost blood, and the ghost energy on his body was dim, but he still struggled to get up.

At the last moment, King Mu covered himself and the ghost kings with the ghost domain, but the power of the ghost king-level ghost domain self-detonation was still too great.

The Ghost Realm of King Mu, an unrivaled powerhouse, was finally opened with a huge hole. Several ghost kings inside died tragically in an instant. Only King Mu tried his best to save them, barely survived.

But the price is that the ghost domains that the digital ghost kings used to resist the explosion were all broken, destroying seven or eight.

The Water Ghost King was the worst, his ghost domain hadn't been completely recovered, this time, it was even blown up!

The hard work of more than ten years was shattered once, and he returned to before liberation, or even worse, he was able to survive because his background was strong enough.

And in this situation, he himself doesn't know if he can recover!

"Chen!" The Water Ghost King roared, with incomparable hatred. At this moment, his hatred for Lin Chen was stronger than that for Zhou Geng.

A ghost king without a ghost domain is no less than a **** among men.

The other ghost kings also had hideous faces and were in great pain.

"Golden Armor! Contact Mu Chengjun to see what the loss is." King Mu gritted his teeth.

The golden armored ghost king answered tremblingly, this originally heroic ghost king and **** general now looked like an old man in his dying years.

Half of it was because of his serious physical injury, and the other half was because of distress.

The Mucheng army poured all of his efforts into it, practicing day and night for more than ten years, and he couldn't bear any bad news at all.

After a while, the Golden Armored Ghost King opened his mouth, and fell down on the ground as if he couldn't accept it, and said tremblingly: "There are only a thousand ghost soldiers who can reply me~www.wuxiamtl.com~, and all of them are seriously injured. It is estimated that there will be two thousand ghost soldiers who died and did not recover in time."

King Mu's face instantly turned ferocious, the anger he had just suppressed broke out again, and the ghost power in his body surged crazily.

The loss is too great!

Eight thousand ghost soldiers, more than a dozen ghost kings, two supremes, three legends, and even himself was damaged by the ghost domain and seriously injured.

And the one who brought him this price turned out to be only a small evil spirit.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

"It's impossible for this matter to spread." Yan Lao is also one of the surviving ghost kings. He is an old man in Mucheng Mansion, an old servant who is extremely loyal to Mu Wang, and has a very high status. He reacted and said in time.

"Lord Mu, you are about to enter the imperial city. During this period, you need not only great achievements, but also no news that will harm you, otherwise it will definitely affect your future."

King Mu's expression froze, then he took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

It's just that his face is still extremely gloomy, his eyes are flickering, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

(end of this chapter)

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