Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 172: : Thousands of people and ghosts

Chapter 173 The Man of Thousands and the Ghost of the World


In a magnificent mansion.

There are a dozen figures gathered in a certain wide space.

Just sitting there, the aura that naturally emanates from their bodies is already very powerful.

This is obviously a group of ghost king-level existences.

Among them, the ghost king who looked like a young man sitting in the middle, if Lin Chen was present, he would definitely recognize his identity at the first sight.

Because this is exactly the water ghost king who backlashed Lord Mercury and acted in the image of Lord Mercury.

At this time, among the ghost kings, a green-faced ghost king said:

"Lord Mu, in this battle of Banjie Mountain, we have already found some other high-ranking existences, except for the fierce **** who entered the ghost domain of Changyin Mountain, and we have sent invitations to Banjie Mountain, but, For the time being, there is no clue about that ghost."

On the main seat, a figure with an even more terrifying aura nodded.

This is a very handsome, elegant temperament, a middle-aged man full of masculine charm.

This is the most powerful existence in Mu City, King Mu.

King Mu is just his title. The real ghost power of this ghost has already overwhelmed all the ghost kings, becoming a higher level existence.

He said in a magnetic voice: "Thank you for your hard work, this time the battle of Tianjiao has been entrusted to me by the superiors, and let me organize it. It really makes my head big."

As soon as the words fell, all the ghost kings below laughed.

They all said compliments.

"This is because Lord Mu King is powerful and highly valued by the Yinyue Dynasty!"

"Lord Mu Wang is too humble. This matter is definitely a great honor. After the battle of Banjie Mountain, Lord Mu will definitely go one step further and become the pillar of the Moon Kingdom."

Mu Wang didn't change his face, it seemed that he didn't catch cold with these words, but said:

"As for the ghost, this little guy has not left any traces or clues other than his name appearing in the horror world. I suspect that there is a high probability that he exists in a copy of the horror game, and he is not in this world. That's why it is so difficult. Look for it, but don't give up until the last moment, this battle of Banjie Mountain is very important to our world."

All the ghosts nodded one after another. Obviously, many ghost kings also guessed so.

After all, apart from the name of the ghost species of a ghost and a weird postscript, there is no news, it's too mysterious.

It seems that this ghost does not seem to be in a horror world.

"Actually, the strength of the Hunshigui has not yet risen. It is more of a symbolic meaning. There are extremely fierce ghosts and other supreme evil gods. The so-called battle of Tianjiao is just a joke." Below, a ghost king suddenly laughed and said.

His tone was very relaxed.

"Yes, like the last battle of Tianjiao, it was completely overwhelming massacres. It is best to find the ghosts of the world. It can show my power to frighten the world and make those humans even more desperate. But if you can't find them, I will frighten the world." The current fierce **** is enough to win this battle."

All the ghost kings laughed and talked, and at the same time showed a trace of contempt, which was disdain for the world.

They all have a certain understanding of the human world. If the hidden ghost power can break through 2000, they can be called Tianjiao. In their eyes, this kind of strength is too ridiculous.

You must know that those who can achieve legends are all with a hidden ghost power of more than 3500, and among the highest, the lowest is close to 5000 hidden ghost power.

That means that there is an existence with fierce god-level combat power without a formal breakthrough.

This is the true pride of heaven!

King Mu looked at the ghosts, but didn't speak, his eyes were as calm as a pool of water, and he couldn't see his real thoughts at all.

But at this time, the Water Ghost King suddenly said:

"You are too careless, it is not a good habit to underestimate the enemy."

The water ghost king's voice was not loud, but it drowned out the laughter of all the ghosts.

The tone of all the ghost kings froze, and then they all showed surprise, and looked at the water ghost king.

"The human world is not as simple as you imagined. At least in this battle of Tianjiao, there is still a certain variable." Water Ghost King said slowly.

"What variable?"

"No matter what happens in the human world, it is impossible to have the power to overwhelm my horror world, right? How many years have they practiced?"

"Water Ghost King, did you learn any secrets after entering the human world?"

Facing the Water Ghost King, although the ghosts were polite, they didn't care about what he said at all, they just showed a look of interest and asked.

"There is a human being whose hidden ghost power has reached 10,000, and he has successfully broken through to the realm of fierce gods." The Water Ghost King sneered and said concisely.

As soon as the voice fell, the audience fell silent.

The expressions of all the ghost kings froze on their faces, but only for a moment, these ghost kings showed unbelievable expressions, and said in surprise:

"Full of ghost power? Impossible!"

"The limit of hidden ghost power is nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. This is an unbreakable number. Water ghost king, do you dare to scare me in front of Lord Mu?"

The Jidao family has continuously broken through the limit, and has already recorded the highest value of hidden ghost power, which is nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand hidden ghost power!

From ancient times to the present, no existence has broken through this number!

The theory of Man Wan is completely like a fantasy! Exists only in legends.

In the mind of the Water Ghost King, the figure who was aggressively attacking him at the beginning of the fierce spirit also suddenly appeared.

But soon, he shook his head slightly, and said to the ghosts: "His breakthrough is right in front of me. When it reaches ten thousand, Thriller Game sent protection power to **** his breakthrough. I tried to make a move. But it can't be broken at all."


Hearing the words of the Water Ghost King, all the ghosts were startled. This was the first time they had heard of the person that even Thriller Games protected.

When it comes to this, although they still don't want to believe it, they all know that there is a high probability that it is true.

The Water Ghost King is not someone who targets without purpose.

It's just that they themselves couldn't accept it for a while, so they were surprised and uncertain.

At this time, King Mu finally spoke, his tone was still calm, and he said lightly: "When the Water Ghost King returned to the horror world, he had already explained this to me, and it was not a lie. Therefore, everyone must not underestimate the enemy."

All the ghost kings nodded after hearing the words. They could question the water ghost king because they were at the same level as the water ghost king, and those who could appear here were extremely powerful existences among the ghost kings.

But none of them dared to question Mu Wang, the ghost king, the peerless ghost king who had forcibly killed several five-star humans!

"It's unbelievable that there is an existence that can reach the full power of ghosts, and this is not a ghost, but a weak human being."

"Is the tempering method really that powerful? Perhaps, we should also research the same method."

The ghosts whispered.

Mu Wangdao: "I didn't let the Water Ghost King tell the news about the Man Wan people, because I was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble and affecting some ghosts' fighting spirit."

"Furthermore, this person has only just made a breakthrough. He appeared on the same day as the ghost of the world, and his current strength has not yet reached its peak. .”

"So it can only be regarded as an uncertain factor. Just like the ghost of the world, the symbolic meaning is much greater than the actual combat power. This person, I will leave it to the ghost of the world to solve in the future."

Below, the corner of Water Ghost King's mouth twitched.

In the presence, I also know that he knows how fast this Uncle Chen is improving. After only entering two dungeons, he abruptly went from a newcomer to a full-scale ghost power, and became a fierce god.

How many years?

In less than a year, it is estimated that this kid will break through to the peak of the fierce god.

As for the solution to the ghost...

In his eyes, this is completely 50-50. He has fought against Uncle Chen and knows how terrifying Uncle Chen's strength is among his peers.

Lord Mu still underestimated Uncle Chen.

However, he did not continue to speak out to remind, because the current situation is indeed on the side of the horror world.

The Battle of Banjie Mountain will be held in the near future. With such a tight time, no matter how special that kid is, he will not be able to form a strong combat power.

Even if he joins the battle, the impact will not be too great. Anyway, he cannot be the opponent of those supreme and fierce gods who have reached their peak for many years.

There are extreme ghosts, enough to suppress everything.

So in a sense, what King Mu said was not wrong.

Just when the Water Ghost King was thinking in his heart, King Mu was suddenly taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

For the first time his mood changed.

All the ghosts who have been paying attention to Mu Wang all showed surprise. They don't know what happened to trigger Mu Wang's mood swings.

"There has been a change in Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm." King Mu said.

The ghosts were a little surprised, and then they cheered up.

The Battle of Banjieshan is a battle with the outside world, while Huangquan is the horror world's own troubles.

Although none of them were Mucheng ghosts, but were called to "help", hearing about the accident in Huangquan still touched their nerves.


King Mu suddenly laughed lightly, as if he had heard a very interesting news, he said: "Yan Lao sent me a message that the ghost power wall in Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain has suddenly become thinner, and they can see it from the outside. The fighting scene in the ghost domain is really interesting."

"It's a miracle that such a thing happened."

"It's good that nothing major happened. In the ghost domain, there are two supreme figures and digital legends. This is the main battle force in the future half-boundary mountain. There is no room for loss."

The ghosts relaxed, but instead showed a look of great interest, chatting aside.

King Mu also had a smile on his lips.

But I didn't care too much.

Not long after, they ignored the first news from Yan Lao.

In the end, King Mu ordered: "Water Ghost King, you have had contact with that Man Wan man, please tell everyone present his characteristics. If this person participates in the Battle of Banjie Mountain, he can also be erased in time."

The Water Ghost King nodded, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com immediately said:

"This person's appearance, including his age and even his gender, are not very clear, because he has ever-changing abilities, and can even hide his own aura. Anyway, with my strength, I can't see his cover..."

The first words of the water ghost king surprised all the ghosts.

Unexpectedly, this man with thousands of methods has so many methods, and the effect is so strong that even the ghost king can hardly detect it, it is really terrifying.

Their minds were all on the Water Ghost King, and no one was paying attention. At this time, King Mu, who was sitting at the top, was stunned again.

He received a message from Yan Lao again, knowing that the changes in Changyin Mountain were increasing, but he did not interrupt the words of the Water Ghost King.

The Water Ghost King continued: "But he has quite a few characteristics. His name is Uncle Chen. He is good at lightning and has white lightning. He is very restrained against ghosts and is good at fire. He once absorbed a fire ghost. In addition, he also has a very terrifying palm technique, as if he was born to kill ghosts, even when I met him, I felt the restraint in it."

Following Shui Guiwang's voice, Mu Wang, who was talking with Yan Lao in his consciousness, suddenly became weird.

(end of this chapter)

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