Chapter 172 Boss Chen, Help!

At this time, Lin Chen went in another direction.

The muscular Dill has already encountered his first trouble, standing in front of him is a two-headed strange wolf.

The two-headed monster wolf is huge, four or five times larger than ordinary wolves, exuding the ghost power of the peak of a fierce god, and its gray mane is like steel thorns.

It was staring at Dill, saliva running from its mouth.

Dill's eyes were serious. He didn't expect to meet such a powerful Yin beast as soon as he entered the mountain.

He moved his feet back slightly, and didn't want to fight with Lin Chen and his three teammates for the time being.

However, the Yin Beast didn't want to let him go, it just roared and rushed up.

When Dill saw this, he had no choice but to curse inwardly. He didn't care about anything else, so he had no choice but to go up to him, and a big battle was about to break out.

The succubus stood among the black grass and trees, which was the place she teleported to.

After looking at the surrounding scene and seeing that there was no danger, he immediately took out the compass to check, and then quickly swept in the direction guided by the compass.

Holding a long sword, Sword Demon fought with a snake-like Yin beast. Like Dill, he was also in trouble.

But he did not have any intention of retreating, but drew his sword to fight. Although he formed a team with Lin Chen and Dill, he would not rely on these teammates.

It's fine if you meet them, but if you don't, he can't take the initiative to find anyone.

He came to Huangquan to improve himself, and what he wanted was hearty battles.

Outside the domain, after the nine ghost kings confirmed that there were no other changes in the ghost domain, their suspended hearts were temporarily relieved.

"I've already reported this incident to Lord Mu Wang, but looking at it now, it doesn't appear that any accidents happened, and instead it allows us to see the internal situation, which feels like a good thing." Old Yan said.

"That's right, at least it's fun to watch these little guys fight." Senman Ghost King said with a smile.

Seeing that there was no danger threatening him, he regained his calm demeanor again.

"Someone has already encountered Yin beasts, and I don't know how many of these little guys will come out in the end. The ghost domain is not so easy to break into. If you are below the legend, entering it is like sending you to death." The ghost king smiled lightly.

"Above the legend, there was also a battle. The Sword Demon boy killed a Yin Beast with one sword. It seems that your Yin Sword family has successors." Yan Lao stroked his beard and smiled.

The ghost king with the sword on his back looked calm, and he spoke after a while: "The clone ghost is as powerful as he killed two yin beasts in an instant. He is worthy of being the disciple of the water ghost king."

Senman Ghost King smiled slightly, and after admiring Thousand Blade Ghost and Reggae, he finally set his sights on Lin Chen:

"Ever since this kid was stuck in the vortex gate, I felt that something was wrong with this kid, and his strength is even more legendary. Perhaps the changes in the ghost domain have something to do with him."

"This old man has thought about it too. However, I think it's a little unlikely that a mere evil spirit can cause changes in the Ghost King's realm. It's best to observe and observe. When he appears, call him over and ask." Yan Lao shook Shaking his head, he didn't care about Lin Chen.

The other eight ghost kings all nodded, and they didn't seem to think that the change in the ghost domain had anything to do with a mere evil spirit.

But there was still a little doubt in his heart, and he couldn't help but look at Lin Chen in the domain.

Suddenly, a ghost king said in surprise: "This kid is in danger ahead, here is a good show."

The other eight ghost kings naturally also noticed the so-called danger, and they couldn't help showing expressions of interest.

At this time, Lin Chen walked in the forest.

Probably because of being infected by ghost power, the trees here are black and look very strange.

In the ghost domain, although it is surrounded by a thick layer of ghost power, the light inside is not too dim, and there is even light refracted through the shade of trees.

At this time, he had already encountered two Yin Beasts.

One is the middle stage of the fierce god, and the other is the high stage of the fierce god. When they saw Lin Chen, they were all fearless, roaring and rushing towards him.

Regarding this, Lin Chen naturally had nothing to say. The Yin Beast was not his target, so he slapped it to death easily.

Fortunately, the flesh and blood of Yin Beasts is still worth a little, which sounds expensive. Therefore, after Lin Chen put away the flesh and blood of Yin Beasts, it is not like nothing.

His figure flickered in the forest, and what he wanted to find more than the yin beast was naturally the fierce **** who had entered the ghost realm.

Not long after, an exclamation from ahead reached his ears.

Lin Chen was delighted.

It's a ghost!

After making the decision, Lin Chen flew forward without saying a word.

The spiritual power in the ghost domain is limited. Even though Lin Chen's mental power is very strong, he can only break out of his body and cover a range of tens of meters around him.

This range can at most prevent sneak attacks from the dark, but it is not enough to detect ghosts in the distance.

He was very fast, flying at low altitude without any scruples, and quickly approached the source of the sound.

At this time, in an open space in front of Lin Chen, seven fierce gods were being surrounded by a group of two-headed wolves.

This is a pack of wolves, there are about twenty of them, each of them is huge, and the aura emanating from them is not weak at all.

Especially one of the silver wolf kings exuded a strong coercion, with dense silver hair all over his body, he looked extremely brave.

Although the seven vicious gods who were besieged were all peak vicious gods, they were not legendary, let alone supreme, and they were not strong enough to fight against so many Yin beasts.

At this time, the front was showing tension, and the spirit was tense and confronted the wolves.

They knew that as long as the battle started, their side would be either killed or injured, and the difference in strength was too great.

When all the ghosts were secretly looking for the escape route, they suddenly heard a pleasantly surprised voice behind them.

"One, two,, good luck."

What is he looking for?

How many wolves are there?

Something seems wrong!

While thinking, all the ghosts hurriedly turned their heads, and even the wolves stopped growling because of the discordant sound, and looked towards the source of the sound.

In the dark dense forest, Lin Chen walked out in the shadows.

"It's Boss Chen!"

"Great, Boss Chen is here!"

The ghosts recognized Lin Chen immediately.

Immediately, everyone was very pleasantly surprised, as if seeing their relatives.

Among them, there is a ghost who lived in Lin Chen's restaurant before, and even the boss Chen's hospitality, affectionate and righteous character.

And this is a peerless legend who can fight against the Supreme.

With him here, if they help them, it will be easier to overcome this danger.

"Boss Chen, help!" one of the vicious gods hurriedly shouted.

"I'm here to save you, don't worry." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Immediately, he saw his thick ghost power surge out suddenly, and countless black lightning condensed out of thin air.

In the surprise of the seven ghosts, in the solemn hostility of the wolves, and in the gaze of the nine ghost kings outside the territory.

Lin Chen pressed down with one hand, and the Thunderbolt fell down in an instant, hitting the field.

It's just that this lightning shot was not aimed at the Yin beast wolves, but aimed at the seven fierce gods.

At this moment, all the beasts or ghosts who saw this scene were all stunned.

Did the boss miss the shot this morning?

And it seems that he has become stronger than when he fought the Thousand Blade Demon.

But these fierce gods are not ordinary people, or in other words, none of them who dare to come here to enter the ghost domain is too simple.

Although he was full of doubts, he immediately mobilized his ghost power to resist Lin Chen's thunder.

They knew that Lin Chen's lightning method was powerful, so they didn't have any reservations.

Seven incomparably colorful natal skills erupted in the forest, thick ghost power rose against the sky, and the whole ground was trembling due to the power of the seven fierce gods.

However, at this time, Lin Chen was using all his strength to unleash the dark thunder, and the five thunders' rectification inspired by his supreme ghost power that crushed everything was like a punishment from heaven.

Under the incomparably powerful thunder method, the seven vital skills were wiped out in an instant.

Lei Fa landed on the seven fierce gods, and there was a crackling sound in an instant. In just an instant, the seven ghosts lost consciousness and fell down in pitch black.

Seeing this, Lin Chen dispersed Lei Fa, and walked excitedly to the position of the seven fierce gods.

At this time, the nine ghost kings outside the territory were all dumbfounded seeing this scene.

The first is to shock Lin Chen's strength. Even though they are separated by the ghost domain, they can't feel Lin Chen's aura, but with their eyesight, it is not difficult to see the power of Lin Chen's thunder.

Second, Lin Chen's behavior of ignoring the Yin beasts and attacking the same kind made them even more confused.

It is certain that there is competition in the ghost domain, and this competition is very fierce.

But this is all caused by resources, and it usually happens the next day after the ghost domain is opened.

As a result, this morning, they bombarded and killed the same kind as soon as they came up, for no reason. In their eyes, it was a completely inexplicable behavior.

"Could this kid be a murderer? Doesn't he look very polite? Why did he change so much after entering the ghost domain!" Like Yan Lao, a ghost king from Mucheng Mansion who had been in contact with Lin Chen before, was a little confused. said dumbfounded.

"His strength is not right. It seems to be stronger than before. Moreover, when such a powerful thunder method is released, it can be cast instantly without any pressure. This is a bit scary." Another ghost king said with surprise in his eyes.

At this time, the nine ghost kings all sensed that something was wrong, and all focused their eyes on Lin Chen.

The next moment, the nine ghost kings suddenly widened their eyes.

Yan Lao even pulled off a wisp of The wrinkles all over his face were scattered, and exclaimed:


In the ghost domain, Lin Chen ignored the beasts and wolves around him, took out the happy blade, and cut open the stomachs of the seven fierce gods one by one.

After harvesting the seven big kidneys, Lin Chen stretched out the pink sack with joy on his face, and put the seven fierce gods into the bag one by one.

He was very excited. The seven fierce gods made him sell 270,000 **** coins, which is quite a fortune.

But what he didn't know was that his current performance was clearly presented in front of the eyes of the nine ghost kings outside.

"There's something wrong with this kid!"

Seeing Lin Chen's strength and behavior, Yan Lao reacted immediately, and finally connected the situation of Lin Chen being stuck at the entrance with the changes in the ghost domain.

If it was Boss Chen, they didn't have to believe it or care about it, but if it was a waist-stealing ghost who was suspected of being the ghost king, the nature of the situation changed completely.

Yan Lao even directly contacted King Mu who was far away in the Mucheng Mansion, and reported the events in front of him one by one.

(end of this chapter)

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