Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 168: : Others carry 1 basket, he can carry 100 baskets!

Chapter 169 Others Carry One Basket, He Can Carry a Hundred Baskets!

"It's a clone!"

Two clone ghosts appeared on the scene.

The other fierce gods immediately understood.

They were all shocked for a moment, the speed of the clone ghost's action was so fast, they didn't notice any movement at all, and the horned ghost who was talking was attacked.

This kind of strength is simply terrifying!

At this moment, even though Reggae and other legendary fierce gods all showed extremely dignified expressions, it was obvious that they also felt the pressure due to the method of clone ghost.

Among all the fierce gods, Lin Chen may be the only one who was really calm from the beginning to the end.

After all, Lin Chen had already noticed that the clone ghost had condensed the clone silently.

So, no surprise.

"Ah!" After the fierce horror of the horns, he let out a roar, the voice was strong, and it exploded with strong ghost power.

Under the crisis of life and death, he resisted angrily.

This is a ghost in the forties.

The ghost power has reached the peak of the fierce god, and its strength is not considered weak in the field.

At this moment, he exploded all his ghost power to resist this clone.

But under the impact of his ghost power, the clone didn't change his face, and at the same time, he just shook the arm inserted into his chest.

The ghostly power of the fierce horned **** disintegrated immediately, and the body was shattered like fragments on the spot.

The blue ghost blood spilled all over the ground, and even splashed on the faces of some fierce gods.

But they just stared at this scene in a daze, shocked in their hearts!

A fierce **** with a high ranking and peak ghost power, just died like this?

Just like a bug, it was crushed to death by the avatar ghost without even stirring up a storm.

The strength of the Supreme Fierce God is simply too terrifying!

The clone that killed the horned **** disappeared, and the clone ghost in the distance was walking over. Although he looked young and looked like a teenager, his voice was very low.

"Who told you that you can talk about me behind my back?"

After the voice fell, he didn't make any unnecessary moves, but the two clones appeared out of thin air and flashed out instantly.

Only two screams were heard, and two more fierce gods were killed by the clone ghost.

It was the same as the horned gods, the two gods who had whispered about him.

Blue blood splatter.

The two fierce gods, who were not considered weak, died here before they even had time to react.

This made all the ghosts so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe out, for fear that they would be the next to die.

The avatar ghost stepped on the broken corpse calmly, with a rebellious face and hands behind his back, as if entering a land without people.

He looked at the group of fierce gods with disdain, and said softly:

"A group of ants exist like a group of ants, and I don't know what effect entering the ghost domain can play. It's like moths rushing to a flame. The behavior of wasting one's life is extremely stupid."

His tone was full of doubts and teasing, but in one sentence, he scolded all the evil spirits present.

Most of the ghosts immediately blushed when they heard the words. They were not without temper, but faced with the doppelgänger ghost's power, for a while, they just dared to get angry and dare not speak out.

Just one body can frighten all ghosts.

This is the supreme evil spirit!

Of course, there are also those with a tough temper, such as reggae, legends should not be insulted.

The silver hair flew upside down, and the black thunder in his eyes appeared, and he asked in a deep voice:

"Clone ghost, you seem to be too domineering. What you said just now scolded me and other legends?"

At the same time, a strong aura locked onto the doppelgänger ghost.

The avatar ghost calmly smiled and said, "Naturally, although you, Reggae, are considered tall here, in my eyes, you can defeat with three tricks!"

Reggae has silver hair and a handsome face, but his personality is extremely violent. As soon as he heard the words, he immediately mobilized all his ghost power.

I saw intense thunder and lightning emitting from his body, exuding extremely terrifying power.

His fighting spirit was high, and although he didn't speak, his attitude was already very clear.

The clone ghost sneered, and in an instant, his body split into hundreds of clones, and they flew into the air with Reggae, fighting.

The thunder exploded, and the sky was filled with black lightning, which looked like the end of the world.

The avatar is mysterious, sometimes changing from reality to emptiness, and from emptiness to reality, mysterious and unpredictable.

The power of the two made all the fierce gods look shocked.

The six ghost kings also stared at the scene. The momentum of these two peerless and fierce gods was extremely terrifying, even they couldn't help showing surprise.

"Young people are awesome." Yan Lao sighed with emotion, and then said: "However, the Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm is about to open, so it's not good to start a conflict here."

As the Ghost King of Mucheng Mansion, he did not want to see this kind of battle.

Ordinary fierce gods are nothing.

But clone ghosts and reggae are the main combat forces that can go deep into the ghost domain, no matter who is injured, it is a loss.

Senman Ghost King smiled calmly: "It's okay, since Reggae is dissatisfied with the clone ghost, then let's discuss it."

He and Yan Lao cared differently, the avatar ghost was unhappy, since he was going to make trouble, let him do it.

As for whether he will be defeated by Reggae, he will not consider it.

He is very calm, and as the elder of the clone ghost, he is very confident.

At this time, no one noticed, Lin Chen, who was standing among the fierce gods, looked at the clone ghost in the air with a look of surprise.

At this time, he came up with a bold idea.

"System, system, system! Come out!" he screamed in his heart.


Lin Chen: "If this doppelgänger is sold to the mining area, can it be worth the price of a hundred fierce gods? This product can be converted into a hundred. Others carry a basket of ore, and he can carry a hundred baskets. Absolute talent! .”

[System: "You say so, it seems that you can give it a try, but the mining area is quite special. It's difficult for this ghost to separate the three clones in the past."]

Hearing the reply, Lin Chen was overjoyed.

Obviously, this must be a special ghost, similar to the Qingxiu ghost and the principal ghost back then, and it can be sold for a high price!

"Why don't you sell it to a food delivery company, and let him split up a hundred clones to deliver food, and he will definitely make a lot of money."


The battle in the air was very fierce, and it took a long while before the winner was decided.

Reggae spat blood and fell from the air, he was defeated.

Seeing this, the fire ghost and the wood ghost rushed over anxiously and caught the body of the thunder ghost.

The clone ghost, with its hands behind its back, slowly descended in the air calmly.

The level of strength is clearly visible.

"As a legend, don't ever think about challenging the Supreme. Perhaps, you are a special one in the Legend, but I am not ordinary in the Supreme."

The voice of the doppelgänger came.

This time, he aimed at the legendary fierce god.

Although his voice was calm, the words he said and his power to defeat the reggae made all the ghosts breathless.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded.

All ghosts are attracted by this sound.

As for Lin Chen, he heard it most clearly, because it was the sound made by the sword ghost beside him pushing away the sword hidden in the hilt with his fingers.

The sharp blade was unsheathed, and a fierce aura emanated from his body.

This ghost has a very arrogant personality, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will not bow his head to his combat power.

Immediately, all the fierce gods sensed his fighting spirit, and they all silently made way for him.

Except for Lin Chen who remained motionless, only the sword ghost and clone ghost were left in the field.

Between the two, an empty road suddenly formed, both sides were staring at each other, and the atmosphere became dignified again.

"Sword Demon Wuxin, I've heard of you. As a legend, you are indeed extraordinary." The clone ghost commented with a smile.

After the elders commented on the appearance of the junior, it seemed that this powerful legendary fierce **** was like a child in his eyes.

However, Sword Demon looks like a young man, and he himself looks like a young man, giving people a very strange feeling.

The sword ghost's expression darkened, and he was about to draw his sword when a battle was imminent.

At this moment, the Ghost King, who had been watching, finally spoke.

"Enough, let's call it a day." Yan Lao squinted his old eyes and said slowly.

His voice was not loud, but it covered the audience, his tone was calm, like a ray of wind.

But the aura between the clone ghost and the sword ghost was easily dispelled by this voice.

There is no longer any air machine.

Hearing the ghost king speak, the sword ghost snorted coldly, and retracted the half-drawn long sword.

The clone ghost chuckled lightly and relaxed.

The tense minds of all the fierce gods were completely relieved.

The clone ghost's arrogance was too strong, and it put too much pressure on them. Fortunately, the ghost king finally calmed down.

At this time, the avatar ghost looked at Lin Chen over the sword ghost, and said with a hint of interest: "Actually, I am very interested in you, a legendary fierce **** who suddenly appeared, or the former dungeon boss, you What kind of ghost is it?"

Lin Chen didn't expect the avatar ghost to point the finger at him, but he didn't react too much, but smiled: "Actually, I'm also very interested in you."

Seeing that Lin Chen's gaze was calm and without any disturbance, the clone ghost sneered and said, "You are very courageous, and you don't seem to be afraid of me, but do you know that your words may bring you death?"

Lin Chen said: "It's useless to say these things, there are ghost kings here."

What he meant was that if the Ghost King wasn't here, I would have taken you away long ago.

But the avatar ghost would be wrong~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He said: "Do you think the ghost king can always protect you? I will find you when I enter the domain."

After that, he turned and left.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, looked at his back, and narrowed his eyes.

In fact, it is not certain who is looking for whom.

Just when the ghosts thought they had calmed down completely, a loud laugh suddenly came from the air.

"Hahaha, avatar ghost, you actually have times when you are afraid and fall to the altar, does this make your character become timid?"

"Thousand Blade Ghost!"

The clone ghost's face changed suddenly, he didn't expect that he didn't even notice the appearance of such a formidable enemy as Qianbla ghost.

He raised his head with an ugly face and looked into the sky where the sound came from.

However, the sky at this time has become black and dense.

It was a black cloud composed of countless sharp blades, covering the sky and covering the earth. It fell in the air in just an instant, and the direction of the landing turned out to be Lin Chen among the ghosts.

(end of this chapter)

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