Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 167: : The Supreme Fierce God—Avatar Clue

Chapter 168 The Supreme Fierce God - Clueless Clone

Yan Lao and the other five ghost kings flew up into the sky, rushed into the building and checked it out.

After a while, he said with an ugly face: "Here, there is no ghost power left. Obviously, before the old man and others came here, the waist-stealing ghost had already acted, so no abnormalities were found!"

He was completely outraged.

No wonder there was an empty building at the entrance of the restaurant. I thought Lin Chen did it for the sake of attracting more customers.

I didn't expect to be played for a fool by being careless for a while.

They didn't close their eyes all night last night just to find out this waist-stealer.

When he found out that the other party hadn't acted, he became even more disdainful.

Thinking that the other party has shown timidity, he left in time.

At this moment, I finally understood that it wasn't that they didn't take action, but that they had done everything they should do before they came here.

They are still like fools, waiting for the other party to show their feet at the scene of other people's crimes...

"Who the hell!"

Yan Lao yelled loudly, and the ghost power of the five ghost kings immediately swept through the audience, like a Shura field, overwhelming all the fierce gods.

They are all angry.

Before coming here, the rumors had already been released, just to frighten the waist-stealing ghosts. Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not give them face, but even gave them a big blow.

Really bullying ghosts too much!

What makes them even more angry is that.

Now that there are no clues, this damned waist-stealer can't be found at all.

Especially after communication, they knew that all the vicious gods here had alibi.

It is simply impossible to start.

In fact, being able to solve the fifty evil gods quietly, their suspects soon reached the level of the ghost king.

No matter how powerful the fierce **** is, he can't have this kind of method.

Just when the pressure of the many fierce gods suddenly increased, and the five ghost kings became more and more furious, a loud laugh suddenly came from the distant sky.

"Yan Laogui, what happened to make you so angry?"

This voice shocked the momentum of the five ghost kings, and then slowly disappeared.

And as the voice fell, the owner of the voice also appeared in front of everyone. It was a middle-aged man with a calm smile on his face.

Beside him stood a short-haired boy with silver lines on his face. His expression was full of rebelliousness, and his face was gloomy, looking very bad.

"It's a clone ghost! The former supreme evil spirit!"

Among the fierce gods, someone recognized the identity of the boy and exclaimed immediately.

"Clone ghost, could it be that Lord Water Ghost King is next to him?" You ghost exclaimed, with a hint of hotness in his eyes, very excited.

It seems that he worships the Water Ghost King very much.

"It's not Lord Water Ghost King, but this Lord Ghost King is also very powerful. He is the Senman Ghost King of the Red Demon Clan."

Lin Chen naturally also recognized that the existence following the clone ghost was not the water ghost king.

So he didn't feel nervous or panicked.

In fact, even if it was the Water Ghost King, he would not feel afraid.

Although his face at this time was the one he had when he first entered the Devil's Ghost Restaurant, some minor processing had already been done. With the changes, even if the Water Ghost King was here, he might not be able to recognize him.

The only flaws are the Devil's Restaurant, the Bandage Ghost, Qiu Ziwen and the others, but these were all put away by Lin Chen.

Unless he had a detailed understanding, even if the Water Ghost King wanted to break his head, he would not unite Lin Chen, who was full of ghost power, with Uncle Chen who was far away in the human world.

Yan Lao looked at Ghost King Senman, his face regained his composure, and said, "Senman, you are here."

In the words, it seems that he already knew that the other party would come.

"My kid, because he was squeezed out of that **** ranking, has an evil fire in his heart, and wants to fight with the supreme evil **** all day long, so I brought him here, so I can find something for him to do." Senman Ha ha laughed.

Hearing Senman compare the Potential Potential List of Fierce Gods to bullshit, most of the Fierce Gods' expressions sank slightly.

They are all famous existences on the list, and being on the list is also a kind of pride in their hearts.

In their eyes, Senman belittled the vicious **** list right now, as if he belittled himself, and for a while, his complexion didn't look good.

Of course, there are also some fierce gods with calm faces, who don't care about such remarks, as if everything is as it should be.

Lin Chen naturally noticed the changes in the expressions of these ghosts.

He found that the higher the ranking of the vicious god, the calmer his face. It seemed that there seemed to be something inside the vicious god's potential list.

As for the five ghost kings, their faces remained unchanged. Yan Lao looked at the clone ghost and praised, "The clone ghost has great potential. Even though the ranking is not among the highest, its strength has not changed, and it is still the best in the world."

Indeed, although Clone Ghost has been squeezed out of the top ten rankings, his strength will not change in any way.

In a sense, he is still the supreme evil spirit.

It's just that the clone ghost's face is getting darker and darker. Although Yan Lao is praising him, the words that he is not in the highest rank still make him feel a little harsh.

But due to Yan Lao's strength, he didn't have a fit, and just stood quietly beside Manson Ghost King.

Afterwards, faced with Manson's questioning, Yan Lao sighed and told about the empty building.

Hearing that the fifty fierce gods on the list disappeared silently in this building, and that even Yan Lao hadn't found the murderer behind the scenes, Manson Ghost King and the savage clone ghost were also surprised.

But soon, Manson's face recovered, and he said with a smile: "There must be a ghost king hiding in the dark. I heard that you waited for Yan Lao to come, so you took away those evil spirits in advance, and finally ran away."

"The old man also guessed so. After all, the ghost domain will open. If the waist-stealing ghost hides among these fierce gods, he will definitely not be able to enter the ghost domain. If he shows his feet, he will leave early."

Yan Lao took a deep breath, calmed down the anger in his heart, and said decisively.

"For now, let's focus on the ghost domain. If any of these little guys can get the final inheritance, it can be regarded as calming down the ghost domain in Changyin Mountain." Ghost King Manson said indifferently.

He was surprised to hear that fifty fierce gods had disappeared, but that was all.

Some fierce gods with insufficient strength will die as soon as they die. To them, it is not worth mentioning at all.

In the horror world, unless this kind of thing happened in a strictly regulated city, it would not attract much attention at all.

Even Yan Lao and the others came here because the Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain belonged to the territory of Mucheng, and all the ghosts were about to enter the ghost domain, so they came here to protect the Dharma, to show the mind of the master.

Otherwise, no matter how many ghosts die, they will not rush to them.

The previous anger was also this kind of behavior. To them, it was more like an offense. Compared with the death of a fierce god, they cared more about their own feelings.

After a while, including all the fierce gods present, they came back to their minds.

Huang Quan is about to start, and it's not his own death, and the waist-stealing ghost has probably run away at this time, and has nothing to do with them.

After seeing the situation come to an end, Lin Chen also turned around and put the building away.

Seeing this, the avatar ghost looked at Lin Chen, suddenly showing a trace of interest, but didn't move for a while.

Lin Chen also felt this gaze, and immediately looked at the doppelgänger ghost, with a smile like a virgin on his face.

Obstinately staring at the avatar ghost for a moment, he was baffled.

The building disappeared, and the field suddenly became empty.

Only the ghosts were left standing on the wasteland, all looking solemnly at Huangquan.

The same is true for Lin Chen. After looking back at the clone ghost, he looked at Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm.

In his eyes, the breath of Huangquan at this time has indeed weakened a lot.

Although it is still impossible to see the internal situation, the ghost power covering the mountain is no longer as restless as it was before, and it no longer has such a strong sense of oppression.

Within today, the ghost power of the ghost domain will inevitably decrease to a certain critical point. At that time, it will be their time to go deep into the ghost domain.

As time passed, some figures came here again.

All of them exude a fierce wave of ghost power.

When the seventh day comes, some ghosts that should appear naturally no longer hide.

Not long after, more than 200 fierce gods had gathered on Lin Chen's side. Seeing Lin Chen's heart skip a beat, if it wasn't for the presence of the ghost king, Lin Chen would have wanted to release the ghost domain directly and start collecting ghosts.

These new vicious gods were all amazed as they looked around.

After all, there are quite a few big names coming up.

The six ghost kings, the original supreme fierce **** and the legendary fierce god, were all present.

This can already be called a grand event.

Many vicious gods focused their eyes on the clone ghost standing with the six ghost kings in the distance.

Even though they were squeezed out of the supreme evil spirit, the status of the clone ghost was still very high. It was impossible for them to turn a blind eye to such a peerless evil spirit.

"The clone ghost's strength is really strong~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Just the ghost power emanating from him makes me feel a sense of oppression. Is this the supreme strength?" Strong fear.

After all, after entering the ghost domain, the clone ghosts will compete with them, and no one cares.

"His face is very gloomy, and he hasn't said a word yet. He looks very gloomy." You Gui whispered.

"Hey, the avatar ghost is arrogant and arrogant, being squeezed out of the ranking, naturally the mood is not much better. After entering the domain for a while, everyone should be careful, lest... poof!"

A ghost with horns on its head laughed softly, but he only spoke halfway, when his face suddenly changed, and a mouthful of blue blood spurted out from his mouth.

A hand stained with blue blood pierced his chest silently.

All the ghosts around were shocked and retreated one after another, and the ghost's side suddenly became empty.

Immediately, behind the horned ghost, standing was a young man who looked exactly like the cloned ghost.

And the real avatar ghost was standing next to the six ghost kings, looking at it with sarcasm.

(end of this chapter)

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