Duke of Grief

Chapter 976: Explore its 2

There is an automatic maintenance function here, there is the existence of Taling here, and it may even be that someone has been active here...

In an instant, just because of Cervantes's words, countless associations appeared in Ziegler's mind.

He frowned subconsciously, subconsciously lost in thought.

As he had previously felt, there should be no access to the ground, so it should have stopped running as long as Cervantes said.

The reason why the magic furnace in Wind City was maintained for such a long time was because Arcane Empire designed it in the same way. Basically, the magic furnace only needs to be maintained once every ten years, and Most of this kind of maintenance only confirms whether there is any deviation in the internal structure of the magic furnace, as long as it is adjusted.

This is what Serena told them, because among them, only Serena can understand this knowledge.

This has greatly violated common sense. If no one is active here, how can we collect resources to maintain it when the magic furnace or element furnace fails?

"Strange, it's so weird..." whispered, and Ziegler looked up at the elevator next to him.

The hall covers a huge area and the space is very wide, but apart from a few elevators, there is only one thing that looks like a service counter. There is nothing else here.

In Ziegler's eyes, this place is really empty, and the real research institute is built deeper underground, so there is no need to have a solid foundation like a high-rise building.

The hall is too wide and looks distorted.

And the ruins here are not the same as the ruins he had seen, at least those ruins do not have such a multi-layer structure.

All this is telling them the fact that it is different from the rest, and it is not even more successful than the ruins that Grush had encountered.

The strangeness of this place even disturbs Ziegler. If they continue to explore, they may not have enough supplies.

They all made preparations to enter here, but now suddenly found that there are far more places to explore than they imagined.

Before that, they had prepared enough water to survive, even if trapped in this place.

"I think...we may need some support." Ziegler turned to Cervantes, proposing: "Isn't there some experimentation made in the R&D area? Now the monsters of the Black Forest are still in agitated period, take risks Neither the soldier nor the mercenary can get in. How about we apply for support?"

However, Cervantes shook his head, "I want to go and see!"

Ziegler's eyelids jumped, "Are you crazy? No one knows what's below. If I can, I would like to go to those two roads to see, and wait until the support equipment arrives before continuing to explore."

After glancing at the Red Dragon, Cervantes asked strangely: "How come this time, but your proposer who explored here has shrunk instead?"

"Because I don't want to destroy everything here!" Ziegler looked serious. "Everything here has certain research value in my eyes. If I can, I want to lead the team to stay outside this ruin for a long time. Even though I have seen several relics, including a relic opened by me, those relics are not the same here. Those relics are only a single-layer structure, and the structure is relatively simple. Maybe this relic is much larger than any one, even the relics of the study of "Kijiji Puppet" are not as huge!"

Ziegler's remarks revealed a lot of information. The ruins here are larger than other ruins-you know, these ruins can all be'research institutes', and they are buried deep underground. You can see at a glance that you are doing something What a shameful study.

Such research institutes have spread almost all over the Mendes continent, and the number of relics that have been discovered so far has reached nearly fifty.

From the wilderness of the Cold Prison in the extreme south to the Atoso Mountains, the existence of these relics runs through the north and south areas of Mendes.

There may be more undiscovered relics in the Black Forest. It is really doubtful that what the Arcane Empire has done in those years will cause this kind of research to be spread almost all over the Mendes continent.

"As for this kind of "elevator" mechanism, we can also manufacture it now, but the cost is also extremely expensive, and this is still after the "Tianyang" alloy was developed, then in that year, even if the Arcane Empire had a lower cost of ownership The cost of the magic alloy formula should not be low, but this place is equipped with such a lift. What does this mean?" Ziegler asked in return.

Cervantes replied without thinking, "Maybe the "elevator" is not worth mentioning compared to the things below!"

"That's it!" Ziegler nodded. "So we have to be careful, don't act rashly, try not to destroy the things here, maybe the things below can bring us a lot of gains."

Cervantes thought about it and thought Ziegler was right.

"Assembly!" Cervantes shouted and called everyone back.

His eyes swept across everyone, and he didn’t find any abnormalities in them, so he continued: “Today’s exploration of the ruins ends here. Now we return to the mine and explore the two forks while we are on the road. After a few days, we will explore again."

Cervantes explained the situation and let Ziegler lead the team away. This time it was his turn.

The team left this unusually empty hall, and before finally leaving, Cervantes looked back.

Although he was not afraid of any difficulties himself, if he was exiled to another world, it would be difficult to return to the world of Assatom.

Mages often set magic traps in their mage towers, and [Exile World] is one of the magic traps often used by high-level mages. This ruin may not have magic traps, so even he needs to be careful .

After all, he doesn't have any magic himself. If he is exiled to another world, it will take a long time for Serra to find him.

On the way back, they explored two fork roads, but found that these two fork roads were the same as the previous promenade, and they ended up with a door...

This is even more weird. Instead of setting up another channel at the other end of the hall, instead of setting up three channels in the same direction, what do the arcanists who designed this institute have in their minds?

When they returned to the mine, they immediately applied for support to Wind City, and it was not long before they were approved.

At this time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Cervantes and Ziegler had already sat together to discuss the strange relic.

"What do you think there is underneath?" Cervantes sat on the chair with his arms around. "You think, how many layers does that study?"

Ziegler thought for a moment, "I think... it should be two floors! Although this institute has elevators, the arcane empire is different from our Principality. An institute does not need so many clerks, and researchers should all It’s an arcanist, so it’s not too many.

"What did the research institute study specifically..." Ziegler's eyes flickered a few times. "I think the confidentiality should not be much higher than the research institute that studies the'Kijiji Puppet'. After all, a tunnel is a shallow vein. , The other two channels do not know, but it should not be a very deep place, but there is independent energy inside..."

Many conditions contradict each other, so Ziegler has not been able to guess something.

In the end, he sighed: "Wait until after the support is over, and now it is useless to say anything..."

... m.

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