Duke of Grief

Chapter 975: Explore its 1

After the door opened, Cervantes and Ziegler did not immediately lead the team into it.

They don't know what kind of world is behind the gate, and there is nothing waiting for them. After all, Ziegler did not use a password to unlock the gate, but used a'violent crack'.

Rather than trying to smash it directly with his fist like Black Dragon, he found the weak point of the rune and then dismantled it.

It's not a normal way to open the door, so Ziegler was not sure that after he opened the door like this, there would be something behind the door ready to meet them.

Standing in front of the open door, Ziegler raised his hand and knocked on the metal door, and closed his eyes again.

"Hello, haven't you found it yet?" Cervantes continued to point impatiently on the toes of his right leg. "Is it so trouble to find a source of energy delivery?"

"The technology used by the Arcane Empire is different from ours..." Ziegler frowned. "I even wonder if they use the "wireless transmission" technology. There is almost no connection to the back passage here, but There is no magic circle engraved on the surface above the gate. If you can’t directly touch the free magic power, even if the materials used are magical, it’s useless!”

"The magic circles and runes engraved on the surface are easy to break and crack. Almost all arcane empire places the runes and magic circles inside, just like this gate and the ruins I saw at the beginning. There is a mezzanine, and there must be a lot of things buried in the wall of the front passage..." Speaking of here, Ziegler paused. "I seem to have found it. The energy comes from...inside?!"

Ziegler opened his eyes and quickly looked at the black dragon beside him. They all knew that this meant that the energy used by this ruin was isolated from the outside, and there might be a magic furnace or element furnace inside.

Isn't it access to the ground, but an independent energy system...

Cervantes looked at the brightly lit passage ahead, like the door, also silver-white, full of a cold and rational sense of the future.

Looking back at the mages and soldiers standing behind him, Cervantes took a deep breath, "Go forward!"

Having said that, he took the lead in walking into the passage, followed by the wizards, and then the soldiers, Ziegler walked with the doll girl at the end of the line.

The team's speed is not fast. Cervantes glanced around with a pair of dark yellow vertical pupils. The mages activated [Magic Vision], shrunk his body behind his lord, and carefully looked around to hide behind the wall. Runes and the rays of the circle.

As soon as something changed, they immediately reminded their lord that he and Mr. Ziegler were their reliance on the ruins of this arcane empire.

This channel is not long, and soon, Cervantes will face a choice-among the three roads, he can only choose one of them.

I didn't find out when I was outside just now. There was a crossroad here, and the other two roads were not obvious, so even the dragon didn't see clearly.

"Walk apart?" Ziegler noticed this later, and suggested loudly.

There was also a little riot in the team. Although it was their lord who made the decision, most people did not think that ‘separating’ was a good thing. It might save time, but it would cause a lot of trouble.

The soldiers can also go to the reading room to borrow the "Xinghai Monthly" in their spare time and learn some magic-related knowledge, so they are also a bit guilty in front of this choice, fearing that the lord Lord will choose to act separately.

The remains of the Arcane Empire are all their research institutes. These institutes have a higher level of protection than the wizard towers. Although they don’t put as many magic traps as the wizard towers in this place, if this place has a tower What about the spirit?

The channel is clean and bright, and it is still so clean today after more than 800 years. There is no dust accumulation at all. From this point, I know that there is an "automatic cleaning function" here. I don’t know whether it is really "automatic" or there is a Taling control. Just be cautious.

What's more, their current identity is'intruder'!

After thinking for a moment, Cervantes shook his head. "Split heads may cause huge casualties. I can't protect everyone with a dragon."

Among the remains of the arcane empire, no matter how careful you are, the last time because of his willfulness, several knights and nearly a hundred soldiers were killed in the bottomless abyss.

He is no longer a lonely dragon. He is the lord of this place. Whether he wants it or not, when he takes over the power from his father, he is destined to carry something that he did not want to carry, or even sneered.

"Go on." Cervantes gave the order to the team. "The channels on both sides will be ignored for the time being, and you will make a choice when you come back."

As a research institute, the road here cannot be too complicated. Otherwise, if even researchers have to get lost here, how can they do research?

Although Ziegler wanted to explore the doll girl alone, but since Cervantes had said so, he never thought about anything else.

He now wants to go to the places where researchers conduct research experiments on weekdays. It would be better if he could reach the archives room.

The ruins here were opened by his own hands, and no one should have come in during this period. The first-hand information was obtained here.

But the only regret is that the materials of the Arcane Empire generally exist in the form of ‘paper documents’, and even parchment should have some problems.

Although in the current situation, there is an automatic cleaning function, maybe there are no worms. If this is the case, then those data files should be able to save a lot.

Cervantes led the team to move forward. The subsequent journey was quite boring, and the silver-white promenade repeated in the eyes was a little narrow, and the top was even a few feet higher than the dragon horn of Cervantes. Right or so, it is really a bit doubtful whether this is the real remains of the Arcane Empire.

"How long has it been?" Suddenly stopped, and the voice of Cervantes came in front of him, which made Ziegler slightly stunned, and then subconsciously calculated the time.

"It's about forty minutes..." Ziegler paused, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Are we here?"


Cervantes took another step and walked forward.

Despite the anticipation in his heart, from the words of Cervantes, Ziegler heard a little unnaturalness, immediately sinking in his heart, and continued to walk at the end of the team.

As the team continued to move forward, Ziegler discovered that the surrounding space had suddenly become wider and turned around, only to find that he had walked into a hall.

He had been alert to the rear just now, so he didn't realize what was happening ahead. Until now, he didn't know why the team in front hadn't made any sound.

The mage and the soldiers held their breath and kept looking around. They were shocked by everything in this ruin.

This hall is quite wide~www.NovelMTL.com~The top is also quite high. Looking up, Ziegler calculated and found that even an adult dragon can fly freely in this wide space.

Around the hall, he also saw some glass pipes. These huge glass pipes have a kind of'floating platform' that can be raised and lowered.

All this foreshadows one thing-their exploration journey is the real beginning from here!

The previous promenade and the intersections that don't know where to go are not even the starting point, this is the real starting point, and the ruins they want to explore are just below here.

"These elevators can still be used."

While Ziegler was still looking around, Cervantes said abruptly: "The energy here has not been cut off!"

"This place has been here for so long, why can it continue to operate without access to the earth's veins? If no one maintains the magic furnace or element furnace, it should have stopped working long ago!" ()

... m.

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