Duke of Grief

Chapter 940: The Radiance of Magic Energy (Part 1)

Another prototype was born!

Ruhrno looked at the floating boat in front of him...maybe it should not be called a floating boat, because it has completely lost the appearance of the traditional "ship" and became a cylinder, just in the middle of the barrel. Four wings were added to the tail, and a rudder was added above the tail to control the direction. It looked like a steel eagle.

The prototype of the pontoon boat is iron black overall. There are even places where huge rivets can be seen, and the rough steel plates are nailed together. It looks very ugly and has no half sense of beauty.

The lower part is basically occupied by the [anti-gravity] magic circle. After using the [anti-gravity] magic circle to rise to a certain distance, other magic circles will be started one after another. In order to save energy consumption, even the "wind barrier" is not inscribed. Too many, so they simply added a layer of cover on the top to completely cover the area where people are moving.

In this way, in order to control the ‘hull’... No, the ‘airframe’, this can no longer be regarded as a floating boat. This is a brand new machine for flying, so it is simply called ‘aircraft’!

In order to control the fuselage, the rudder position originally located at the stern of the hull can only move forward to the forefront of the fuselage, and only here can the driver see the front.

However, considering the possible danger in the sky, they had to extend the nose to the left and right sides, and even two combat platforms on the wings, which caused the ugly appearance of the aircraft today-

The shovel-shaped nose is connected to a relatively slender fuselage, the two battle rooms extending from the cab are reserved for the mage, and on the wing in the middle of the fuselage, there are two circular battle platforms , Whether it is used by an empty knight or a mage.

The aircraft itself is not loaded with any offensive weapons, nor is it engraved with any offensive formations, because only the formations used to support "flying" and "defense" can already consume almost all of the reserve energy, if additional Those things, then don't use the aircraft as a "transportation tool" and become a "combat machine".

However, the purpose of the development of this thing at the beginning was not used as a "combat machine"...

Ruhrno sighed, the time is still too tight, if his life can be longer, the time when the magic wave can come later, then it would be better.

It's a pity that the situation is stronger than people's. In this kind of thing, his luck is not so good...

"Test flight!"

Ruerno gave the order immediately, he had little time, even as a legendary mage, he was unlikely to have dizzy old eyes, but with the passage of time, his body will become weaker and weaker, thinking It is basically impossible to come to the scene to direct work like now.

He has less and less time, so he has to hurry up and finish all the work before he falls. They cannot leave those jobs to Charlemagne and Elba. They don’t have such a thing. So hearty.

Everything was so silent, after the crew members started the [anti-gravity] method, the aircraft slowly began to lift.

Everything is carried out in tension, the crew members have undergone rigorous training, but this is after all the first time they control the aircraft, even if they have ever controlled the airship, it is not a concept.

Everything went so smoothly. The plane quietly lifted off in the implicit excitement of Rurno, and then slowly closed the [anti-gravity] circle while starting the circle on the fuselage and wings.

Next, the plane will go ‘Royal Wind’!

It does not use any driving force, and is similar to the design of airships and floating boats, but the aircraft does not have ‘sail’, so they designed many magic circles and engraved them on the fuselage and wings.

No need to consider the problem of wind speed, because the shape of the aircraft is designed according to'aerodynamics', that is to say, even if the body is too heavy, at a certain height, it can be carried out with a small amount of [anti-gravity] method gliding.

At this time, if you start the law circle on the fuselage and wing, then the aircraft can control the wind in the high altitude, not ‘going by the wind’ but ‘going by the wind’!

They looked at the dark body slowly sliding under the blue sky. Although the speed was slow in their eyes, it was an illusion.

"It started...it started..."

Ruhrno widened his eyes, and even he couldn't help holding his breath.

Listening to the murmurs and whispers from the rear, his heart was also quite excited.

According to their plan, the plane will circle Norman for a week and then return here.

If their design is correct, the aircraft will turn off the airframes on the fuselage and wings one by one when they are ready to reach the finish line. On the other side, they will also activate the [anti-gravity] warp array, and finally land successfully-but all this It’s just calculation, and even now, they can’t take it lightly!

Slowly, the plane shrank in their eyes and became a small black dot, and then gradually, the black dot enlarged again in their eyes.

There was no cheering, no sound, and even the sound of breathing was extremely low, and everyone's attention was on the dark, ugly prototype.

The staff present included wizards, ordinary people with hard work, and some mechanics. They watched silently, and did not feel their heart beating faster.

Approaching, approaching again, approaching!

Rurno did not wait like his students to enter [Magic Vision] and used [Eagle Eyes] to observe the opening and closing of the magic circle engraved on the plane.

But his hands concealed under the wide sleeves of his shirt had been raised to death, and his gaze was fixed on the prototype.

He is ready for rescue, because he does not know whether those crew members can land according to the regulations, maybe they will encounter a lot of trouble during the landing process, maybe they can not fully control the posture when landing...

No matter what happens, it is possible that this experiment will end in failure, but even if the experiment fails, he will let those people survive!

They have made a very successful take-off and flight. Even if they made a mistake during the'landing', they are also very good drivers. Their experience can further improve the aircraft.

They must be alive, and only then can the development of the aircraft succeed.

The plane landed slowly, and the landing gear was touching the ground...



People shouted, they screamed indiscriminately, everyone cheered loudly, and even Rurno raised his arms and waved excitedly.


The plane successfully took off, the flight went smoothly, and then it landed successfully-this extremely ugly steel monster successfully conquered the sky!

Their transportation no longer needs to rely on other countries~www.NovelMTL.com~ No need to buy the technology of the "steam train" from the Ogden Empire, they already have their own technology.

Airships cannot be mass-produced, pontoon crafts cannot be mass-produced, but ‘airplanes’ can, but this new type of transportation can!

With it, you can even cross from the south to the north of the empire in a short time. This is an epoch-making invention!

Ruhrno believed that not only the Ogden Empire, but also the Duchy of Winds were developing their own transportation technology, and the carriage was clearly behind the times.

But that didn't matter anymore. The Ogden Empire conquered the land. The Kurkut Empire conquered the sky. No matter what new means of transportation appeared in the Principality of Sad Wind, they had nothing to do with them.

They already have their own technology, they have completed a great journey!

There may be more than one winner in this world, but they themselves are one of the winners, what else do they need to fear? Remember the site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or Baidu input "", you can enter this site

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