Duke of Grief

Chapter 939: Noble

"This... what is this building?"

Seeing that many people were joining in the fun, Garriott followed him, tipped his toes and glanced inwards, and asked a bystander in doubt next to him.

The onlooker rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, "It seems to be called... a charging station?"

"What..." Garriott opened his mouth and blinked, "What is a "charging station"?"

The onlookers rolled their eyes, "You ask me, who do I ask? Now we only know that this place is called "charging station" when it is built, and we know nothing else!"

Garriott turned his doubtful eyes back to the construction site not far away, where it had been surrounded by a steel fence. In addition to the construction sound, they could only stand near the gate and look inside.

However, they didn't watch it for too long. Xu felt that it was very dangerous. It didn't take long for the construction site management staff to come over to drive them away and close the construction site door.

Garriott dispersed with the crowd, but as he walked back to the hotel, he was always thinking about what the "charging station" really meant.

As a businessman and a businessman of a business alliance, he once visited the factory area of ​​Wind City and realized that many production machines now need to use the new energy of'electricity', but no matter what machinery, if they need to use it For electrical energy, it is sufficient to connect the line directly.

He often travels between Wind City and other cities, and occasionally hears the conversations of mages who go to buy magazines when registering at Fortune Church. Fortunately, he has heard some mages talk about energy storage. 'This kind of magic circle.

At that time, he did not know what it was. The knowledge related to magic was too far away from him. Since childhood, he had not been exposed to too many things related to magic. It was also after the "magic innovation" appeared on the mainland. Only accidentally came into contact with something.

Later, I heard from others that the “energy storage” circle is something inscribed on a magic item, which is used to save energy. It is like that no matter what thing you use, you need energy. The magic props that can be used two or three times can be used five or six times a day.

Garriott was also a little ignorant, he didn't understand these things well, but according to the wild mage who explained these things with him, the'storage' circle was to save energy, no matter what form of energy it was, for example 'Magic', for example,'electricity', or even'heat'.

So, if the ‘storage’ magic circle can save energy, then using existing technology, can we create some magic props that even ordinary people can use?

He clearly remembered that he had asked the wild mage this way, and the wild mage answered this after thinking for a moment:

"Your idea is very novel. To be honest, maybe you should also know that the maidservant of the Principality of Sorrowful Wind has been committed to doing these things. If there is no accident, she should invent some even ordinary people in the future Magic props that can be used...just like the "magic energy machine" you mentioned to me. As long as you have a reasonable design, even ordinary people can use the power of magic to manipulate huge Machinery works continuously all day and night. Machinery does not know how tired, although workers will be tired, but now they are able to use "a small amount of fatigue" for "mass production", which is the beginning of a change. —In my opinion, your idea is not whimsical, but a future that is really possible!"

Yes, not whimsical, this future has arrived, and it is earlier than he thought.

After returning to the hotel, Garriott called for a bowl of rice and two dishes. Looking at the combination of meat and vegetables in front of him, he suddenly recalled the past and thought of the countries outside the Principality of Sad Wind.

The place where he is now is one of the most common hotels. There are hundreds of similar hotels in Wind City, and there are at least a dozen.

However, he just ordered an ordinary set meal, but he had a meat meal and a bowl of rice...

This made him react at once. It seems that after the maidservant appeared, the life of the people in this city and this Principality has been getting better. She is different from almost all nobles and has something to consider for civilians. The benevolent heart is hard to match even the once glorious noblemen.

Unlike the Principality of mourning winds where ‘infrastructure’ is everywhere, it is probably only owned by the Ogden Empire on another continent. The rest of the countries are a bit gloomy, and it seems that they have not developed.

Even the ‘charging station’ that is currently under construction, if he is not wrong, the construction of this charging station must be related to the ‘storage’ circle, and may also be related to some new magic machinery that has not been announced.

Otherwise, the "charging station" will not be built in the new city.

Thinking of this, Garriott squeezed the spoon in his hand, which might be an opportunity for him?

For a businessman, intelligence that no one else knows is a commodity in itself. Maybe he should try some, even if he doesn't get a chance in the end, but he can also use this intelligence in exchange for the favor of a big businessman.

Go after eating!


"There is no shortage of smart people in this world..."

Cervantes looked up and saw that Latina came straight to sit beside him, and carried Joanna from his arms.

Glancing at her, the black dragon asked, "What happened? Did you laugh so disgustingly."

Latinia's face was so heavy that she couldn't help but kicked the black dragon's foot. "Who said he laughed disgustingly? You have to say it again!"

Cervantes' mouth just opened, and he saw Joanna's big innocent eyes. The mouth that had just opened closed again, and he sighed, "What happened?"

Seeing his daring and daring expression, Latinia was happy, rubbing and rubbing with her daughter, "Good girl, good girl, still hello, knowing how to mother..."

Depressedly watching her rubbing for a while, Cervantes pouted his lips, and then looked up at the maid who was sitting behind the desk handling affairs.

Perhaps he noticed his gaze, and the maid happened to put down the pen and stretched out.

After stretching the lazy waist, the maid raised her chin with one hand and sighed helplessly: "Speak, Latina, what do you want to do?"

"Stella, you know me!" After hearing the maid's words, Latina turned to show a bright smile.

Putting the ignorant Joanna back into the Black Dragon’s arms, ignoring Joanna’s gradually angry face, Latina said, "This is the case. Just now a believer came to ask There were some problems related to the'charging station' under construction, so I went to see it, but I didn't expect that the believer actually wanted to take over this'business'. Although there are not many ideas, there are some too Too advanced, I let the clergyman reject him~www.NovelMTL.com~ and explained some problems..."

"So?" The maid pursed her lips slightly, watching Joanna's tail dangle behind her, and even Cervantes couldn't calm her.

"So I was thinking, should I promote the "Magic Locomotive" among the nobles?" Latinia said with a laugh.

This does not violate their plan to deal with the aristocratic class, and they can even take this opportunity to get some money from the aristocracy. After that, it will also make the civilian class more beneficial to the aristocracy.

They want to raise the dissatisfaction of the civilian class against the aristocratic class, but the majority of businessmen do not necessarily stand on the side of the civilian class. If they take this opportunity to let the businessmen see hope, they may be more inclined to the civilian class.

Although it is only a small arrangement, chat is better than nothing...

"Good idea!" The maid smiled. "Maybe we can also allow those nobles to'order', that is, wait for the goods to be produced and then ship them, but who knows the production cycle of a magic locomotive?" Remember the site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or Baidu input "", you can enter this site

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