Duke of Grief

Chapter 922: Musou (medium)

Selena received news from Ziegler, but then she received two more messages.

It was also these two messages that confirmed her guess that the grassland camp used as a "bait" was destroyed, and then two border fortresses were attacked at the same time. This shows that they are to disperse their fighting power.

Ziegler was also tripped over there, because the destruction of the camp was just the beginning. In fact, there was a team hidden in the grassland, and it was still a fully equipped and in good condition.

Although it is still a group of undead, it is a group of ‘extraordinary’ undead, and Ziegler and Hill are inseparable in a short time.

The Pope of the Fortune Church and the head of the Knights need to stay in Wind City to protect Latinia, so that no one wants to do a'decapitation tactic'.

After the previous incident in ‘Gordon’, they dared not distract themselves from doing other things.

Even the Moore Business Federation can secretly create the'arms of God's killing'. Someone will be able to do something similar, and this natural disaster may just be a trap set up to deal with Latinia... …

Thinking about it, only she and Seth have the energy to deal with those two attacks.

Even the two undead monarchs were dispatched at the same time. Do those bone racks want to seize the entire tragic principality during the winter and then conquer the entire Mendes continent?

Seth is closer to the west fortress, let him go there, and then he uses [teleport] to rush to the border fortress in the southeast.

This time it may be the joint of two undead monarchs, don't take it lightly!

Every undead monarch is a'legend'. Although the undead who are located in different planes usually don't work together, each of them represents an army of undead, just a certain shot, they can capture a Weak country.

They must be careful to deal with them...

After making all preparations, Serena used [teleport] to teleport herself to the border fortress in the southeast.

When she walked up to the city wall in the storm, she found that there was already a vast sea of ​​souls under the city wall.

The skeleton and debris rolled up with the impact of the team. The fire was wrapped around these decaying things. The screams and screams were enough to pierce the eardrums of ordinary people. Fortunately, the soldiers had put on earmuffs to prevent freezing.

They walked into the cannon pit, some slipped, stepped on their feet by their companions, and were soon crushed into meat and bones, more like waves, undulating on this land.

The earth thundered, and those carrion giants that were made up of broken limbs and pieces of meat "hate" carried the same huge weapon, took a heavy step, and rushed towards the city wall.

Even though the artillery leaned their gunfire on them, even though they were burning with flames, even if they stepped on their companions, they still made a disturbing roar and rammed on the ground.

The ghouls crawled like hyenas, but their speed was several times that of the slow-moving skeletons and zombies.

They ran in the tide of the undead, traversing the gap between the undead and the undead, but afterwards came first, and ran under the city wall, inserting their sharp claws into the gaps of the city bricks and climbing upward.

Without exception, in the eyes of these monsters, they all haunt a kind of'blame' emotion, they hate all life, they are tortured by the pain of death, only to kill life and swallow those hateful living people into the abdomen In order to ease their pain.

"Don't be timid!"

Selena raised her staff high, and her cloak fluttered behind her. She shouted loudly, "The soldiers of the Principality of the Wind of Sorrow, I, Selena Wind of Sorrow are with you!"

The soldiers indulging in battle recovered from this cry. They first looked back in panic, but they saw the figure of the woman in a robe and a forehead.

The crystal jewel hangs quietly on the forehead, and the coiled hair is blown by the wind, and it is motionless. Only the cloak on her shoulder and a little hair are blown by the strong wind, but this makes her add a bit of heroism.

The artillery stopped for a few seconds, and a thunder suddenly fell from the sky, illuminating the cloud of dawn.

The silver thunder landed on the staff, and the soldiers who watched the maid grow up, but then their maid grew up, and casually poured the staff toward the wall underneath.


Suddenly the light was huge, the silver snake danced, and the endless thunder and lightning suddenly spread, crossing the feet of the soldiers, making them feel a little bit numb, but then they saw the thunder and lightning slipped from the city wall, "Bang" The ground suddenly sounded, and successive screams rang through my ears.

The melee teams clenching their arms and standing on the city wall looked down, but were surprised to see that the ghouls had fallen off the city wall, and even smashed many undead to the ground.

From time to time, an electric arc jumped over them, so that a ‘no-death zone’ was quickly emptied under the city walls.

"Monarch of the undead, come and fight me!"

After this blow, Serena glared and invited the undead monarch in the distance to fight.


As soon as her words fell, the soldiers responded, and they all cheered loudly.

The maid grows up with them!

The soldiers who finally noticed this incident immediately had high morale, and once again artillery and shells flew on the battlefield.

Countless undeads fell under this artillery fire, and even those "hate" could not continue to move forward, even if they did not die again, but their bodies have appeared a lot of incapacitation, it is difficult to continue to maintain combat effectiveness.

The soldiers were bloody, and the anger burning in their eyes seemed to burn the undead sea in front of them, and send those dead people back to where they should go!

However, this fortress is located on the plain. Only one city wall faces the river, and the other three city walls can be attacked. Even the city wall facing the river, the undead can fill up a bridge with the number. Now their advantage is only temporary. If the food is exhausted, the fortress will still be captured by the undead monarch.

Once the fortress is captured, the cities and villages behind the fortress are in danger.

Serena knew that her presence would encourage these soldiers to fight hard, but that did not have much effect on the situation. If she did nothing, the fortress would be captured sooner or later.

Therefore, she challenged the undead monarch to strive for quick battle and quick decision!


A faint voice drifted from afar. This voice aroused the anger of the soldiers. Insulting the maid and grown-ups made them more angry than insulting them in person.

But Serena knew that the undead monarch was already in battle!

"Fill in magic cannonballs!"

Leaving such an order, Serena froze up in the air.

She stood in the sky~www.NovelMTL.com~ and saw that a road was divided behind the army of undead, almost splitting the whole army into two halves.

A black knight riding a bone horse stepped out slowly, with a long sword hanging from his waist, a few short spears behind him, a lance in one hand, and a shield in one hand.

She felt a bitter gaze thrown from the ground, and then a corner of her mouth, a sneer.

Selena raised her staff high, "Is the monarch of the undead ready to die again?"

Her voice thundered into the world, rippling over the battlefield. The arrogant words stirred the cheers of the soldiers and made the undead roar.

"It's you who died, the most intelligent woman on this continent." The black armor knight raised his lance, his bones and horses stepped on the ground, hissed, and then he rose into the air.

"This war will be my masterpiece!"

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