Duke of Grief

Chapter 921: Wushuang (on)

?"Because I received the news of the destruction of another station, would you shoot now? Bone shelf!"

Cervantes held the dragon's head high and looked at the undead monarch who was standing not far from the city wall, his mouth wide open, revealing a gruesome smile.

Standing on the city wall, he put away his huge wings and put his weight on the wall, but the city wall was still and immobile, like a mountain range descending from the sky, guarding between the two mountains .

Under the city wall, a Kangzhuang Avenue runs toward the distance. This is the smoothest road between the Kingdom of Kurt and the Duchy of Winds. Only here can the army be able to walk side by side, not easy to defend but not easy to attack. .

The rest of the country has dangerous roads and it is not easy to march. Only here can the army march forward.

Therefore, as early as the old duke, this place was heavily guarded, and nowadays, most of the resources will be inclined to this side.

After several renovations, reinforcements, and constructions, this fortress has completely become a giant beast creeping in the middle of the mountains. Anyone visiting from the Kurt Kingdom must pass through the throat of this giant beast and be able to distinguish The beasts of good and evil will swallow the wicked people who pass by here.

But after catching a demon believer in Wind City, Cervantes knew that the fortress of their principality could not stop all the wicked people. This will require more urging and improvement in the future.

At the other end of the avenue stands a low hill, a low hill made of rotting flesh and bones, and muddy soil.

And above the low hill, a huge white bone throne stood upright, and above the throne, a king was sitting.

Cervantes' mad vision landed on the undead monarch through the wind and snow. I saw him gently resting on the armrest with one hand, and the other hand was raised against the right face, as if resting. .

But he is an empty skeleton, there is no trace of flesh on the white bones, two dark green soul fires float in his empty eyes, and he is covered with a gorgeous robe shining with magic, this is another witch Demon.

The dwarf mound under the throne is the corpse demon he cultivated. It is a monster composed of countless corpses. If you look closely, you can even find it creeping.

On the body of the corpse tomb monster, there is still a skull dragon. Even if they are far apart, Cervantes can feel that the skull dragon should be a green dragon before his death. Even if the flesh has decayed, it still radiates a share. The smell of'corruption'.

Behind the undead monarch, there is a corps of deceased deceased, the breath of death infects the trees around them, so that they have withered in just a few minutes.

In front of the corpse devil, a lot of undead have broken through the snow and are walking towards them, away from the city wall, and at their speed, there is only a few minutes left.

The fire was roaring next to the Black Dragon, and the soldiers fighting against the storm and snow stormed the officers' hoarse roar, filling the cannonballs into the magazines again and again, tapping the button, and letting the shells fire.

The shells exploded the undead walking on the snow, but they were already dead. Even if they were physically disabled, they could still continue to move forward!

Under the command of the high-level undead, the low-level undead bypassed the dwarf mound under the monarch, and filled the battlefield shaped like a meat grinder in front.

These undead spirits who are forcibly evoked by the undead monarch do not fear death, because they have no wisdom at all, their legs are broken, and they can crawl with their hands; when their hands are broken, they can wriggle their bodies; with only one head left, they will also tirelessly Scroll to the city where their monarch ordered them to capture.

The wind and fury can't cover their roar, and the endless army of undead walks on foot, but every time it falls, there will be an explosion.

The broken body flew around with the impact of the explosion, and may fall into the army behind him, smashing several compatriots to the ground, and then being run over by other undead, if they did not die, they would climb again. , As the army advances.

Some will be blown up in the direction of the city wall, plopped on the snow, climbed up again, or simply crawled forward.

As the army of undead gradually approached, the officers' faces had become extremely ugly. In this case, they had to shout a password: "Go on the incendiary bomb!"

Under such heavy snow, incendiary bombs are useless and will be extinguished soon, but now they can only do so in pursuit of maximum damage.

The fire was burning on the snow, and countless corpses were dragged into the sea of ​​fire. They are not insensitive, but in fact they are resentful.

They hate all living beings, they hate death, but they are not afraid of dying again.

From the first day when they came to this world, the undead wanted to eat the flesh and blood of the living, **** the essence of the living, drag everything in this world into'death', and turn all living creatures into theirs. companion.

"...The reason why you chose to launch an offensive at this time is because the destruction of another camp, even though it was just a guise used to scorn people, it was also a "switch"."

Facing everything, Cervantes did not panic or anger. He behaved extremely calmly. His presence and calmness can make these soldiers who are fighting without fear. The reason why they can fight without a heart is because Behind them stood their lord--

Inheriting the blood of the old duke, the lord who can kill the gods stands behind them!

Cervantes could guarantee that even if he whispered softly, his voice would still reach the bone shelf.

"As long as our people destroy that camp, you will act immediately. You dare not step into the domain of the Principality, because you know that in this land, I dare to confront the gods, so you can only give up this temptation. Human option, choose a frontal attack..."

The soldiers are too busy to deal with each other, but there are still a few reserve teams looking at their lord in doubt, not knowing what he is talking about now.

"I also know that you did this to hold me down!"

Speaking of which, Cervantes couldn't help but grin and grin again, "Your purpose is actually Sera!"

"All this, even this natural disaster is just a guise. Your real purpose is to kill Sera, right?"

The roar of the black dragon echoed over the battlefield, waking up countless soldiers who were fighting. They were dumbfounded and looked at the sea of ​​dead souls in front of them, forgetting that they were in the battlefield.

The target of these undead... is the maid grow up? !

The eldest maid who treated them so well that they really lived a good life?

"So?" The undead monarch stood up from the throne, picked up the staff on hand, and the bone dragon crawling under his feet raised his head.

There was a trace of'desolation' in his voice, the ancient undead raised his staff, the low hills began to tremble, and the senior undead standing on the low hills jumped down and joined the battlefield.

"My mission is really to hold you back, because I can't kill you. But now that the matter is over, what else do you want to say?"

The bone dragon fluttered its wings, and the corpse demon stood up tremblingly, shaking off countless snow~www.NovelMTL.com~ The undead lord pointed the staff to the fortress in front, and made a loud noise. 'S roar: "You are no longer able to leave here,'They' have already set up'Forbidden Enchantment' to wait for the driver, your wife, is dead!!!"

"Ha! Isn't that what I want?"

However, at this moment, Cervantes suddenly laughed wildly, "Because I was not here from the beginning!!!"

The soldiers and the undead monarch hadn't reacted yet. What happened? At the next moment, the huge black dragon disappeared into their sight.

The violent wind came to a halt, and the girl holding the staff appeared in front of them.

The girl smiled softly and whispered: "The "Forbidden Enchantment" is activated, the projection is terminated..."

"Bone rack, surprise? Your enemy is me-Selena Wind of Sorrow!" ()

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