Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 992: Friends whom we have never met

 Chapter 992 A friend whom we have never met

The Xindu side looks calm, but the success or failure of the Northern Expedition is certain, and there will definitely be big changes.

As an elder brother, how could Li Zhensheng live in Quanzhou for peace and quiet at such a time?

 In the past few months, he has been preparing for the family's ultimate retreat.

And because the retreat was at sea, it cost him a lot of energy...

Now that his nephews are back and with help, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

 It’s just that I hope this escape route will never be used...

As the fleet of the Golden Buddha Kingdom left, envoys from other countries also rushed back to their countries with large quantities of goods and information about the power and prosperity of Tianwu.

Quanzhou Pier became much quieter for a while, and everyone was still not used to it.

But soon, the news of Li Jia'an's engagement to the Tang family's granddaughter came out, and it became a new topic on the streets.

 Li Jiaan was known to the people of Quanzhou before because he brought back a team of envoys.

 But compared to Li Jiaxi, who is married to the Queen, he is too low-key.

Now I went to Xindu, and when I came back, I suddenly became a new force.

 At such a young age, not only did he become the second-in-command of the Foreign Affairs Department, but he also became the son-in-law of the Tang family.

Some people were jealous and looked for an opportunity to see what Li Jiaan looked like, and stopped talking after they came back.

I have to say that the Li family is really blessed by God. Although they are from a peasant family, their children are very good-looking.

Li Jia'an is not a stunningly handsome man, but he is tall, with a straight back and regular facial features, especially his eyes, which are extremely pure. In addition, he always has a smile on his face, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

Facing him, no one can say anything evil...

Of course, there are still some weird things. After all, the title of son-in-law of the Tang family is too tempting. Many family members in Quanzhou have been staring at it, and they will definitely not be willing to be suddenly picked.

 Finally, Li Jiaan is the biological brother of Princess Kangle, which becomes the best weakness.

Why does Li Jiaan have no talent or virtue? It was Princess Kangle who relied on the emperor's favor to get this job in the Foreign Affairs Department for her brother.

Why is it that Li Jia'an used his dirty tricks to seduce the Tang family's daughter through the good relationship between the two families, and then forced the Tang family to get engaged?

 In short, the gossip became more and more widespread, and it actually became more and more chaotic.

 After the Li family learned about it, they were very angry.

 But before they could respond, Mrs. Tang took action.

This old lady is a tough girl with a fiery temper and direct and effective methods.

She personally led the government soldiers to arrest the first few wealthy young men who spread the gossip, tied them up in the shopping street, and stripped them to their underpants.

Then she took a whip and whipped them until they howled like ghosts.

The whole people in Quanzhou can’t wait to rush to watch the excitement, even worse than when the envoys from the Eight Kingdoms arrived!

“I gave you a mouth, and you know how to spit out feces! We, the Tang family’s daughter and son-in-law, can also be arranged by you!”

Mrs. Tang’s white hair was combed into silk, she was wearing a bright red dress, her eyes were wide-eyed, and she was waving a golden whip in her hand. She was so sassy that she had no friends!

The young men were in pain and ashamed, and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

At this time, it was too late for them to regret, and they could only hope that the elders in the family would come to rescue them quickly.

 Unfortunately, they are obviously going to be disappointed.

Their grandpa or grandpa came, but he stood beside Mrs. Tang with a smiling face, not daring to stop her.

Not to mention the few young masters who were stunned, even the people watching were amazed. There was an elderly man who quietly explained to everyone.

“You don’t know that when Mrs. Tang was young, she was dressed in red and with a white horse, and she was so heroic. She was also a heroine who killed pirates! Almost all the men in Quanzhou City admired her and wanted to marry her home.

“It’s just that in the end, I was hugged by General Tang to be a beautiful woman. I don’t know how many people got drunk and cried.

“These few people in front of me are all one of the original admirers. Now their descendants have angered Mrs. Tang, and they dare not save her.

“Maybe I’ll beat these guys again after I get home!”

Everyone suddenly realized it, and the fire of gossip in their eyes burned even more intensely...

Mrs. Tang is old after all, and she will be tired after smoking for a while.

Mrs. Tang was a smart person. She sent people to Li's house early to invite Mrs. Li. At this time, she happened to set up a ladder and asked her mother-in-law to "step down".

So the soldiers pushed aside the crowd, and Mrs. Li walked in holding Tao Hongying's arm.

"Old girl, why are you so angry?" Old Mrs. Li joked, "I'm old now, and my face has as many wrinkles as furrows on the ground. You're still so angry. You look really older than me." I still look old!”

Sure enough, Mrs. Tang threw down the whip in her hand, pulled it and replied, "It's not like these little beasts think that our Tang family is easy to bully. They dare to make up any swear words! If we don't teach them a lesson, our Tang family will be bullied." Just knead it into dough."

Mrs. Li advised, "They are just some kids talking nonsense. Why bother with them? Besides, they also scolded my boy, but just scold me."

“My brother An is not going to run errands every day, but he is still engaged and waiting to marry your precious granddaughter!

“Teach these boys a lesson and let them remember it. If you care about them too much, we will all lose our status!”

Mrs. Tang was coaxed into laughing, and turned around to glare at the boys.

 The boys were beaten with **** marks on their bodies. The injuries were not serious, but they were very painful and they were also very embarrassed.

She felt a little relieved, and then said, "Okay, let them go this time."

After saying that, she turned to look at the elders of the boys and the people around her, and said loudly, "Our Tang family and the Li family got married because I fell in love with the boys of the Li family! My precious granddaughter is getting married. I don't care about any family, but I would be happy only if he is sent to the Li family's home.

“This marriage was obtained by me in every possible way! If I ever hear someone say a bad word in the future, don’t blame me for breaking down your door! If you don’t believe it, just give it a try!”

Everyone shrank their necks, laughed dryly and did not dare to speak.

Old Mrs. Li was naturally happy to hear her defending her grandson, and pulled her out.

"You have such a straightforward and fierce temper. If my little granddaughter were here, I would probably have to be friends with you forever! She is also like this, the most unbearable to be wronged, and she should not retaliate on the spot if she has hatred!"

"Really? Then you must let me meet your precious granddaughter in the future!" Mrs. Tang took Mrs. Li's arm, and the two got into the carriage talking and laughing. Tao Hongying and Mrs. Tang followed behind, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went. Went to eat freshly baked snacks among the white clouds.

 The crowd was left with no excitement to watch, so they quickly dispersed.

Several injured boys wore random clothes and were scolded all the way home by their elders...

 Here in Xindu, as summer enters, the weather is really getting hotter day by day.

Jiayin came out of the palace and planned to go back to the Earl's Mansion for a visit.

But halfway through, she remembered that she hadn’t been to the Marquis Mansion for a long time, so she turned around.

 The housekeeper didn't know what he was busy with. When Jiayin entered the Marquis' Mansion, he was nowhere to be seen.

Jiayin was very surprised. He asked the steward and found the granary in the backyard.

The butler's brows were so frowned that he could kill a fly. When he saw the good news, he was like a homeless child meeting his relatives, and he felt even more aggrieved.

Two updates today~~·

 (End of this chapter)

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