Chapter 991: Tightening the ties of allies

On the wedding day, Abe wore a bright red wedding dress and sat in a sedan chair.

Jiaxi also wore a bright red wedding robe and rode a white horse. He took Aibei all the way from the inn to his home.

Along the way, countless idlers gathered to watch the excitement, and even children clapped their hands and shouted.

The Li family was not stingy either. They threw two baskets of copper coins and countless wedding cakes and candies, causing more people to come and crowd them.

 Fortunately, Jiayi and Liu Yang brought a group of soldiers, shouting to help open the way and protect the team, so everything went smoothly.

The Li family has never been stingy at banquets, and the dishes they prepared can be said to be well-known throughout Quanzhou City.

 And every time there is innovation, there will be surprising and favorite dishes.

This time, Tao Hongying thought about it for more than a month and presented the final dish of the recipe - Buddha Jumping over the Wall.

Last night, a stove was set up in the corner of the kitchen yard. A half-person-high clay pot was placed on it and simmered over a low fire. By the time the bride came in, the aroma could be smelled throughout the street.

 So much so that during the worship service, Jiaxi could clearly hear the gurgling sound from Aibei’s stomach.

He tried his best to hold back his laughter, sent his wife into the room, and hurried to find Wenjuan, "Sister-in-law, hurry up and get some food for your sister-in-law, otherwise she will become Tianwu's first bride to faint from hunger!"

Wenjuan laughed so hard that she urged Jiaxi to go to the front for a toast. She took the maid and personally went to get a bowl of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, paired it with rice and two delicious side dishes and gave it to Aibe.

As soon as Abe took off her hair crown, seeing Wenjuan like this, she happily hugged her.

 “Sister-in-law, you saved my life!”

The maids couldn’t help laughing, and the new house was filled with joy.

As for the guests congratulating them today, they were focused on the food and did not bother to impress the groom, which allowed Jiaxi to escape the "catastrophe".

  After having had enough food and wine, the guests were about to leave.

The Li family also prepared extra souvenirs to express their gratitude. Each of the male guests received two bottles of fruit wine, brewed from a fruit unique to the Golden Buddha Country.

The female guests each had a pair of sachets with a brocade base, embroidered with the unique patterns of the Golden Buddha, and filled with a kind of dried flowers of the Golden Buddha. The cold fragrance is faint and refreshing, and it smells very good in summer. Comfortable.

Everyone accepted it happily and went home satisfied.

Everyone in the Li family was tired, but they felt more at ease.

Especially for Mrs. Li, as her children and grandchildren are starting families and starting businesses, the burden on her shoulders as the parent is getting lighter and lighter.

 The Golden Buddha is too far away, so there is no such thing as saying that you will return home in three days.

But on this day, Zhao Yuru personally took her daughter-in-law for a walk on the street and bought her a lot of things she liked to eat and play, which was a comfort.

Abe was moved to tears and hugged her mother-in-law and shouted that she wanted to stay in the Li family forever.

 She is smart by nature and is more decisive and stronger than ordinary women, otherwise she would not be able to sit in the position of Queen of the Golden Buddha.

 But in the final analysis, she is where she is today, mostly because of circumstances.

Her father is sick, her younger brother is young, and the aristocratic family is eyeing her. If she cannot get the throne, no one in their family will survive.

If she had been born in the Li family and had someone to love and protect her, there would be no Golden Buddha Queen in the world.

 She has been in Tianwu for two months and has become the granddaughter-in-law of the Li family. She has almost forgotten her identity.

 It’s a pity that she still has too many responsibilities to shoulder at the Golden Buddha and cannot escape them. After staying for another half month, Jiaxi took the things prepared by his family, loaded seven or eight large boats, and followed Aibei back to the Golden Buddha.

Even though Mrs. Li and others were reluctant to part with him, they knew that Jiaxi was a boy and was used to being at sea, so they soon stopped caring about him.

On the contrary, Jia'an and the superiors sent by the imperial court began to support the Quanzhou branch of the Foreign Affairs Department.

This boss's surname is Zhu. He is a seasoned official. He is prudent and very good at weighing pros and cons.

This time, he brought his family members over and rented a three-bedroom house.

Quanzhou is also considered to be far away from the emperor, so many officials in the government wanted to find out the news about the imperial court through Mr. Zhu.

But the door of the Zhu family was closed tightly. Except for Mr. Zhu who went on errands in the morning and evening, the rest of the family did not see any visitors at all.

 Officials in the government office privately said that Mr. Zhu was unreasonable.

  But after Li Zhensheng heard about it, he specially found Jia An to have dinner with him in his restaurant. When he talked about it, he told him, "Master Zhu is a smart man. He is worried about you and doesn't want to steal your limelight.

"Although he is your superior, our family has already established a foothold in Quanzhou, and he is not willing to antagonize our family."

Jia'an nodded and responded, "Uncle is right, and I feel it. In the past few days, Master Zhu has never objected to the errands I mentioned. He also often said that I was young and had many ideas, and asked me to work harder. "

"Silly boy," Li Zhensheng took a piece of steamed fish to his nephew and said with a smile, "He is your boss. Once your errands are done, he will also benefit from it and share half of the credit. Of course he will encourage you to do more errands. !

“But that’s okay, you are still young, take this opportunity to do more errands and accumulate more experience.”

"Don't worry, uncle, I'm not stupid either. I will ask Mr. Zhu for instructions on everything and ask him to sign. If I really make a big mistake, he won't be able to run away. I can't take advantage of all the good things without paying any price." An raised her hand to pour wine for her uncle, smiling narrowly.

Li Zhen was finally relieved, but he had forgotten that this nephew was also a little fox.

  Family members say that among the seven boys, Jia Xi is the most naughty. In fact, seriously speaking, Jia Xi is a stick, and Jia An is the one behind every trouble...

The uncle and nephew both enjoyed the meal very happily.

When they were about to leave, Li Zhensheng asked again, "Jia'an, about your marriage..."

Jia'an shook his head and said with a smile, "Uncle, I don't have any ideas about my future wife, as long as grandma and my mother like her, and of course she must be good to my sister.

“If I can do this, I will naturally be on the same page with her and respect each other as guests throughout my life.

"Although my third brother is highly valued in the Hailan Army, it is not enough to tie the Tang family to our family on the same rope. Therefore, marrying Miss Tang is the best choice for me."

Li Zhensheng felt a little mixed in his heart. This sounded true, but he still felt that he had wronged the child.

He patted his nephew on the shoulder and responded, "You brothers are really grown up and you all know how to share the worries of the family."

Jia Anxiao said sincerely, "Uncle is waiting for a few years for us brothers to grow up a bit and take over all the family affairs. Then uncle can enjoy peace of mind."

Li Zhensheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked in a low voice, "When did you know this?"

"Uncle, your nephew is now an official, and he is still in charge of the Foreign Affairs Department. Outsiders don't know the basics, so they just don't pay attention. How could I not know?"

Jia'an pointed to the southeast and said, "Brother Xi also left with a mission, right? Uncle, you can't hide it from me anymore, it's time for me to help you."

"Okay, I originally planned to take you out to sea in two days. I didn't expect you to find out first, brat, I really underestimate you. Among you brothers, you are the smartest!"

Li Zhensheng patted his nephew twice, smiled and took him out of the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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