Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 988: Come to announce the good news!

Chapter 988: Coming to announce the good news!

Jiayin ignored him, picked up two fruits, threw them over, and started chasing people away, "You've been running around for two days, aren't you tired? Go back to bed quickly!"

Mu Jue took the fruit and was so in love with the girl that she scolded her. So he asked cautiously, "Well... I will still be your guard from now on? You can't drive me away!"

Jiayin opened the window and replied with a serious face, "Being my guard is an agreement between my adoptive father and you. If you want to break the contract, just go to your adoptive father and make it clear. I don't care!"

Mu Jue burst out laughing at that time. He was so excited that he threw two apples as **** and ran out.

Jiayin closed the window, leaned against it, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

 You can have a good sleep tonight…

 The next day, everyone in the family got up early.

After taking a bite of food, everyone got on the carriage and rushed to the Earl's Mansion in the city.

At the wine table last night, everyone in the village heard that Brother Li was about to take up his post, and they all came to see him off.

The village chief and several old men gathered around Brother Li and gave instructions for a long time. Brother Li smiled and answered them one by one. He also made a few elderly people happy and said, "Grandpa, village chief, wait until I can establish a foothold over there. Let someone come back and pick you up for a walk. Look at my abilities. The people must be living and working in peace and prosperity."

 “Okay, okay!” The village chief smiled from ear to ear, “Our brother Li must be a good official!”

Uncle Zhao and the other old men also nodded repeatedly. Uncle Zhao also patted Brother Li on the shoulder, "Take care of yourself outside. If anyone bullies you, send a message home. We can't do anything else. We can't kill a few people with a knife." It’s easy!”

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, and advised Brother Li to leave quickly. If he stayed, he would be corrupted.

 The carriage went away for a while, but the villagers still didn't leave for a long time.

The village chief sighed, "When the old man came back with Brother Li and Brother Cat, Brother Li blushed when he saw people, and Brother Cat was also thin and small. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the children grew up. They are all going to be appointed as officials!”

Everyone nodded. One man turned around and saw his boy, and couldn't help but slap him.

“Idiot, we all grew up in the same place. When someone becomes an official, you are still playing in the mud at home!”

The kid didn't dare to mess with me, so he slipped out of the crowd and ran away, causing everyone to laugh again, and then dispersed.

 Brother Li's luggage and manpower had been prepared long ago. Wan'er, a competent eldest sister-in-law, got up early and took inventory again, waiting for everyone to come back before setting off.

 The farewell pavilion outside the city was once again occupied by the Li family.


 At the dock military camp, only Li Yong was left standing guard.

Li Laoer was worried about it, so he asked Zheng He to buy two fat pigs while he had nothing to do today, and asked Jia Huan to pick up Li Yong's favorite vegetables, fill a full food box, and he went to visit.

Jiayin also wanted to take a look, but she is older now and is no longer a child. It would be inconvenient to enter the military camp, so that’s all.

 Not to mention that the Li family is busy and each performs his or her duties.

I just say that in Luo'an Academy, Mr. Tang woke up last night and drank two more medicinal soups, and his life was saved.

 Getting up early in the morning, Dean Zhou came over to visit, and the two of them talked a lot.

 Dean Zhou did not say it clearly, but Mr. Academy's views on the pros and cons of this matter, as well as the attitude of the Li family, were clearly stated.

Mr. Tang was so ashamed that he wanted to stick his head into the ground!

 Actually, he had selfish motives for Mu Jue, his grandnephew, but more importantly, he wanted to revive the family.

It's just that he misjudged Mu Jue's temper and was not willing to listen to his manipulations at all.

He had ten thousand regrets in his heart. If he had known this, he should have coaxed her slowly and persuaded her little by little.

 But there’s no point regretting it!

Now, he can only take good care of his health and think of a solution later.

Of course, this method cannot anger Mu Jue, otherwise the end will definitely be worse than this... Mr. Zhou was relieved to see that he was still listening to the advice.

 The academy has benefited a lot from the Li family, and they get along well with each other on weekdays. He doesn't want to ruin the relationship between the academy and the Li family because of Mr. Tang's insistence.

 When he said goodbye and went out, two book boys were cooking porridge under the eaves.

Perhaps he is not very skilled, and there is a faint smell of burnt smell in the air.

 Dean Zhou guessed that the canteen still hadn’t delivered food here, and the Li family was really annoyed with Mr. Tang.

He had no choice but to tell the two bookboys, "From now on, send someone to my yard to pick up three meals a day. I will order him to go down and add a supplement of soup to Mr. Tang every day."

"Thank you very much, Dean." The book boy was very happy. He had been very busy these past two days. Not having to cook would relieve them of a big burden.

Not long after Dean Zhou left, there was a knock on the courtyard door again.

The book boy thought it was some gentleman who came to visit the patient, but when he opened the door, he found a middle-aged woman in her forties, fairly neatly dressed, but with a flattering smile.

 “Oh, what a handsome little brother!” The middle-aged woman started to praise, and then asked, “Is Mr. Tang here? The old lady is here to tell the good news!”

The bookboy's face turned red when he was offended, and he quickly responded, "Our husband is resting in bed..."

"Oh, the sun is so high, how can I still stay in bed? Happy events are coming, please get up and talk, sir."

The middle-aged woman walked straight into the house as she spoke.

The bookboy wanted to stop her, but the woman waved the handkerchief in her hand. The strong smell of fragrant powder almost made the bookboy stumble.

By the time I woke up, the woman had already broken into the house.

Mr. Tang leaned on the soft pillow, his mind was muddled, sometimes regretful, sometimes angry.

Hearing the noise, he suddenly opened his eyes and was startled by the extra woman in the room.

"who are you!"

"Oh, don't be nervous, Mr. Tang, I'm here to announce the good news!" The middle-aged woman took the initiative to find a chair to sit on, and said, "I heard that Mr. Tang has found his great-nephew. He is still young and looks good. Old lady, hurry up. I just came here, how could such a good young man not have a good wife?

"I have a girl from a good family here. Her father is a sixth-rank official under the Ministry of Household Affairs, and her mother's natal family comes from a scholarly family. This girl has two brothers, one who studied and passed the imperial examination, and the other who owns a shop.

“This girl is seventeen years old. She is good-looking, gentle and generous. She has been taking care of the house with her mother. She also has a generous dowry, which is really rare.

“How do you think the old lady is a good match for your husband’s grandnephew? You should make up your mind quickly and let the two children see each other as soon as possible!”

When Mr. Tang first heard that he was introducing a marriage to Mu Jue, he wanted to get rid of her. However, the more he heard about it, the more satisfied he became. This girl was the best candidate for the future mistress of the Mu family in terms of family status and character.

It's a pity that Mu Jue won't listen to him. Now he doesn't even count the Mu family, so how can he take care of the Mu family's affairs!

Thinking like this, he felt sad and anxious. He turned around and spit out the medicinal soup he had drank earlier.

The two bookboys were so anxious that one of them chased the middle-aged woman out with a dark face, "Get out of here, our husbands don't care about this, don't come here again!"

 Another book boy also quickly patted Mr. Tang on the back and gave him some water.

The middle-aged woman still wanted to hang around, but the bookboy moved the broom sweeping the yard. Her hair was torn up, so she had to run away quickly.

 After exiting the academy door, she spit hard and stamped her feet angrily.

I thought it would be an easy job, but I never expected that it would not work out.

The money that is coming soon will also fly away!

With a dark face, she walked to a small forest outside the town. There was an inconspicuous woodcutter there. When she heard that things were not going to work, the man threw a bunch of copper coins and left with a few cold warnings.

The middle-aged woman cursed in a low voice with hatred, and finally picked up the string of money...

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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