Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 987: Take action to ruthlessly attack the young man!

Chapter 987: Attack the young man cruelly!

Jiayin is busy making dinner, and the dishes are very sumptuous. She plans to invite Doctor Zhang, the village chief, Liu Biaotou and other elders to get together.

“Second uncle, it’s just the right time for you to come back. The village chief said that he hasn’t tasted my craftsmanship for a long time. I will cook more vegetables and you can have a few more drinks with everyone later.”

Jiayin was very happy to see the second uncle back, and said, "I have sent people to pick up the sixth and seventh brothers, as well as Mr. Wen. They will be here soon."

Li Laoer didn't know what Mu Jue's plan was, and he didn't know much about it, so he smiled and said, "Okay, your sixth brother will take up his post tomorrow, so let him put it into practice."

This reminded Jiayin, and she quickly called Shui Ling, "Take out the candied fruit jar from our cellar, be careful not to leave it behind when Brother Six leaves tomorrow."

 There are seven brothers in the Li family, each with his own preferences.

 Brother Li is particularly fond of sweets, but his family is afraid that he will have rotten teeth, so he has been more controlled since he was a child.

 But Brother Li has a small problem. When he studies at night, he loses energy if he doesn't eat something sweet.

So Jiayin used honey from space to pickle fruits from space and made a lot of preserves.

 In this way, it will satisfy my brother’s craving, and it will also be good for my health.

Of course, I still only gave him a small plate every night, but this also made Brother Li very happy.

 Not just because he likes to eat it, but also because his sister made it for him alone.

This time Brother Li went to take up his post. The family found a master, brought along some people, and prepared more than a dozen carriages for luggage.

With the good news, I made a few more jars of preserves and brought them to my brother.

At dusk, the roosters of each house called the hens back to their nests, and the old yellow dog lying down at the entrance of the village also ran in, and the noisy and busy day was over.

Li Laoer guessed that his eldest son must still be thinking about his family, so he quickly wrote a letter to let his eldest son take up his post with peace of mind.

After finishing these tasks, the village chief and others also arrived.

 The old house of the Li family, which had been quiet for a long time, was once again lively.

 Ten years have passed, Broken Gold Beach is no longer the desolate look it once was.

The villagers are no longer in a hurry and embarrassed as before.

 Nowadays, the orchards and hot spring valleys are money boxes with a steady flow of money coming in.

 The jasper melon vines planted in the fields will bear silver seeds.

 The pig houses and chicken farms ensure that the villagers will not have to worry about eating meat every time.

Not to mention those workshops, even the old man can earn dozens of pence every day just by doing odd jobs while chatting.

 The grown-ups and girls all have errands to do, and the little ones also have schools to study.

The village chief and the first few Liu escorts are dedicated to their responsibilities, and all the work is arranged in an orderly manner.

 It can be said that whether the Li family is in Suijintan or not, everyone's life will be the same.

 But seeing the Li family's courtyard deserted and deserted, and even darker at night, everyone felt like there was an empty space in their hearts, always feeling frightened.

It was not easy today. The door of the Li family was opened, the banquet was set up, the lanterns were hung under the eaves, and the laughter spread far and wide.

 The whole village seemed to have been injected with fresh blood and became alive.

After dinner, the men from each family gathered together with laughter and listened to what was new in the city.

Even the old, young, women and children also wandered over and stood outside the door, chattering a few words and enjoying the excitement.

Jiayin heard the commotion and went out to invite him.

 The old men and women waved their hands, while the children hid behind their mothers, sticking their heads out and smiling.

Since there was no good news, Shui Ling asked Shui Ling to take the dustpan, put some more melon seeds, peanuts and snacks in it, and sent it to the door to give everyone a place to eat.

Every family’s life is getting better, and there is actually no shortage of these foods.

 But the products produced by the Li family are the best in their hearts. A woman gossiped about Shuiling and asked, "Miss Shuiling, it will be the Dragon Boat Festival soon. Will our village still make rice dumplings this year?"

"Yes, that's right. The Fourth Madam is not at home, so it seems that this festival is no longer interesting. In previous years, the Fourth Madam had already started organizing, and we were busy with it. We are tired and happy at the same time." The woman next to her also agreed.

Shui Ling smiled and said, "Of course we have to make rice dumplings during the festival. The princess even mentioned it a few days ago. Sisters-in-law, don't worry, the princess will remember it. Whatever materials you can prepare, prepare them first. The princess will definitely come back to follow you. Let’s all work together!”

 “Really? Haha, that’s great!”

“When the princess comes back, the village becomes lively.”

The women were all smiling and discussing what ingredients to prepare.

This family has a bag of red beans, and that family has a bag of candied dates. In a short time, we have a lot of them.

Hearing the good news from Shui Ling, I felt a little uncomfortable.

 In fact, she really forgot about it. Fortunately, it was not too late.

 In the future, she still has to come back and walk around more, otherwise, over time, people's hearts will easily become scattered.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, the Li family’s banquet broke up.

The village chief, Doctor Zhang and others wandered back to sleep. Li Laoer drank the sobering soup and called Brother Li and Brother Mao into the study to talk.

Brother Cat has nothing to do in Kyoto. He will accompany his brother to take up his post tomorrow. He will stay there for seven or eight days and then come back. It’s time to relax.

 Furthermore, Brother Li is a newcomer, so if anything happens, he will have his brothers to help him.

Jiayin gave them some fruits and went back to the room.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun had been busy all day, and were kicked to the kang in the living room, where they quickly fell asleep.

Jiayin couldn't sleep, so he went into the space to play for a while, but as soon as he came out, he heard a knock on the window.

She couldn't help but feel her heart pounding when she thought of a certain possibility.

The people outside the window may have been a little impatient waiting, so they just opened the window sash and jumped in.

Jiayin picked up the feather duster on the edge of the table and whipped it over!

As soon as Mu Jue landed on the ground, she was hit by a slap. She shouted with a smile under her breath, "Is the princess angry? Then give her a few more slaps!"

Jiayin rolled his eyes, threw the feather duster back, and asked, "Why are you back?"

Mu Jue sat down at the table, poured the tea himself, took the dessert plate, and started to eat hungrily.

Jiayin didn’t say anything and found a seat farthest away from him.

Seeing this, Mu Jue didn't dare to delay. He quickly swallowed his snack and started talking.

“My third uncle was actually exterminated by my grandfather in his early years. I originally wanted to give him some dignity, but he bullied me because I was young. Maybe he didn’t know this and wanted to take advantage of me.

"Yesterday, I escorted the eldest young master to a town, where a gentleman from my county lived, his surname was Su. He was an upright and upright man. I invited him to go to the academy with me. In front of Dean Zhou and several gentlemen, we met with my third uncle. I made it clear.

“From now on, if this old man behaves honestly, I will treat him like an ordinary clan member and visit him often. If he refuses to give up, I will let the entire Xindu and Tianwu know that he has been abandoned by his family.

“How can a person who destroys the clan, is selfish and makes no contribution to the family, point fingers at me, the eldest grandson?”

Jiayin was so surprised that her mouth swelled slightly. She thought Mu Jue had found a way to persuade Mr. Tang, but how could she have imagined that Mu Jue did such a great job and actually stripped Mr. Tang's face!

Mu Jue took another piece of snack, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely, "The eldest young master actually knows about Mr. Su's existence. If I hadn't come forward to invite people, the eldest young master would have gone there himself. He is not afraid of being found out by the academy. He was scolded for bullying his master and destroying his ancestors!”

Jiayin was heartwarming and responded, "I was still wondering why my eldest brother left so happily. It turns out there is a solution. He never wanted me to be wronged. It's just that after I leave, I don't know how many years it will take to see me again."

Mu Jue thought about what happened in the past few days and touched his nose with guilt.

 (End of this chapter)

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