Chapter 983 Without further ado

 The most important thing is that the guard who has been following the princess is actually sitting on the shaft of the car.

That is the personal bodyguard arranged by the Marquis for the princess, and he will not leave easily.

How can you follow Jiaren on a long trip now?

Sure enough, at sunset, the men who were sent out came back...

The Li family's motorcade traveled for a whole day without stopping for a break at noon, and finally arrived at a small town when it was dark.

This place is more than 80 miles away from Xindu. Everyone is a little tired and the horses are panting. Fortunately, they can rest for a night.

 The largest inn in the town, the conditions are not bad and there are not many guests.

  Everyone has reserved a courtyard, and it is quiet and safe to live there.

 Lao Hei and others were arranging water and feeding for the horses, and agreed to take turns to keep watch at night.

 Zheng and his men were boiling water and thinking about the meal for the evening.

Jiaren was sitting in the room, opening a suitcase to take out a set of the four treasures of the study, when there was a knock on the door.

He walked over and opened the door, and there was Mu Jue standing outside the door.

Jiaren frowned slightly and motioned for him to come in, but Mu Jue shook his head and said, "Young master, I won't go in. I want to take a leave and go to the town to meet an old friend. I'll be back soon."

 In town? Old friend?

Jiaren's eyes lit up and he asked casually, "Su Zhihe, Mr. Su?"

This time it was Mu Jue's turn to be surprised, "How does the young master know this person? He..."

Jiaren gave him a tug and said, "Because I'm about to go find him, so I'd better go into the house and talk."

The two sat down again. Jiaren poured a cup of tea for Mu Jue and asked, "Why did you go to Mr. Su? To ask him to testify for you?"

Mu Jue nodded, looking a little annoyed and regretful, "I didn't expect... that man would be so stubborn. I have already warned him, but he still caused so much trouble for our family."

When Jiaren heard that he called Mr. Tang that person and regarded the Li family as his own, his expression became much better. He smiled and said, "I also occasionally knew about Mr. Su's existence. I thought about inviting him to Xindu to give Mr. Tang some advice." . Now it is of course best for you, the client, to come forward.

“After all, I am caught in the middle and have a difficult position on this matter, otherwise my family would not have allowed me to leave early.”

A cold look flashed in Mu Jue's eyes, "The young master is acting like this because he is concerned about that person's teachings, but I don't have to be like that.

“I only recognized that person after seeing his portrait several times after remembering it. That person has not contributed anything to the Mu family. I respect him as an elder, but it’s just a courtesy. He really regards himself as an elder.

“You actually want to interfere in my life and control my actions, how ridiculous!”

Jiaren couldn't say anything about his husband, but he was extremely satisfied with Mu Jue's behavior.

"It's not that my family doesn't like you, it's just that they are afraid that you are young, unstable and unable to protect the princess. If you are serious about giving up Mr. Tang for this, you have some courage and tenacity, which can make you Our family can rest assured. Let’s go to Su’s house tonight and go back to Xindu as soon as the matter is settled.”

Mu Jue was a little anxious after hearing this, and stood up quickly, but still said, "I promise the second master to send you to the southwest safely. After I have discussed it with Mr. Su, I still have to set off with the convoy..."

Jiaren patted his shoulder and said helplessly, "You'd better listen to me and don't keep the princess waiting.

The princess looks like she loves money, but she is not. What she values ​​most is friendship, and she is very determined. If she trusts someone, she treats him wholeheartedly. But if this person disappoints her once, even if it turns out to be a misunderstanding later, she will never be the same in her heart. "

Before he could even finish his words, Mu Jue turned around and ran out without even a moment's delay!

Zheng Yizheng walked to the door and was almost hit. He shouted several times and saw that Mu Jue didn't answer, so he asked Xiang Jiaren, "Young Master, it's getting so late. Where is Brother Mu in a hurry to go?"

Jiaren waved his hand and said, "He has returned to Xindu and will not go to the southwest with us. Prepare two dishes and a pot of wine for me. I want to drink a few drinks." Zheng Yi was even more puzzled, "Didn't the eldest master say that Be careful on the road and don’t drink? Why did you make an exception?”

Jiaren glared at him and turned back to the house.

Who can understand his feelings? The precious girl he has held in his hands since childhood is about to be snatched away by a "wolf"...

 The small town of Luoan has always been full of vitality because of the existence of the academy.

Especially in this season, when the weather is nice and the grass is growing and warblers are flying, students are willing to go out of the academy and walk around whenever they have free time, with smiles on their faces.

But there is also a corner of the academy that seems to be shrouded in dark clouds. The bookboys who serve him are so anxious that they dare not breathe for fear of offending the master's family.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the courtyard door. The book boy was so frightened that he ran over like a rabbit. When he opened the door, he made a silencing gesture with his fingers.

 He was afraid that someone coming would make a noise, annoy the master's family, and cause them to be scolded.

Unexpectedly, the visitor was Dean Zhou, so the book boy quickly stepped aside in embarrassment.

 Dean Zhou frowned and asked, "Is Mr. Tang here, but he is unwell? Are you neglecting him?"

 The book boy's contract of sale is with the college. In the final analysis, the dean is their biggest master.

The bookboy was frightened and quickly knelt down to report, "Dean, I don't dare. The gentleman received a letter yesterday and was very angry. We arranged the food, but he refused to eat it. Originally, the villain wanted to ask for an audience. , please come and advise me, but Mr. Tang is not allowed..."

 Dean Zhou immediately caught the key word, "How come you are the one who regulates the food, and the canteen doesn't provide three meals a day?"

The book boy hung his head, not daring to say anything and not knowing how to say it.

 In the past, not to mention my husband’s three meals a day, even their meals were delivered from the canteen.

 Not only vegetables and meat are available, but fruits are also common.

The other companions in the gentleman's yard, every time they hear him mention it, their eyes turn red with envy.

 But for some unknown reason, the cafeteria stopped delivering meals from the night before yesterday. They went to get them and had to pay meal tickets like the other students.

 When I came back and talked to my husband, he not only refused to make decisions for them, but also got very angry.

They are caught in the middle, not to mention how sad it is.

When Dean Zhou couldn't find anything, he walked in and said loudly, "Mr. Tang, I'm here to play chess with you!"

Mr. Tang was lying on the bed humming with a piece of white cotton cloth on his head. When he heard the sound, he sat up and called Dean Zhou from the window.

Dean Zhou was startled and hurried into the room and asked, "Sir, what's wrong? You didn't say anything when you fell ill. Can you ask the doctor to take a look?"

Mr. Tang’s hair is a little messy and his lips are dry and flaky, completely different from his usual neat appearance.

He waved his hands and responded in a hoarse voice, "No need to see a doctor, I have a heart problem!"

"Heartache?" Dean Zhou became even more confused. He poured tea for him with his own hands and asked, "The birthday party the day before yesterday was very lively, and you recognized your surviving grandnephew. Everything is a good thing, so why did you add heartache? "

Mr. Tang drank the tea in one gulp. He wanted to explain everything clearly, but he had some scruples and said, "My great-nephew just wants to be a slave in the Li family and doesn't want to come back to me!"

 (End of this chapter)

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