Chapter 982 Parting is imminent

  When all his parents and tribesmen were killed, he could grit his teeth, pretend to be crazy, and cooperate with the Northern Expedition to massacre three thousand barbarians to take revenge.

Now, how could he give up the girl he loved because of such a little bumpy situation!

 All this time, he has no family, no dreams, and no destination, wandering around the world like a wandering ghost.

She is the ray of light that he finally caught, and no one can let him sink into the boundless darkness again!

Li Lao Er, Li Lao San, Mr. Wen, Brother Li, Brother Mao, and Jia Huan who came in an emergency, all followed Jia Ren into the carriage.

Jiayin stood at the door with her sister-in-law, watching the motorcade drive away. She couldn't help but glance at the figure on the shaft of the car, but she saw that he never looked back.

 She couldn't tell what she felt in her heart, grievance, regret, anxiety?

 Actually, she didn’t have a deep relationship with him, they were just used to it.

  She is used to having him behind her at all times, protecting her and supporting her in everything she does.

Like a friend, you don’t have to worry about the differences between men and women, and you don’t have to consider any secular rules.

 It can be said that she is very comfortable in front of him!

She has even considered that it would be a good thing to be like him.

 However, suddenly a night of frost came, and the seedling of their relationship died prematurely.

  She does not blame her family, because they love her unconditionally and are afraid that she will be hurt.

  She didn’t blame him, because Mr. Tang was his only living relative, so it was understandable that he would compromise. After all, there was no sworn agreement between them...

But no one is to blame. Now, should she be blamed?

"Sister-in-law, I'm going to go to the shop for a walk, and then I'll go back to Suijintan to stay for two days. If you have anything to do, ask someone to call me." Jiayin hugged her sister-in-law's arm and said, "The snacks in the shop have just come out of the oven. I'll ask someone to deliver them to me." Two boxes back."

Wan'er was fully focused on her departed husband and asked casually, "Why do you think of going back to Suijintan? My family is not there..."

Jiayin responded softly, "I miss grandma."

Wan'er was stunned for a moment, and finally realized that something was wrong with her sister-in-law.

 Could it be that who made my sister-in-law feel wronged? How could she suddenly mention her grandmother who loves her the most?

But after thinking about it carefully, she had no idea, so she could only respond carefully, "Okay, you go walk around the street for a few times, and come back when you are tired. I can go back with you tomorrow after my sister-in-law has settled down at home."

"Okay." Jiayin nodded, finally hailed a carriage, took Shuiling and Shuiyun and left.

 Wan'er was left standing at the door, her heart like the dead leaves hanging on the branches in autumn, and she suddenly felt a little bleak.

 No wonder the old man said that people live well, and only when there are many people do they prosper.

 When Brother Li goes to take up his post, the house may become even more deserted...

Jiaren and his party had just left the city gate when they saw Lao Hei and others at a fork in the road.

 Lao Hei and others are accustomed to traveling long distances. In recent years, some people have gotten married and had children and stayed in the second village, but most of them still prefer to wander outside and feel extremely comfortable.

 So, the number of people in their team has increased or decreased, but it has still remained at the original size.

It’s just that, after going through various hardships and dangers in the past two years, everyone is experienced and strong.

At this moment, each of them had a horse and eight carriages. They were neatly and cleanly organized. Li Laoer and others saw that they were much less worried.

With such a team following us, we won’t be afraid of blind people blocking our way west. Li Laoer and others jumped out of the car, and Lao Hei stepped forward to salute.

Li Lao'er helped him up and said with a smile, "Brother Lao Hei, I'll leave it to you and your brothers this whole journey. Jiaren doesn't go out often, and he's not as experienced as you when things happen, so I don't want you to worry too much."

"The second master has defeated us, and this is what we should do." Lao Hei was very humble and sincere, "Our brothers are all useless people, except for the ability to kill barbarians with one hand.

“Thanks to the fact that my family and the princess didn’t mind, they gave our brothers this way of life. Now that the master’s family can use us, we are really happy than anyone else.

"Master Second, you can rest assured that you encounter any danger on the road. Whenever our brother still has a panting, it will not let the young master and young hair shit!" "Okay, old black brother, I believe you. But be careful about everything. , you must come back safe and sound." Li Laoer cupped his hands and said with a smile, "If nothing else, the princess cannot do without your help. If anything happens to you, I, the second uncle, will not be able to help you. Easy to explain.”

 When mentioning the princess, Lao Hei and others all laughed.

 Lao Hei responded, "Don't worry, second master, we will definitely bring more good things to the princess when we come back."

After chatting for a while, Jiaren also stepped forward to talk to Lao Hei and others, "Thank you for your hard work on the road. Safety comes first in everything. If it is urgent and you don't have time to discuss it with me, then safety will prevail, and your luggage and money will be taken care of." All can be discarded.”

 Lao Hei quickly agreed and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

 They are indeed brothers and sisters!

Every time they go out, the princess gives the same order.

 This is also the reason why they are willing to lay down their lives for the main family. This feeling of being valued and cared for is so good.

 Lao Hei quickly retreated, rechecked each vehicle, and allocated manpower.

Li Laoer, Li Laosan, Mr. Wen and others surrounded Jiaren again and gave them instructions again and again.

"Jiaren, don't worry and go to your post. I will take care of the affairs at home. I will write to you as soon as possible, so you don't have to worry about it." Li Laoer patted his son on the shoulder with great reluctance.

If it weren’t for the worry that it would be difficult for his son to be a good person in the middle, his son would at least be able to stay at home for a day or two longer.

Mr. Wen only found out about Mr. Tang this morning, and now he advised him, "Jiaren, just go and take up your post with peace of mind. I will help your father."

Jia Huan, Brother Li and Brother Mao also nodded. Jia Huan said, "Brother, we will also protect our sister and we will not let her be wronged."

Just as Jiaren was about to speak, two more fast horses ran out of the city gate, almost overturning the burdens of the people entering the city.

Just when the people were about to curse a few words, the entourage following the fast horse threw over a dime of silver...

“Brother Li, why did you suddenly set off without telling us?” Lu Zongdang jumped down first and shouted loudly.

Jia Xu was having trouble riding the horse. He tripped over a stirrup and almost fell headfirst to the ground. Fortunately, Jia Ren stepped forward in time to help him.

 Even if there was some estrangement before, we have been friends for many years after all. Now that the separation is coming, there is nothing to worry about.

Jiaren hugged the two of them respectively and said with a smile, "My family has found a caravan that can accompany me all the way to the southwest. They are waiting for me to join them and start our journey, so we went one day in advance.

“I didn’t have time to say hello to you, and I didn’t want you to bother with me. I didn’t expect you to come anyway.”

Lu Zong punched Jiaren on the shoulder and responded, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

Jia Xu also said, "Yeah, let's go and say goodbye. It will be at least three years before we see you again. How could we not come to see you off!"

Jiaren smiled and said, "If you have some free time, come find me and let's have a drink and talk."

Jia Xu immediately responded, "Okay, let's drink for three days and three nights."

Lu Zong smiled bitterly. After he married the third princess, he was afraid that he would have to give birth to a child and leave the child in Xindu before he could have a chance to return to the southwest...

 Two updates will be sent today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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