Chapter 978 Common Problems Among Men

"If you interfere, interfere. Our Li family's baby is still worried about finding a good husband! Without Mu Jue, there are still Zhang Jue and Li Jue! Without him, there are no good men in the world!" Brother Li His tone was also bad. As long as he thought that his sister would be disliked and looked down upon, he wanted to kill someone.

Jiaren waved his hand and persuaded, "In the end, even the elders in our family don't know about this matter. The three years agreed between the Marquis and Mu Jue is for my sister to test whether he is worth entrusting him with his life, and it is also for our family to see Mu Jue. How you behave as a person. Now that three years have not come, nothing matters.

“To say the least, it’s just a marriage agreement. Mr. Tang is just an uncle, so he may not interfere with Mu Jue’s marriage. He might raise his hands in approval.”

This makes sense, Brother Li and Brother Cat didn't say any more.

 After all, things haven’t happened yet, so you have to think about the good things.

 As a result, before they left the study, Mu Jue knocked on the door.

"Well..." Mu Jue, who usually looked cynical, now had a rare look of embarrassment on his face. He whispered, "Young Master, someone from the academy asked me to come over. I Third uncle... he is not in good health and wants to see me..."

 Brother Li and Brother Mao stood up at that time, but were pulled back to sit down by Jiaren.

Jiaren responded calmly, "Go, it's getting late. If you can't make it back in time, it doesn't matter if you just stay one night."

"Thank you, young master," Mu Jue saluted while holding his injured arm, and finally said, "Don't worry, young master, I will make it clear to my third uncle. I am the only one who has the final say on how I want to live my life, and no one else can." put one's oar in."

Jiaren nodded and his face softened a little, "Everything happens as it happens. Our Li family never forces anyone to do anything. Naturally, you don't need to make it difficult."

“Young Master is joking, if you don’t embarrass me, I definitely won’t embarrass you!”

Mu Jue laughed dryly, and then quickly retreated.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and felt more and more that this matter should be dealt with as soon as possible.

Jiayin was originally the treasure of the Li family. He racked his brains but couldn't think of a good way to make his uncles happy and leave his sister to him.

The only thing we can do is to work hard, treat the good news sincerely, and hope that they will see it.

 Unexpectedly, such an incident happened suddenly and all the efforts were in vain...

Jiaren stopped the news, and the good news was in the backyard. He had no idea that Mu Jue had been called away by Mr. Tang.

 Shui Ling and Shui Yun cannot be said.

So Jiayin ate bird's nest porridge, became impatient and locked himself in the room, and then entered the space.

 The family has been living better these past few years, and we no longer rely on eating rabbits for food.

In addition, those rabbits who have made great contributions are also getting old. Therefore, last year, Good News had set them free and sent them to the mountains and forests to go to the wider world.

Even the little goat was sent to the village's flock. Now he has found a partner, given birth to a child, and is happy.

The only ones left in the small space courtyard are a few geese, a dozen chickens, and seven or eight pigs, just in case of emergencies.

Seeing the good news coming in, the chickens, geese, and pigs all started to scream, and they were all aggrieved.

Jiayin quickly went to the back garden to pull out some cabbage, chopped it casually, mixed it with cornmeal and poured it into the trough.

 The chickens, geese, and pigs were gagged and immediately fell silent.

 The little green snake banged against the cage desperately in order to attract the owner's attention.

  On weekdays, the little fox often whips the cage like a spinning top, and the rope hanging the cage has long been worn out.

At this moment, Xu couldn't bear the impact and actually fell to the ground with a thud.

Jiayin thought for a while, then stepped forward to pick up the cage. Seeing the little green snake rolling its eyes and smashing it to pieces, Jiayin couldn't help but laugh.

When this guy was first caught, he was always thinking about avenging his partner, baring his teeth, how arrogant he was.

 Now that he has been imprisoned for ten years, the good snake and poison king has been kneaded into noodles and is as soft as noodles.

It can be seen that time is a terrible thing.    No, it should be said that the little fox is more terrifying!

  Sanjo was dancing and eating grapes under the vine, but when he heard his master coming in, he didn’t even care.

  Now that it had eaten and drank enough, it ran over and circled around its master's legs. It even didn't forget to kick the cage.

 The little green snake just recovered a little and made a rolling gourd again.

Jiayin was so sympathetic that he picked up the little fox and said, "Santiao, I'm going to let Little Green out. You can watch it and don't bite chickens, geese, and pigs. Do you understand?"

The little fox was a little reluctant, but the little green snake was jumping around in the cage like crazy.

Jiayin was amused and then opened the cage door.

 Freedom is right in front of you, but the little green snake can't believe it.

It tentatively stretched out the tip of its tail and swept it on the ground, then bolted out like lightning and quickly disappeared into the vegetable field.

The little fox chirped twice and quickly chased after him.

Jiayin ignored the two naughty boys and went to pick grapes with a basket. Then he squeezed the grape juice for himself and added ice cubes.

The sweet and cool grape juice is swallowed, and all the irritability in my heart is extinguished.

 You are in your prime years, you are young, it is too late to enjoy the sunshine and delicious food, so why should you get caught up in some messy love affairs?

Jiayin knocked himself hard twice, regained his sobriety, and ran to the front yard to empty his small treasury.

This time the fourth brother and the fifth brother came back, but they brought her a lot of good things, which filled her warehouse.

I have been accompanying my brother and sister-in-law, so I have no time to tidy up, so I will tidy it up today.

Having been busy like this for more than an hour, Jiayin finally smiled when he saw the gold and silver treasures piled high, and then went out carrying two baskets of grapes.

Wan'er was coming over to talk to her sister-in-law when she was suddenly stuffed with a basket of grapes. She couldn't help but smile in surprise, "Oh, these grapes grow so well, each one looks like a purple gem!"

"Not only does it look good, but it tastes sweeter and more enjoyable!" Jiayin smiled and called Shui Ling and Shui Yun to prepare clothes, and then said to her sister-in-law, "Sister-in-law, I will stay in the palace for one night, give grapes to the third princess, and take a look. Find out the news and ask my adoptive father and my father how they are doing in the north."

Wan'er naturally wouldn't stop her, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for her sister-in-law.

No girl is as sensible as my sister-in-law. There is nothing at home or outside that she doesn’t bother with.

"Go and come back early tomorrow. Your eldest brother and sixth brother are about to leave, so stay with them."

“I know, sister-in-law.” Jiayin changed into a new dress and entered the palace dressed beautifully.

The third princess was bored when she suddenly saw the good news of carrying grapes and jumped three feet high with joy.

“Woo, good news, you finally remembered me! I’m so bored, I can’t wait to count the stars to kill my free time!”

Jiayin stuffed her with a big grape and said with a smile, "It seems that you haven't gone to Uncle Huang's private treasury to hunt for treasure these days, otherwise you wouldn't be so boring."

The third princess spat out the grape seeds and complained in a low voice, "It's not that you don't know that my father is a kind-faced person. This time when the envoys from the Eight Kingdoms left Beijing, he gave back a lot of good things, and the warehouse was quite empty. Now , He feels so distressed that he can’t even eat anymore, but I won’t let him get into trouble!”

  Can't help but laugh along with the good news.

It is a common problem for men to make a swollen face and pretend to be fat, even emperors are no exception.

The two little sisters finally got together, chatting and talking to each other while eating grapes, but it was much more lively.

 But in the academy outside the city, the atmosphere in Mr. Tang’s study room dropped below freezing.

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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