Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 977: Meeting an old friend unexpectedly

Chapter 977 An unexpected encounter with an old friend

Brother Cat winked at his brothers, and then quickly chased after them.

 After leaving Mr. Tang’s yard, Jiayin went straight to the canteen.

 After several years of renovation, the canteen is now much more spacious than before.

The shed that originally sold milk tea has been renovated into three quiet rooms, one for operating and storing ingredients, and two with tables and chairs for students to chat while drinking.

There is a flower garden outside the window, and the windows inside the house are bright and clean. The decoration is simple and elegant, which is very popular among students.

 Xiaoyue did not follow her master to Quanzhou, but stayed behind to take care of the business of the milk tea shop and take care of the small courtyard.

Seeing the good news coming, she was so happy that she picked him up from afar and invited good news to the house to drink juice.

 Brother Mao Lilie also ordered a drink, but Mu Jue licked her dry lips and did not dare to speak.

 The good news is also treated as if it has not been seen.

 She knew it wasn't Mu Jue's fault just now, but she couldn't help but express her anger.

 Originally, her adoptive father arranged for Mu Jue to be by her side because he planned to be her husband.

  She was also very close to Mu Jue during this period. She liked that he was unconventional and carefree.

 As a result, some kind of third uncle suddenly appeared, and it was obvious that he was still the annoying type who took care of everything.

Needless to say, all the love buds that seemed beautiful and seemed to be developing smoothly will have to be reconsidered because of this change.

Jiayin’s current thoughts are all on the Northern Expedition. After all, this war involves the lives of too many relatives and acquaintances, and it also has a great impact on his family.

 At this time, she hates all changes, everything that is not within the scope of her expectations.

Like a well-used tea bowl, she would try to repair it if it had some cracks, but now she just wanted to smash it, out of sight, out of mind!

Xiaoyue has been running business in the past few years and has learned to watch people's emotions. When she sees something is wrong with her masters, she thinks about how to soften it.

 Fortunately, Li Laosan heard the news and walked in.

 Everyone sat together and chatted about the daily trivial matters in the canteen.

Li Laosan was very happy and kept his niece and nephew for dinner, and asked about Mr. Tang’s birthday party.

The good news is that I’m not happy about the crowd, so I’ll feel free to come and have dinner with my third uncle.

Li Laosan is no longer the honest and dull farmer he used to be. He guessed that something was wrong, but he didn't ask any more questions.

After everyone had eaten, Jiayin said hello to the villagers working in the cafeteria, and then left the college.

Brother Cat made his sister happy and ran to the end of the street to buy sticky cakes.

Mu Jue got the opportunity and hurriedly stepped forward to talk to Jiayin, "Princess, what happened today was an accident..."

Jiayin waved his hand and said, not wanting to say more, "I know it is a happy event for you to be reunited with your clan. Congratulations. As for the rest, we will wait until my adoptive father comes back."

Mu Jue has been in the Li family for so long, and what he knows best is Jiayin’s temper.

 At the age of ten, if placed in other people's homes, she would still be a little girl who only looks at her clothes and jewelry every day.

 But good news is the same in the Li family. It can be said about Jintan and Earl's Mansion. As long as she wants to make the decision, no one in the Li family will stop her.

 This is because she has intelligence and courage that exceeds that of ordinary girls. Similarly, this also makes her more conceited in many cases, unable to rely on anyone, and unwilling to listen to any explanations or advice.

 She was unhappy with the attitude that her third uncle had inadvertently revealed just now, and she decisively withdrew some of her thoughts...

Mu Jue couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart. Getting a girl's love was as difficult as filling the sea with a pebble, but getting a girl to accept her heart was as easy as a landslide...

This made him regret very much. If he had known this, he should not have come here today anyway!

 What about Third Uncle Grandpa? He doesn’t care about it at all!

Not to mention a selfish ghost who has been away from home for many years and has done nothing to help the family or himself. Even if his own grandfather comes back from the dead, he cannot interfere in his life or dictate to him!

Brother Cat came back with sticky cakes, and Jiayin ate four or five pieces in one go, and then returned to the small courtyard.

Zhao Yuru went to Quanzhou, and Wenjuan and her children were not there either. Li Laosan lived in the cafeteria most of the time. Even if Xiaoyue often came back to clean, the small courtyard still showed a hint of decay and desolation. Recalling the lively time they spent here when they were children, Jiayin and Cat Brother rolled up their sleeves and fetched water themselves to wipe everything clean.

 So much so that when Jiaren and Brother Li came to find them, they praised their younger brothers and sisters.

When he was about to go out and get on the carriage, the door to the yard next door suddenly opened, and a girl about the same age as Jiayin came out, followed by a smart little girl.

Perhaps she didn't expect that there was someone outside, so the girl was startled. When she was about to avoid it, she stopped again and asked proactively, "But... Princess Kangle?"

Jiayin looked over and looked at it carefully.

The girl is not tall, slightly fat, and not very beautiful, but she is also Xiaojiabiyu, and her skin is very white, which makes her a little more cute.

A hint of familiarity between her eyebrows made her search for a name in her memory.


Nannan smiled, saluted again, and said, "Thank you, Princess, for remembering my name."

Jiayin nodded and wanted to say something. After all, she had met Nannan when she first came to this world, and the two families were somewhat destined.

It’s a pity that a wet nurse ruined this fate completely.

Now that we meet, I feel a little embarrassed and don’t know what to say.

Nannan obviously knew this, so she spoke again, "Thank you so much for the money you gave me back then to support me when I grew up. Nannan is grateful in my heart.

“In addition, the wet nurse died of illness three years ago in Zhuangzi. I also got engaged last month and will get married next year.”

 A few sentences, but a lot of information.

Jiayin thought about it for a while and then said, "I hope you are happy and have a beautiful family."

"Thank you, Princess." Nannan bowed her head and saluted, then slowly retreated to the courtyard and closed the door.

Jiayin also got on the carriage, and Mu Jue was about to jump on the shaft, but Jiaren called him to join the carriage.

Zheng Yi gave him a wishful look, and then took the riding whip.

 The two carriages rushed all the way to Xindu and returned directly to the Earl's Mansion.

When getting out of the car, Jiayin glanced at Mu Jue and saw that he was a little haggard, so he went back to the backyard without saying anything.

When Wan'er took it out, she thought her sister-in-law was tired, so she asked her to have a good rest. She also asked Zao Jian to send a piece of bird's nest porridge to her sister-in-law.

Jiaren said a few words to Wan'er, then called his two younger brothers into the study.

Almost as soon as he entered the door, Cat Brother shouted, "Master Hou is too much, why did he just agree to let my sister go out so casually!"

Brother Li also frowned and responded, "My sister hasn't even had hair extensions yet, so it's really too early to start thinking about marriage."

Jiaren served tea to his brothers and said something fair, "I guess the Marquis is afraid that the appointment will be late and someone will use my sister's marriage to plot against our family.

“Our sister, we know best. Fu Niuer seems to be well-behaved and sensible, but in fact, she has different thoughts in her heart from all girls.

“If we really find her a husband like a son of a noble family, those rules alone will bore her to the extreme.

“Mu Jue is an orphan, has no family ties, has a free and unruly temperament, and has martial arts to defend himself. If he truly loves his sister and loves her, he will be a good match for her.

“It’s just that no one expected that Mr. Tang is actually an elder of the Mu family!”

 Brother Li and Brother Cat sighed after being persuaded.

Brother Cat irritably drank the tea and asked, "What should we do now? Mr. Tang doesn't want to interfere with Mu Jue and his sister, right?"

Today’s update is here~

 (End of this chapter)

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