Chapter 962 Gifts and Salvation

Wan'er felt relieved as her sister-in-law coaxed the third princess to peace with just a few words.

 Because the three of them spoke too fast, Abe could only understand half of what they were saying, but she was still smart enough to realize how powerful her sister-in-law was.

No wonder everyone in this family likes my sister-in-law. Who wouldn’t like a girl with a delicate heart?

 After chatting a few words, the room became more lively.

Baozhu pulled Jiayin’s sleeve and glanced at Abe with a smile.

He understood the news and smiled and said, "Why did you come to see me so early in the morning? It turns out you are thinking about my fourth sister-in-law!"

“Don’t worry, my sister-in-law is your sister-in-law, there is nothing to be cautious about! My sister-in-law brought a lot of interesting things from the Kingdom of the Golden Buddha, as well as their traditional clothes and jewelry. I will take you to open your eyes?”

 “Okay, okay!” The third princess and Baozhu immediately clapped their hands.

How can little girls not love beauty and novelty? This is what they come here for!

Jiayin walked up to Abe and slowly explained to her clearly.

Abe understood and agreed readily, and warmly invited them to go to her yard together.

Wan'er had to deal with household matters and couldn't join in the fun, so she sent them to the door.

 Seeing Abe take the three little girls and disappear without a trace, she couldn't help but smile.

 She is really much more relaxed now that her sister is at home...

 Golden Buddha Kingdom can allow women to become kings, which shows that women’s status is higher than that of Tianwu.

 At least the differences between men and women are not so strict, and women’s temperaments are more enthusiastic and lively.

When she arrived in her yard, Abe called the maid to take out her clothes, jewelry, and some small items she had brought.

 The rich exotic flavor instantly attracted the full attention of the three princesses and Bao Zhu.

The two chattered and asked questions non-stop. With Aibei's enthusiastic encouragement, they even tried on a tube skirt and dressed up like a woman from the Golden Buddha Kingdom.

 For a time, the room was full of laughter and laughter, causing the little maids in the yard to look around with great curiosity.

This is not outside. Aibei doesn't have the pretense of being a queen. Like a big sister, she takes the three princesses to play with Baozhu and Jiayin.

  Occasionally, if you don’t understand the language, it will be more lively than just using your hands and feet.

Until noon, Wan'er came over with a smile and asked them what they wanted to eat.

 The third princess and Baozhu both clamored for hot pot. Abe remembered that her husband had mentioned it and kept nodding.

 It just so happened that the wind was nice and sunny today, so Wan'er set the dining table in the pavilion in the small garden.

Ai Bei cooked vegetables, shrimp paste, and fish **** in a light mushroom soup pot, while Bao Zhu and the Third Princess ate the beef and mutton while inhaling and screaming for spicy food!

By the time Baozhu and the three princesses reluctantly left, the sun was already setting in the west.

Abe prepared two boxes, filled with small ivory carvings, and presented them to the three princesses and orbs respectively. The two little girls were so happy that they wanted to get together more in the future.

 At dinner time, the elders in the family came back.

Everyone also knew the news that the Northern Expedition Army was going to set off early.

Li Laoer rarely returned to the Ministry of Finance, just to keep an eye on the money and food, and to guard against someone deliberately delaying.

Li Laosi sat directly in the Ministry of War and urged armors and weapons.

As for Li Yong, he has already returned to the dock barracks and helped Jiang Cheng organize his troops.

I have to say that it was a rare wise move to let the children of aristocratic families enlist in the army.

Each family has children who are marching in the north, and this time many of them want to go with the army.

No matter how many calculations each family makes, they still have to worry about their children.

 At least on this day, the Northern Expeditionary Army did not encounter any major problems.

Everyone gathered together, ate dinner, summarized everything, and dispersed to have a rest when they knew what was going on.      Good news has come into the space again and the space is so busy!

There was no words all night. When he got up early, Ai Bei left Wen Wen behind. Following the family celebration, he dressed up and went out to prepare for the audience.

 In the past few days, envoys from various countries have been staying in the posthouse and wandering around the new capital. They are also surprised by the prosperity of Tianwu.

They all know that Tianwu almost destroyed the country, was driven to the south of the Yangtze River by the barbarians, and was barely surviving.

At first I thought that even if Tianwu was not starving to death, the people would still be in poverty.

But unexpectedly, the people were able to have enough food and clothing, and there were not even a few beggars on the street.

Some people did not believe in evil and went out of the city to look around. The result was that in the villages, the faces of the people were good and there was no trace of embarrassment.

Spring planting is busy everywhere, plowing cattle are everywhere, farmers are so busy that they have sweat on their brows, but they all have smiles on their faces.

The envoy from Yingji Country was more thoughtful and used some means to find out the whole story.

 After hearing this, he almost cursed.

It turned out to be a missionary from France next door to them, who got seeds of high-yielding grain somewhere.

Even if it was not sent to your own country, it was actually given to the Tianwu people!

So that Tianwu retreated to the south of the Yangtze River, leaving only half of the country with such national strength.

 Otherwise, if Yingji could capture such a good continent...

I have to say that this envoy from Yingji Country also has bad intentions.

 It's a pity that he didn't know that the missionary from France was just a cover.

 The seeds of high-yielding grain are a gift and salvation given to this world by a little girl from a distant time and space...

 This day is the meeting of the imperial court.

 After the emperor went to court and all the civil and military officials paid their respects, the minister of Honglu Temple personally led the envoys from the eight countries to visit him one after another.

Perhaps because the Kingdom of Golden Buddha is the closest and Queen Abe is half a member of the family, she was ranked last.

 The envoys in front presented special products from their own countries and expressed their friendly intentions.

 When it was Queen Abe's turn, everyone's curiosity was at its highest.

Aibei was dressed in a traditional golden dress and a golden gemstone crown, and walked into the hall side by side with Jiaxi.

She was born with a high nose, deep eyes, wheat-colored skin, and a tall figure, which can be said to be extremely beautiful.

However, the nobility all over his body made everyone subconsciously lower their gazes, without any intention of being presumptuous.

 Queen Abe greeted the emperor with the gift of a golden Buddha, then presented a gift list, and finally presented the gift as a junior of Tianwu.

The emperor originally had some grudges in his heart, but when he saw that Ai Bei was willing to let Jia Xi walk beside her, going in and out together, he did not hesitate at all.

She was even willing to pay him the junior courtesy because she married Jiaxi and became the grandson-in-law of the Li family, which made her even more satisfied.

After half an hour of polite greetings, the envoys from various countries were entertained to enjoy flowers in the imperial garden, and then a state banquet was held at noon.

 Singing, singing and dancing, changing cups and cups, of course there is some mutual testing behind them.

Tianwu's officials, when they started to kill the enemy, many of them were timid, but when they were intriguing, it was the originator.

 The wine glasses were picked up frequently by them, and they were so praised that they made the envoys dizzy.

 Finally, maybe the envoys kept the color of their underwear, but unknowingly shared a lot of details about their country.

 For example, how big is the land, how much is the population, how many soldiers are there, and how strong the force is.

After the envoys finally returned to the posthouse to sober up, these details were compiled together, and then combined with what Jia Xi, Jia An and others saw with their own eyes, they were all sent to the emperor's desk.

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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