Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 961: There are policies and measures to counter!

Chapter 961 There are policies from above and countermeasures from below!

Mu Jue was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said seriously, "Okay, when you come back victorious, I will definitely give you the answer."

 After saying that, he left the study.

In the courtyard of the Earl's Mansion, Jiayin was lying at the window, holding his face with his white hands, looking up.

But she was a little annoyed when she couldn't wait for Mu Jue. She turned around and called Shuiling and said, "I'll write a letter. You go find Zheng Yi and ask him to send it to the Marquis Mansion and come back with a reply."

Just as Shuiling was about to respond, she heard Mu Jue respond outside the window, "No need, I'm back."

 After saying that, he appeared at the window, and just as he was about to jump in, he retracted his arm when he thought he was at home.

"Brother Mu, where did you go? I'm anxious for you to help me ask..." Jiayin turned her head hurriedly and almost hit the window frame, but luckily Mu Jue raised her hand to block it.

Jiayin’s forehead rubbed against the back of his hand, and the instant warmth made her feel a little embarrassed.

Mu Jue took back his hand and said with a smile, "I just came back from the Marquis's Mansion. The Marquis came to the palace because the Emperor is going to go on an expedition in advance, and the date of the expedition is set for six days."

Jiayin stared at that moment and said, "How can this be done! Those people in the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs are all useless people. They are always procrastinating on setting a date and cannot deliver supplies on time.

“Now that they suddenly set off for the expedition in advance, wouldn’t they have more excuses! By then, the army will be out and the food and grass cannot keep up, wouldn’t they be passive!”

Mu Jue thought so too, but he couldn't say that, otherwise Jiayin would be even more anxious.

He advised, "The Marquis said that the army will bring more dry food. When they reach the north of the Yangtze River, they will also fight to support the war. The barbarians have food, but they will not be hungry."

Jiayin still looks bad, but the general trend is that once the emperor has made up his mind, he cannot change it.

She quickly said, "Brother Mu, go and have a rest. The kitchen has left a midnight snack for you. Eat before going to bed."

 After saying that, she closed the window, turned around and gave Shuiling a few words, then turned off the lights and entered the space.

 In the past few years, she has been moving around like a mouse, saving a lot of things here and there.

Although we cannot bring them all to the Northern Expeditionary Army, we can at least help with five or six days of rations and give the Northern Expeditionary Army more room for relaxation.

For example, handmade noodles are calculated as two kilograms per day for a soldier, and ten kilograms per person is enough.

 Ten pounds of noodles can be easily carried by soldiers or horses.

As long as you are in a hurry, you can simply set up an earthen stove, boil water in a large pot, and cook it, and you can eat it hot.

Of course, it was really inconvenient. She also saved a lot of sesame seeds. They were baked relatively dry and not easy to spoil. They were also packed with vegetables and meat. Even if they were riding on horseback, they could take a few bites and drink some water to last half a day. …

 In addition to these, there are also large quantities of wound medicine.

Especially after Dr. Zhang came up with a new drug, her pharmaceutical workshop never stopped.

Coupled with the upgraded version of the magical medicine she brewed using space medicinal materials, she can always ensure that the army reduces a lot of unnecessary battle losses.

  There is no need to worry about the rest of the supplies, they can be sent along with the grain and grass later...

Jiayin spent this night busy in the space, holding a small notebook and making various calculations.

I suddenly remembered that I was still short of antidote pills and anti-mosquito medicine bags, so I hurriedly took a look.

 As a result, I forgot the time in this busy work.

 Getting up early, the family had dinner, but when the good news didn't show up, they thought she was too lazy to get in bed, so she didn't pay attention.

 As a result, they ran errands when they needed to and went out when they needed to. In the end, only Wan'er and Princess Abe were left at home with a few children.

Wan'er looked at the three poles in the sun and felt a little worried.

 When she was going to visit her sister-in-law, Baozhu and the third princess came to visit together.

Now, I have to ask Jiayin to come out to entertain the guests. Shui Ling and Shui Yun were already wandering around the living room anxiously, but they didn't dare to knock on the door of the inner room.

 After all, the master has already given instructions. No one can disturb her until she comes out.

 Fortunately, the good news came out with a yawn after a while.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun breathed a long sigh of relief and quickly stepped forward to serve them.

“Princess, have you not slept well? The dark circles under your eyes are so big. Do you want to make a bowl of soothing soup tonight?”

Shuiyun is careful and has already planned to replenish his master's health.

 The family has been a little busy recently. The master has been working hard and cooking a lot. Maybe he is tired.

Jiayin waved his hands and asked, "Is there something going on at home? Why do you look so anxious?"

Shui Ling spoke quickly and immediately responded, "The third princess and Miss Baozhu are here, and you haven't come out, so we are all worried."

"Baozhu and the third princess are here?" Jiayin immediately guessed the thoughts of the two little sisters and couldn't help but laugh, "They are probably not looking at me, but they are curious about my fourth sister-in-law and come to see the novelty."

Having said that, she was not in a hurry and asked two people to find her a light and comfortable dress. She even had a bowl of seafood porridge before going to the front yard.

 In the flower hall of the main courtyard, Wan'er and Abe were chatting with the third princess and Baozhu.

Although the third princess and Baozhu often come in and out of the house, Wan'er is not a stranger to them, but the status of the third princess is too high, and Wan'er is a bit restrained.

She chatted with the two of them in common conversation, and said with a smile, "Did the princess and Miss Baozhu have an appointment? Why did they come here together?"

The third princess responded, "I was bored in the palace, and I didn't go back with good news, so I just went out for a walk. Unexpectedly, I met Baozhu at the corner of the street, so we came together."

Baozhu also nodded. On his chubby face, his big eyes couldn't help but look at Queen Abe, as if the word "curiosity" was clearly written on his forehead.

The third princess was being arrogant. Perhaps she felt that Baozhu was a little embarrassed, so she kicked her quietly.

Baozhu exclaimed and blushed a little when she saw everyone looking at her.

 Fortunately, at this time, good news came in.

 She changed into an aqua blue dress today, with large lilies embroidered with silver thread on the skirt. She had a lily hairpin in her hair, and with the smile between her eyebrows, her whole person was fresh, clean and smart.

 As soon as he entered the house, everyone's eyes lit up.

Like a ray of sea breeze, blowing away all the sultry heat.

Baozhu almost cheered and rushed over, hugged Jiayin's waist, and shouted, "Sister Jiayin, why did you come out! I miss you!"

Jiayin knocked on her and said angrily, "People who don't know, would think you haven't seen me in years! We even had snacks together a few days ago!"

“Oh, I want to be with you every day. One day without seeing you is like three autumns apart!”

It doesn’t matter how many orbs there are, the coquettish technique that I have practiced since I was a child is very easy to use.

The third princess also wanted good news. After living and eating together for so long, and suddenly separated, she felt that the Zhilan Palace was completely empty, and she didn't like it anywhere.

But at this moment, if she is asked to act coquettishly and cutely like Baozhu, she cannot do it.

So, she glanced at Baozhu sideways and said, "How appropriate to hug each other!"

Jiayin was very aware of her arrogant temper, so she took the orb and sat down, casually saying to the third princess, "You have been clamoring for jujube cake a long time ago. I had someone send you a plate yesterday, and you ate it." I didn’t bake much this time, so I can only share these with you. Let’s bake more when we get back to the palace. Remember, when you have free time, go to Uncle Huang’s small kitchen to grab some more candied dates.”

As expected, the third princess immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, I promise to bring back a basket full of loot. At worst, I can just share a plate with my father."

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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